17 September 2011

Channeler: Peggy Black

Message 80


We offer you the expanded perception of the sacred art of ritual. Rituals open and close an activity – simple.
Rituals can be as basic as a spoken word of acknowledgement of what is taking place, or as elaborate as you can imagine. Each person will find the most comfortable place to bring more ritual into their life, their day and their actions. Rituals and intentions invite a very conscious vibration into your awareness and how you interface with all aspects of reality.

A simple ritual before a meal prepares the mind/body to accept the foods offered. A closing prayer of gratitude, a simple bowed head, completes the act of eating. A ritual created as you shower or bathe has great power to cleanse the energy field as well as the body.

Rituals can be used to create a framework to hold an activity, an event or gathering. There are rituals for release and rituals for bringing forth. Begin to be aware of the rituals you already have in your life. Some you might call habits. Look and see how you can shift and elevate these habits to become spiritual acts.

You can elevate, offer as a higher vibration the simple tasks you perform each day. There are rituals that you can create that honors the stages of each day… A morning ritual can be as simple as a spoken prayer or you may decide to expand your ritual to include several acts that will consciously enhance this stage of your day. Perhaps you light a candle, say your prayer and bring your awareness fully into your physical form, filling yourself with the energy, the sounds and the gift the morning offers. This is a time for gratitude, a time for intention, a time to connect. Then at your noontime…be aware that you have entered another stage of the day…leave behind what is complete from the morning and step into this different rhythm and energy.

Again before your nights sleep, have a ritual to honor the day lived, acknowledging self, releasing all that needs to be released. This is a time of forgiveness and of gratitude.

With conscious awareness and dedicated practice these daily rituals will soon be smoothly woven into your day, adding new dimensions to your life.

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me at: joyandgratitude@aol.com Thank you.

For your personal reading/transmission, email me at: apersonalmessage@aol.com

Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved.
Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation.