a message from Ann Albers
Saturday, 3 September, 2011 (posted 5 September, 2011)

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Life is meant to be a dance of love and cooperation, dear ones, not a dance of adversity. Your Mother Earth, even with her rumblings and storms is not "out to get you" but rather she is simply stretching and releasing tensions. And when she does so, she inadvertently causes her children to come together and realize what is of the utmost importance, namely one another.

Life is a precious gift. It is in turbulent times that you realize this. It is in times of movement upon your earth that you realize that this precious life is not to be wasted or squandered in upset and survival. Life is meant to be lived. With each breath you have an opportunity to look around and see the miracles of life. With each breath you have an opportunity to be grateful for life and all you do have. With each breath, you have the opportunity to check in with your heart and say, "What's next?" "What is calling me now?" "Where is my joy in this next moment." And while we in the heavens know it is not realistic to think you would live that way all the time, if you were able to do so, you would exist very much like the creatures on your planet who do not worry about tomorrow, or even the next moment. They simply follow their instincts and respond to the influences around them, trusting all is well. The trees do not worry about losing their leaves in the fall, nor budding in the spring. They simply exist in response to the cues inside and around them. If you could exist this way,dear ones, you too would live in cooperation with one another and the universe around you.

Time is wasted in wishful thinking. When something is one way and you wish it to be another, that is fine to envision and create a new reality, but don't waste time being upset about what is in front of you right now. You want the weather to be clear, but a storm is coming. Get ready then, and look forward to the calm after the storm. You want a person to be one way but they are not. Deal with them as they are. Love them as they are. And then love yourself enough to know if you want to spend time around them… as they are, and as you are. In this fashion, you move through life with greater ease. You are not resisting what IS right now. You can, by all means, envision happier futures! We want you to envision happier futures! But you will get to these states of joy more easily if you stop resisting what is right in front of you right now, deal with life as it IS now, and then take the next step in your life that calls unto your hearts.

There will continue to be much movement upon your planet earth both externally and internally in the next several months. You will feel motivated to get going on the things you want for your lives. Do you want more peace? Take time to find it a little bit each day. Do you want more money? Take time to see how you might change your gifts and talents into a little job on the side. Do you want love? How can you be more loving and do the things you love right now, as your life is? Do you want to be healthier? What small steps can you take? A major life change begins with a change of attitude and one small step at a time. The time to start taking these steps is now dear ones. Life is precious and too short to waste in resistance to your own hearts.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Message from Ann

As many of you know, I often take off and drive up north on a whim, going where my spirit calls me. I rarely have a plan. More often I toss everything I might need in the car and see where I end up. These are my favorite days. One day a month or so ago, a friend went with me. We ended up swimming in the creek and relaxing until all of the sudden, the forest began to beckon me. I didn't hear voices this time. I simply felt a tug to get up and walk along a little pathway into the woods. My friend, being of like mind, was up for the adventure.

The forest is always magical to me. It teems with so much life that the energy is palpable. I feel the strength and flexibility of the trees, the exited buzz of the insects, the happy chirping of the birds, and the joyful bubbling of the creek as it bounces over the rocks. The fertile soil smells good, and in the later afternoon the sun-baked leaves give off an almost tropical smell. Just walking in this energy is like being in nature's spa! But today there was more magic in store. I stopped in front of a tree whose trunk was hollowed out and dead on one side – the result of being hit by lightning most likely many years ago. Three of the five original trunks that sprouted from this Cottonwood were still growing but the other two were long gone and the dead center of the tree was a mecca for caterpillars, spiders, and other insects who made their home in its decaying bark. I was fascinated by the universe in front of me. In spite of the fact that this wasn't a very pretty sight, I pulled out my camera. Lo and behold, the reason for stopping was revealed in the viewfinder. A huge orb with the rainbow beams of sunshine shining through it showed up. I got excited! "Look at this!" I told my friend and we marveled at what was there in front of us, invisible to the eye, but now showing up through the lens.

"Hi!" I tentatively said to the orb. I clearly heard, "You can stand in me." My friend and I took turns standing there with the orb centered around our hearts. As we did so, heat shot up and down our spines, and we received chiropractic adjustments as the energy worked through our bodies. The heart energy was HUGE and the feeling of well being that permeated us was amazing. "I am always with you," I heard ever so clearly. "Can I merge with you?" I asked the tree spirit. "By all means," she replied. "I am always with you. We are part of each other, made from the same spirit." As I asked to merge with the tree, my feet began to buzz and I felt roots of energy digging into the earth mingling with the network of roots beneath. The tree showed me in pictures how its roots were intertwined with the roots of all the trees and plants nearby, exchanging information, and what felt like comfort! The trees were touching toes in a way! Who knew! I continued to just "be" and to feel the tree. It felt like energy started to extend from my fingers and I felt what it feels like to grow branches. About this time I was reminded I had a human body when I noticed a tickling sensation at my ankles! Caterpillars had started to climb up my legs! Real ones! These little guys were all over the tree, but none had been on me until I merged with the tree's energy! I came back into my own skin and helped the little guys off my ankles and back onto the real bark.

Even now, sitting in my office, I can shut my eyes and remember the feeling, and I am once again rooted, and branching out, remembering that the whole universe does indeed work in a beautiful spirit of cooperation.

All this magic occurred because I simply followed a few small urges – to take a walk in the woods, to stop in front of a half dead tree, and to point the camera. You never know where your little urges will lead. Sometimes the urge to stop at Starbucks is just to give yourself a treat. Sometimes it is to share a little light with the clerk or have them share a little light with you. Or maybe, you'll smile at a stranger and find your new best friend. You just never know! Trust the movement in your heart and see where it leads you this week.

Have a great week!

Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com

This message was originally posted here