Jorge Rebolledo C. of Mexico is the founder of the organization SkyCollection, and seeks to use compressed starship coils based on Rodin math for energy applications. He has built many prototype systems that appear to produce very interesting effects, and may eventually lead to overunity energy production.

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

Coils are used throughout our modern world. Almost every computer, radio, microwave oven, electric motor, and vehicle utilizes some type of coil, and usually several of them. Without coils to emit or pick up radio frequencies, transform power in the electrical grid, and produce the magnetic fields in almost every electric motor, our civilization would come to a screeching halt. 

One particularly fascinating aspect of coils is just how many types of them exist. They come in all sorts of geometries, and can be wound in many different ways. Jorge Rebolledo C. of Mexico has formed the organization, SkyCollection, and is experimenting to find methods of utilizing exotic coils (such as Rodin coils and others) for energy applications. On his YouTube channel (also called SkyCollection) you can find videos he has made showing off his various coil designs, and the tests he has performed with them. There are many videos posted, and all of them are interesting.

Several of his coils are based on the Rodin coil, which is a coil that is claimed to utilize special winding geometries and numerology, to produce exotic effects. He has not only built standard Rodin coils, but also more exotic designs such the "Starship." One of the abilities of Rodin coils that has been replicated many times, is to induce a magnetic sphere to spin rapidly in the vicinity of the coil. The spheres will spin rapidly, accelerating to several thousand RPMs. 

Here is some clarification we received while preparing this story:

I am friends with Richard – HHOforvolts and Skycollection.

In your article you stated that the coils that Sky is using were Rodin coils, but they are not. They are compressed Starship coils. They are based in the Rodin math, but very different in design and construction.

Richard is the guy that invented the Starship and Super Starship coils, and Sky is the inventor of the compressed Starship coil.

I know this because I am the guy that introduced Richard to the Rodin coil and math, and Sky to the Starship and Rodin math.

In some of Rebolledo's tests, his coils are used to accelerate a rotor with an embedded magnet, instead of a sphere (which is the most common type of magnet experimenters spin up with Rodin coils). In one of his videos, a rotor is accelerated to 20,000 RPMs, and a pick up coil is used to transform some of the kinetic energy to electrical energy. The electrical energy is then used to power a light bulb. It should be noted, the system he used to hold the rotor in place is magnetic. It utilizes a large, metal bar of ferromagnetic material that serves as the shaft. On both ends, the bar comes to a point. Magnets on the outer sides of the setup magnetically attract the ends of the shaft, and hold them in place. Additional magnets below the ends of the shaft appear to provide extra stabilization. The rotor seems to produce little friction, and is well balanced. This must be the case, because at high RPMs a small imbalance in a rotor can cause disastrous failures.

YouTube; Aug 11, 2011

Some of his tests are more complex, and utilize multiple Rodin coils and pick up coils, in configurations that resemble the Muller Dynamo. Multiple videos of such advanced setups can be found on his YouTube channel, which show the systems operating. Although his coils designs are different, the setup is similar to the Muller Dynamo like device we featured in a story titled, "Romero's Self-Sustaining Dynamo Drama."

YouTube; Aug 11, 2011

Sterling Allan witnessed his systems being tested on July 30th, 2011 at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference. He posted a video of tests being performed on his devices to the PESNetwork Youtube channel. During the video, one of the devices is hooked to an oscilloscope, which shows an interesting alternating current waveform in the radio frequency range. Unfortunately, there was no mechanism set up at the time to measure the output of the system, to determine if an overunity gain of energy was being produced. But apparently such measurements had been made earlier and concluded that overunity had not been achieved yet.


YouTube; Aug 2, 2011

One small issue while watching his videos, is that most of them are in Spanish. This can make it difficult for those who do not know Spanish to understand what is being said. However, there are captions that explain what is taking place in the videos.

My suggestion for Rebolledo would be to find a way to exactly measure the input and output of whichever system he thinks is the most efficient. What would be great is if he could get access to a high end oscilloscope and appropriate probes, that could exactly measure and graph his input and output — all in real time. Of course such oscilloscopes are expensive, but maybe there is a university or other institution that would allow him to use one for a day. This would make it clearer to determine if he is producing OU or not. Even if he is not producing OU, he should still get a lot of credit. He has done extensive work and has produced many systems.

He gets an A+ for effort.

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


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Source: PESN