2 September 2011

Channeler: Jen Eramith MA

What energy and experiences can we expect in September 2011?

There is a sense of heaviness this month. It is a heaviness that is similar to the feeling of being drowsy or falling asleep. It is not a dark or evil heaviness but it is a slow, sometimes difficult feeling. There is a sense that the collective energy for all of humanity is moving downward this month.

It is an important time for you to be grounded. It is an important time for you to take good care of your physical bodies and to take life one breath at a time, one step at a time. There is a second energy along with this in September, which is that it is an important time for the collective consciousness and it is an important time for working together as a collective. There is a sense that people have been struggling for a long time and the only way that humanity will continue to evolve and move forward is if you work together.

There has never been a more important time than now to really remember and act according to the idea that you are one. That what affects you, affects everyone else — that the things you do make a difference in how life goes for everyone else in the world. It is so important that you really act as if that is true, because it is true. Even though you cannot always comprehend the magnitude of that connection that you have with the human family, it exists and how you live your life has a profound impact on what happens to the world around you.

So this month, do what you can in each moment to bring more light to the world around you. Do what you can this month to take accountability for how your actions affect the world around you. This is true about physical choices such as the decisions to throw away or recycle a water bottle and it is also true about emotional choices. When you choose to repress your anger, you are creating more tension for all of humanity. When you choose to find a healthy way to release your anger and heal yourself, you lighten the load for all of humanity. This is also true energetically. When you carry a sense of love and compassion for yourself, in your own mind and heart, you make the world a lighter and brighter place. This month, it is important to practice that, just in each moment. Do not look for overarching evidence. Do not try to grasp the concept, just act as if you are connected to the world.

How can we find the greatest benefit from this energy?

The greatest benefit from the energy this month will really come through tenderness and the act of surrender. It is important this month that you cultivate the ability to let go of the things that are no longer serving you. Especially, let go of those things you hold in your heart that do not serve you. This is an important time to investigate your resentments and to find a way to let them go.

Some of the practices that will serve you this month include prayer and any practices that facilitate forgiveness or release. It is a great time to cry. It is a great time to pour your heart out in your journal or talking to your friend or talking to your dog. Wherever you can find a place to let things go, do it this month. The greatest benefit available this month is that many of you can come to a deeper sense of love and compassion that will feed the joy in your life for months and years to come. But it is only possible if you practice this art of surrendering. Let go of the fights that are no longer serving you. It is important that you find courage and continue to act toward the goals that are important to you. We are not telling you to stop doing everything; we are telling you t investigate what are the fights you are in that are no longer serving you and let those go.

Remember the energy of this month. It feels heavy and drowsy, so you are not going to get a lot accomplished. The way to find more energy this month is not to try to build more energy that you can use, but instead, to let go of the things that are wasting your energy. The feeling this month, the heaviness is a lot like a raindrop. If you imagine a raindrop and that sense of gravity pulling water down toward the earth, there is surrender in that and there is a sense of healing. If you have ever experienced a rainstorm after a long dry spell, there is a sense of healing and release and surrender in the air around you. That is the sensation you can experience in September if you will let go of those things that no longer serve you and do everything you can to release your resentments.

This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.

It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message with all redistribution.
