Jamye Price a message from Jamye Price

Thursday, 4 August, 2011

It has been very valuable to me as I made the commitment to Ascension to view each person as somehow connected to me and each interaction as an indication of my balance.  If any sort of interaction is uncomfortable or has an emotional charge on it, it is my clue to look within myself to find the cause of my imbalance.  Usually by the interaction it would be easy to stop at ‘that person said or did this that made me feel this way.’  That’s not incorrect, they did.  I could even take that observance a step further and determine with accuracy, which is an innate gift we all have, whether or not their intention was to harm.  But that’s not the whole picture, because if I didn’t have something within me that was out of balance, whatever they said or did, whether it was meant to harm or not, would have no impact on me.  As I look within and heal, I find that interactions with people become easier and I flow through emotions rather than holding onto them. 

As we interact with each other, we are continuing the flow of life.  It is the way of it.  As you share your gift of Being, you are impacting others.  As you share your gift of appreciation, you are even impacting the plants and animals around you.  As you receive the gift of another, you are changed and so are they.  Life is about sharing, it is about honoring and experiencing each other.  The challenges then become a wonderful platform for forgiveness to do its masterful work of release and the flow of Love increases.  The joys become a wonderful platform for sharing and the flow of Love increases.  The how-tos and the whys are less necessary because you become One with the natural flow of Life.  They don’t completely disappear, sometimes there is value in those types of answers.  But instead of a ‘need to know’ that is based in worry, fear of missing something or getting something wrong; there is a Trust, a trust that if you need to know, you will, because inherent within you is the ability to flow with the natural current of Life.  The inherent Pull of Life is Love.  Love is the unseen thread of Source Energy that binds All Life.  You are One with All.  Being One is honoring that interconnection and your unique contribution to it, but by Being You.

As we sit to Blast Being One, we are opening our unique perspective to the Whole Truth of the Love intrinsic  within All Life.  We are remembering that Life is benevolent.  We are understanding our inherent capability to move through any experience with the peace that passes all understanding.  We are seeing ourselves in others and others in ourselves, as All Life is interacting for improvement.  We are taking each moment into the fullness of All Time, such that Now becomes more than a choice, it becomes a chance.  We are embracing our uniqueness, the value of each individual and the Whole of Life as perfect and ever changing.  We are Being the convergence, the harmonic of many into One creating the Song of Life.  Blast on!


Copyright: © 2005-2011 Jamye Price, www.CrystallineSoulHealing.com All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

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