Stage2 is looking for extreme breakthrough technologies that are both new and big, have a patent(s) awarded or filed, have a well-developed prototypes, and are ready to have significant funding and business expertise wrapped around it to bring it to market in less than 18 months.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

Do you have or know of an extreme breakthrough technology that is both new and big, has a patent(s) awarded or filed, has a well-developed prototype, and is ready to have significant funding and business expertise wrapped around it to bring it to market in less than 18 months? You might consider having us submit it to Stage2Innovations for their consideration. They have a $100 million USD fund dedicated to such technologies and are looking for two to four technologies to wrap their money and team around.

They flew me out to Detroit last month to see their 40,000 square foot digs and meet some of their key personnel. They like what we do here at PES Network in seeking to identify the very best clean energy breakthroughs of the "exotic" sort. By "exotic," I mean technologies that appear incongruous with mainstream science, so they tend to get ignored; but on closer inspection, with an open mind, it is clear that they could indeed be an answer to the energy needs of the planet. They have the potential to far surpass the typical renewable energy modalities of solar, wind, geothermal, tide, biomass; in terms of having a better combination of the ideal attributes of being renewable, efficient, reliable, portable, scalable, safe, and most importantly: affordable. Having a workable team is also an important criteria.

I've recommended several technologies to Stage2 from among our Best Exotic Free Energy Technologies listing, and they are in process of investigating some of those.

Though it's not the only thing they're looking for, Stage2 is set up to field test fuel efficiency improvement technologies on a representative range of trucking vehicles. One of the first technologies they were going to bring to market was of this ilk but had to be scrapped because of an issue that would take too long to resolve.

To understand the name, "Stage2", here is a definition from a business magazine:


"The second stage of startup investments is typically known as a Series A financing. Once a company has moved passed seeking money from friends and family, or the Seed Round, their financing tends to come from more traditional sources. This is the round that some Venture Firms, Angel Networks or individual Angel Investors begin to get involved. From an investment stand point, the companies … will typically be pre-revenue."

We at PES have established an arrangement where we will be helping to screen technologies for Stage2 to consider. If you know of a technology that might qualify, just contact us, providing as much of the following info as you can, but be sure to not submit confidential or proprietary information at this stage.

• General description of what it does and how it works.
• Projected market applications.
• Patent info.
• Stage of prototype development.
• Independent analysis / validation.
• Brief overview of development team.
• Financial information about how much has been spent so far, and what is projected to be needed to bring it to market.

Once the technology is submitted to Stage2, if they are sufficiently interested after a preliminary review of the non-confidential information, they will come up with a term sheet, and then conduct several weeks of due diligence (est. 60 days). This will include composing a full business plan, which can then be presented to the investor. If it is accepted, then the project gets the funding and the team to bring it to market.

Stage2 is comprised largely of former Chrysler personnel, including a former President and CEO. They first contacted me around November of 2010. I was impressed with their openness to maverick technologies.

Their website states:


We are a $100 million stage 2 investment fund established to accelerate the large-scale commercialization of innovative, patentable technologies in the global market.

The core leadership of this fund is comprised of Tom LaSorda, former President and CEO of Chrysler, and an experienced investor in start-up companies with a proven track record.

The goals of this fund are to:

• Empower and support the commercialization of innovation based technologies.
• Provide hands-on business strategy and operational support, if required, to help position the entrepreneur and innovation for success in the market.

If it's new and it's big… we're interested.

They are a very serious group, with serious money; and if you want to play, you had better be a serious player, complete with a good legal advisor. 

If you have a technology that fits the requirements we have detailed in this article, let us know if you want to apply. 

In the past, and continuing into the present, many exotic technologies have laid dormant due to a lack of funding. Now, at least for a few of the most promising breakthroughs technologies that need investment, this no longer has to be the case.

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


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