4 August 2011

Channeler: El Anora

1. Dear Ones, we Love you.
2. You are an eternal fountain, life.
3. The joy.
4. Please be a peace.
5. There is no fear.
5. Chaos comes forth from misunderstanding.

6. Enter the space of your heart.
7. Let go of the mind.
8. Attunement.
9. Many of you know this word.
10. Explore it.
11. Purple Light, Red Light, White light, Green Light, Black Light, Yellow Light, Orange Light, Magenta Light, Maroon Light, spectrum.
12. Spectrum.
13. Attunement.
14. Spectrum.
15. At-One-ment.
16. Re-member.
17. All your teachings.
18. Key-words.
19. Re-member now.
20. FLASH.
21. Vibration.
22. Tuning.
23. Clearing.
24. Re-member.
25. Words.
26. Key-words.
27. Love. Peace. Blessed Be. Brother. Sister. Father. Mother. Kindness. Happiness.
28. Re-member.
29. Childhood. Innocence. Playing. Gardens. Joy. Magic. Life.
30. Re-member.
31. Wonder. Mystery. Fun.
32. Re-member.
33. Innocence. Simplicity. Love.
34. Re-member.
35. Come home.