26 September 2011  

Channeler:  Christine Meleriessee

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Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah
Vibratory Master of Ascension
Blog: http://meleriessee.wordpress.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/meleriessee/
New Earth Consciousness: http://newearthcircleoflight.com
Clarion Light Beings: http://clarionlightbeings911.com
Cosmic Oneness: http://cosmic22oness.com


Greetings! This is Lord Adama and I want to welcome to the City of Malton again. How does each of you feel after that amazing meditation that Christine has given us? I love it, I loved it the first time I saw it on the mountain and it really is a special way for each of you to help yourselves with the energies that are happening to you. I suggest you try to do this for yourself every couple of weeks, especially if you are feeling out of sorts to help clear yourself. Are their any specific chakras that seem to be out of whack than others? Use that Golden Machete in that chakra.

Tonight is amazing, it’s an amazing time, an expression of love and continuancy, it’s the essence that we are and the beauty that is coming forth. Within this beauty, there is an acceptance deeply that has occurred. Tonight is a special night. We have been growing since we started this circle in April. You have visited many cities, you have received different messages, each of you has grown in leaps and bounds, it’s beyond our comprehension how much the work is assisting you.

I really do wish that others would join in, but it is not the time for some to realize how much they need to be doing. So each of you are to be commended in each of these moments.

Tonight is a special night; it’s a special night because you are going to stand amongst the Ray Chohans and the Team of Light. You are going to actualize your own Golden Yellow Warrior of Light and also to look into any elements that may have been stopping you from your true potential. Please remember that each of these is a step in the journey, and within those steps in the journey there can be elements that do arise, because it is levels within levels.

As you know the initiation process is seven levels, seven sub-levels of challenges that can be occurring and you have to go through each of those seven sub-levels. You are increasing your initiation process by leaps and bounds, because of the work that you are doing and the energy that is coming onto the earth plane, and the connection that you have with each of us.

Our communications are getting closer, and closer, and closer and this is going to be true. There is also going to be ones that are channelling energies that are not quite ready to be channelling those energies, so you must discriminate, you must know in your Minds Eye, of what is in your Heart, of what’s out there; is imperative to have that process.

Remember you are the Leader.

Each of you have come farther than many in this process because of the work that you are doing here, and I commend you for that. Each of you that are coming to Telos, each of you working with the different energies, and the different light beings is an amazing feat, and sharing these energies with others, it really is helping in so many different ways.

So tonight is a night of Acceptance; tonight is a night for each of you to fully accept the Divinity that you are, and fully come into that process of the Acceptance; and to look at yourself in the stage that you are in and to see where we can help you, where we can assist you even further. The main part of this is to have the faith and trust that all is going to be taken care of; that is probably the hardest element that the earth energy- humans have to go through; is to bring in those essences that are not quite fully activated, and not getting into those mental thoughts, and that is a process that is a challenge.

It is a challenge in each moment, but believe me, you will see, that the more that you raise your vibration, those challenges will not be there, and this is the most wonderful aspect that is occurring presently; but if one decides to stay on that level and they do not choose to move into the phase that is a possibility for their pathway, that is a shame, because they are actually stopping themselves from having their full potential. That is an individuals choice, because what happens is those lower fear energies, as we know, get in the way and are very strong, but the light is stronger and this is what you must remember.

The Light Quotient that each of you are incorporating at these times is unbelievable, so in that light incoporation you are staring to feel the essences of your souls totality that you never have previously, and each of you are to be in gratitude, not gratitude that you are connecting with us, we are in that gratitude, but the gratitude that you are doing the work in a unified state and in an awake state. This is the beauty of everything that is occurring in these present times. So that is my speech for each of you.

I come to you as a colleague, as a friend, as one who walks with you and says to you, I understand where you have been. I understand that you have decided to come up onto Upper Earth from the Lemurian frequencies; I know you thought it was right, and those of us that stayed underneath know that was our pathway also. We also knew that in time we would come back together, in time we would share with each other the elements of beauty and love and compassion, and that time is coming closer and closer.

So we say to you, please keep continuing the work that you are, the light always gets brighter towards the end, even though it can feel as it can be dimmer. We know that this acceptability that is going on within you will only increase your adaptability to even more challenges and changes that are going to be occurring, because they are coming. Unfortunately, they are coming and they are in the frequency of so much, of not accepting in so many. So it’s imperative for you to be strong, it’s imperative for you to have the ability to fully express within you the acceptance that is necessary.

Within this Acceptance, you will see a strength within you that you did not know that you have. This is the beauty of what is occurring now, you cannot say it to another, because each person has to experience it on their own. So I say to you, in these moments, we walk with you. We, of the Inner Earth Beings, we of the Telosians, we are not any different from you, our challenges have been in quite a different way and now you are going to be experiencing what those challenges can be. As you continue accelerating in these phases, but continue doing work, because without the work, you cannot achieve the ultimate goal of the 5th
dimensional body. It is absolutely necessary to continue with that, so please know that you may find that you need to leave your area of location, because the frequency of light will not accept your frequency, and this is imperative.

I am sharing all of this now as a prerequisite; I want Christine to bring forth some information to share with others, because it is time. It is time now that others understand what exactly is happening, and I’m not talking about the Lightworkers that are trying their best to do this pathway. It’s the ones that are on the edge, the ones that are not quite sure what they are doing. It is now our time to show them, as you will be showing them that it is possible.

Did I say it was easy? No, I did not, and we know it is not easy. There are great challenges in each moment, but within this moment I bring to you the love and the acceptance and the joy that is within my heart and all of our hearts here in the Telosian community to each of you. I express this through Christine in these moments, through Meleriessee as I have asked her to join us here in Mount Shasta so that she could be a direct line for these frequencies and to come through more fully.

So I express to each of you, open up your Heart and feel this frequency deeply, as it comes deep from my Heart through her Heart to your Heart. So I share with you the unified chakras that I have as you all become one within each other and believe me we are more One than you could ever imagine. So thank you for coming to the City of Malton tonight. This is quite an experience that you will have. Allow it to be expressed within you deeply through your Soul’s Essence, do not let your mind try to tell you what is happening, because it is your Higher Mind and your Higher Heart, and this is why Christine has given the clearing mediation that she has.

In Love and blessings, I am now going to step aside and allow Master Kuthumi and the frequencies to bring forth the rest of this ceremony for you.

Namaste In All That We Are In Oneness, I AM Lord Adama

Greetings, Greetings, This is Master Kuthumi.

Let us now arise as we walk around the garden, as we feel the essence of what is here and feel elementals of anything that is you see in your grass. Allow yourself to be the child, all yourself to feel the frequency of this Love and Wisdom that is so much apart of this Golden Yellow Ray. We are so happy we have done this journey in this way. We know that it was quite a surprise to Meleriessee for us to do it this way, but it was in preparation for each of you.

We have been working with you for the last week if you haven’t noticed, but we truly have. So know that the experiences that you have had are only going to increase, and they’re only going to get better. If you are having challenges that are coming up to you, look at them and release them and allow yourself to go higher and higher, and this is why we are here this evening.

Follow me please, we are going to go through the forest area and through the woods into our altar area, and we see the waterfall behind us. We fully want you to feel the essence of the Golden Light energy, we feel that the increase of light that has happened to each of you that has happened this evening is truly going to assist you even more greatly than previously. So allow yourself to know that in these moments these frequencies of light are changing deeply in all different levels.

Let’s breathe deeply. Follow me, Follow me and you see a clearing and within the clearing the Golden Light is filtering through everyone and we see a beautiful altar. At this beautiful altar we see all the Ray Chohans and all the Team of Light standing here with us. There may be certain Masters that you are more aligned with than others, allow yourself to intertwine yourself with the Masters as they are coming to meet you, Lady Masters also, Goddesses, Elohim Masters, Archangels, feel the frequency of everyone coming together.

As we all stand around the beautiful altar in a circular fashion, let us all embrace what it is we are experiencing in the City ofMalton. We are initiating each of you into being a Warrior of Light of the Golden Yellow Ray. It does not mean you are going to be a focal person to speak about this ray, it means that you are being embodies with this more fully than you ever have before. So then it can focus on the energies of what needs to be done, whether for you personally, for any clients that you have, or persons that you would like to send the frequencies to, or the areas that need healing. We ask you in this moment to feel the essence of the altar, the essence of the altar is emanating in a misty like form of the Golden Yellow energy as it coming toward you. It is bringing forth the essence of the water frequency with the light frequency.

So let’s all get closer to the altar as we stand circle within circle as we get closer we feel the spraying of the light coming towards us. So I want each of us to now take a deep breath and feel that frequency coming within you. As you feel that frequency coming within you, allow it to expand, let it expand to the level of energy that you are feeling within you. As the frequencies of this ray come to each of you, feel the essence of Love, Compassion, and Unselfishness deeply within your entire being. Let it go to any areas that have not felt these aspects previously.

I, Master Kuthumi, call upon Djwhal Khul and Lord Buddha, along with the Office of the Christ. Lord Matreiya, to permeate this frequency through each of you. We also ask for the Elohim of Apollo and Lumina and the Archangels of Jophiel and Christine as each of us stands here intertwining our energies together we stand here as colleagues, we stand here as friends, and we stand here as confidants. Yes, we have been teachers, and we can continue to be teachers, but we want you to stand up in your own power in these moments.

What is it that you are inspired by? This is something that we want you to think about. As you feel that inspiration, allow it to expand within your being., and then with that you have insight, as we all are unified as brothers and sisters right now. I say to you right now, let’s say the words:

I AM that I AM that I AM

I AM a Golden Warrior of Light

I embody these frequencies of this ray to come to me in this moment

Now each of us, Masters, will stand back from the circle of each of you, as we do that I want each of you to turn to us. Now your back will be to the altar. Who is in front of you?

Is it myself, Master Kuthumi.

Is it Lord Buddha?

Is it Djwhal Khul?

Is it any of the other Masters?

El Morya, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Saint Germain, Master Hillarion, Lord Sananda.

Feel those elements.

Are any Lady Masters in front of you?

Quan Yin, the Blessed Mother, Isis, Lakshmi, Lady of the Night, Lady of the Evening, Lady of the Stars, the names go on and on and on.

Do you have the Elohim Masters in front of you?

Do you have the Archangels in front of you?

They don’t have to be just the ones from this ray. Now, as you look at the being in front of you, this is the Being that is going to hear where you are right now and what you need assistance with. So I ask Meleriessee to ring the bowl, and as she rings the bowl, each of you will make your plea to the being that is in front of you.

(((crystal Bowl Rings)))

I say to you now, this Being has a golden cloth in front of you. I want you to take each aspect(s) that may be stopping you, worrying you, or bothering you, and put them into the cloth. You can visualize as if they are on paper, just put them right there. As this Being stands before you, just put these elements in the cloth. The Being then folds up the cloth and hands it back to you. You are now going to turn around and face the altar.

Both of you will walk toward the altar, you see the fluid light energy around the middle of the altar, and that energy goes up the middle of the basin and then up the altar. This is a dissipation energy, you are going to take that cloth and it goes into the water. As it goes into the water, it is going to disintegrate into the Golden Ray. See it disintegrating, if you are having a hard time visualizing, I want you to breathe higher into the frequency of this Golden Yellow light.

Feel the Beauty and Love that is incorporating in this space right now, let it permeate through every part of your being. As you touch the cloth, see it disappearing, the fibres are moving into the fluidness of this frequency. The frequency of the light and the frequency of the water mixed together will bring into the highest vibration than you could ever imagine. It is continuing to dissipate, feel the dissipation. The weaves of the material are moving into the frequency of the light and it changes even more so, allow that to be moved, allow that to just move in the essence, allow yourself to move into that energy.

AS this occurs now, it moves in a circular fashion in the basin, as it moves in a circular fashion it goes in a swirling spiralling color underneath, in the middle than it swirls into the flame of the Golden Ray, and it dissipates and that filters out and up through the top of the temple never to be revealed to you again. Touch your hands to the basin of this frequency and touch the area that you need it most; your forehead, your throat, your Heart, if it’s your mind, touch it to your Third Eye, allow that frequency to go to your Third Eye and just allow this light energy to run through you. Run through you fully for you to feel the essence that you truly are and not the essence that you lower mind has perceived you to be, that is all now to be gone. The Master or Light Being that has been working with you now stands next to you on the left of you and you embrace, you turn and embrace each other. Feel the frequency of this Being go within you , as you become One as now the work that you are going to be doing is very much a part of this being that you have shared so deeply with.

Breathe deeply into that. Let that essence go into your Heart, feel it into your Thymus, feel it into your I AM Presence. This is a Being that has been working with you for eons of time that is part of your Monad, that is part of your I AM. Feel the beauty and the love that is being expressed within you in this moment.

Let us all merge together once again. Let us all hold hands in the beauty that we are. See the empowerment that we have created of the unity of each of us, of our brothers and our sisters as we stand in the unification of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. Feel our essences blending together. Feel the love that we desire deeply to be fully imbued within us in this moment that we cannot be removed from this aspect. It is ingrained within us, and it will assist you in your Warriorship of Light upon this planet.

Not all of you are ready to do the Warriorship, but you need to allow yourself to be influenced by it in your personal processes first, this is very important. You are aspiring to leadership, but not all are ready to give that leadership, this is what this Light Being is here to teach you. Readiness comes when the empowerment is increased and imbued within one’s frequency.

Let us now step back from the altar.

I, as Master Kuthumi share with you, the leadership qualities that I have brought forth and I work so diligently to help so many. You have that machete, that is an easy access to change what needs to be changed, all you have to do is touch it to your Minds Eye and know that the thought processes will change for you, and what you put out to the universe will definitely make a change in all that is occurring. We need each of you to step forward for this, it’s very important.

This is the City of Malton which is a very secluded city, we only bring people here when they are ready to come. This is why we asked Meleriessee to go through what you experienced in the three weeks to prepare yourselves. Notice that the ones that are here on the live energy are the ones that are supposed to be here, and others will follow you when they are ready. I AM honored to be walking with you to assist you, but also you assisting me, because you are our initiates, but truly you are in mastership of way beyond where you think you are.

It is just a physical experience in these moments.

So I say to you, let us bring forth to you the remembrance that is necessary, as has been stated to you previously to allow you to imbue this Golden Yellow Light fully within your entire being and to never let it go. I give to you my sword, it is a Golden Yellow sword, it will be on the left side of your body. The Golden Yellow sword is a gift, is a gift of the statue of the Golden Yellow Warrior of Light. I have known you before, and you have known me, and this is the beauty in this moment to fully bring in these energies together.

I AM One With You as You Are One with me as We Are One together.

Let us go forth and utilize and use this Golden Yellow Warrior of Light Sword, not like the Golden Machete, but it is a Frequency of Light that shall stand. Allow that frequency of light to always be your guide. Take that sword and place it by your bedside. You shall never ever have to be concerned about the aspects that you are incorporating within your body, you have the essence of love and compassion and you are being completely unselfish in these moments. Let the balance be your guide.

I AM Master Kuthumi at your service as I walk with each of you.

In the name of YHWH and the All of Creation, We Are ONE.

Greetings, this is Lord Adama.

Let’s all walk now out of the altar area, this is a very sacred space, you should be feeling lots of changes, lots of energy integration. Let us walk through the forest and past the waterfall, see the beauty of everything that is happening, and we walk back into the main area of the pyramid. Connect with the oasis that is here, feel the angels, butterflies, and dragonflies, and all the elementals dancing and playing around us as we all have done together a beautiful segment.

I am proud of each of you, I am so deeply proud I cannot express how very proud that I am that you have come to this space of Beingness. You can come back here through this meditation and work on any other elements that you feel you are having a difficult time with, this is only going to empower you even more and I am so grateful that you are here with each of us.

Thank you, Meleriessee, for opening up the doorways to do this work so deeply and to share with others the Golden Cities of Light. We have been waiting for these days, when others would awaken fully with these messages, with these light and with this frequency that we are. Let us walk out of the pyramid as we gather together in our Merkabah vehicle. We bid fairway to the Masters, some may be coming with you, all are going into our perspective locations, some are staying.

We are One, more than we ever have been previously.

It is my honor to be your guide for these sessions.


Thank you for visiting. I am Gaia's Daughter, Heather Sheglidesby Kibigili. I write and share on my blog and also transcribe and post for Rev. Lady Christine Meleriesse Heliohah. I welcome the New Earth with an embrace and opening up my heart to service in our New Earth.