John Rohner of PlasmERG and Inteligentry describes a test device that appears to produce an anomalous heat, and electrical power producing effect. In an interview with Sterling Allan at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference, he describes the device and anomaly it produces.

Test jig.

By Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan

John Rohner is the founder of PlasmERG and Intelligentry, and claims to have developed a vastly improved derivative of Joseph Papp's "Noble Gas Engine." In the past, he has claimed Noble Gas Engines he built and tested, produced hundreds of foot pounds of torque and hundreds of horsepower. This is while consuming little or no fuel, producing no heat, and producing little noise. If his engines performed as claimed, a small one liter displacement Noble Gas Engine could turn a generator, and power an entire neighborhood. In fact, he claims to have produced 300 kilowatts of power from such a setup in the past. 

Although some individuals have expressed their doubts that he has ever produced a running engine, the launch of the technology is rapidly approaching. The launch is supposed to take place sometime in the month of August, and this will give him the opportunity to show off a running engine — and eliminate any doubt as to the validity of his technology! 

At his booth at the TeslaTech conference this past weekend, he had a Acer Android Pad displaying several videos of running Papp engines. Sterling asked him what one of them was, not recognizing it as being Papp's or Sabori's, and John said, "That's our engine."

If a successful launch takes place (with witnesses seeing running engines), the PlasmERG technology holds the potential to change the energy landscape. It could provide the most environmentally friendly, cheap, portable, and abundant source of power on the planet — at least until the next big energy breakthrough comes along. Electric motors and internal combustion engines could be replaced with this technology, and run for months (or longer) using only small amounts of abundant, inert gases that cost maybe $20 bucks for a canister.

In addition to producing mechanical power, it now seems like his technology can produce anomalous power. At the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference, John told Sterling Allan about this anomaly over breakfast Friday morning, and John agreed to be videotaped the setup and the anomaly. Basically, the anomaly shows up when he put a special coil (wound in accordance to Papp's original patents), around the cylinder of a test machine, with a certain mixture of noble gasses. 

The test machine is used to determine the amount of mechanical power different combinations of gases can produce (by measuring how far the piston can travel against the force produced by a bed spring), and to test different coil setups. 

To begin, the cylinder is filled with a mixture of Noble gases to the point of "overfilling", inflating a balloon on the other side of the cylinder. With the special coil placed around the cylinder, the actuator is triggered. This starts the Plasmic Transitiion Process, which would normally move the piston across the cylinder. However, with this coil being utilized, the piston barely moves at all. They thought this was strange, and one of them was about to put his hand on the coil when he pulled back, sensing that the coil was very hot — something that was very unusual, as the engine usually does not heat up above ambient room temperature. They later measured the coil temperature in this state to be between 208 to 220 degrees F, depending on where you position the coil. The heating effect continues as long as there is gas in the chamber, which is rapidly consumed (taking around 2 minutes), and the balloon shrinks. And then the chamber even goes into vacuum, sucking the balloon flat and indented, at which point, the heat stops and is dissipated normally, gradually cooling off.

Usually, the PlasmERG process consumes negligible fuel (noble gas) in the plasmic transition process; but in this anomaly, it consumes all the fuel quite rapidly.

There is no apparent source of the heating that is taking place in the coil. And nothing else heats up. However, if you measure the voltage of the coil, it will show a constant half volt until the vacuum has fully formed in the cylinder. Interestingly, if you ground the coil (which should discharge any electricity stored in it) the heating and voltage effect continues. Also, during the process (unlike in the normal Plasmic transition Process) no light is emitted from the cylinder.

John says several physicists have been showing strong interest in this effect and will be making scientific measurements to further analyze the effect. They insisted that he not modify anything in his set-up, lest he get out of zone and they not be able to reproduce the effect.

Hopefully, in the coming weeks we will not only learn more about this anomaly, but also learn of successful private or public demos of running PlasmERG engines. 

Here's the interview: (1of2 [link fixed] | 2of2)






Rohner– My name is John Rohner. I am the chief engineer of Inteligentry. I am the patent holder of the Plasmic Transition Technology, and the controller of this engine, which is a very far derivative of what was originally the Papp Engine. What we have learned is a lot more than what they new. The subject of this particular video is what is going on here. Because we have a brand new.. what in the scientific world we call an "anomaly."

This particular device you see here is a system we use to check how good a reaction we can get from a specific gas mixture in the chamber. What you have here is a special plastic see through tube made out of a very high temperature plastic. Inside there you have a piston which is made out of another high temperature and high strength plastic, and a normal head here. And this is a normal system except there is a spring here to bring it back. On this end, and you can just see it right down on there, there is a balloon on an orifice that comes in. And what we do, is we fill this chamber with fuel — the fuel we are going to use or want to test — and we actually over fill it into that balloon, so we know we have everything done right. And this is a standard actuation system, and this coil is the standard exciter coil that we use for the transition chamber. What happens is we push a button, this excites the device one time, and we measure how far this piston moves down.

In a normal situation this coil here, would be right here. Well, this has worked for us. We have gained an awful lot of information on an awful lot of different gas mixtures. And it also gives us.. we also test different ratios we are using for the exciter coil. It gives all kinds of information about how this turn ratio works, how that turn ratio works, what this gas mixture does with this proportion of gas in it, etc. So we have collected a lot of data. However, one time after we had just about… We were just playing around, and we decided to try a coil in here, which was actually wound to basically what Papp says in his patent is supposed to be the coil. Which by the way we have never used, we don't use, this coil is basically the same as the Papp coil.

We put it on here we stuck it in here we wanted to see what the old Papp coil would do. What the hell, months and months of training, and this is the first time we want to see what he did. When we put this on here, and we filled it up and we fired it — the piston did not do it's normal pop. It just did a little.. and quit. And so I looked at it and said, "well damn I have 24 volts and 2 amps on this thing, there should be plenty of magnetics on there." But it went… it moved about that far. We thought, "damn there is something weird here" so a friend of mine (who is another engineer that worked with us on this) reached in to move the coil to see if there was something happening here. He reached in and grabbed the coil like this, and said, "holy sh*t", and pulled his hand back out.

The coil was dead hot. We found out later on it was two hundred and eight degrees. Then we reached down and moved this coil from here to back over here. This is basically a bed spring that is used to mount the piston. Well, what is interesting is that we put the coil over here, and the thing got hotter. Well, and the other interesting thing is it stayed hot until it sucked the balloon back inside the tube, which created a vacuum inside. Well, in trying to figure this out we actually went and grounded this coil at different times, and did the same thing. We finally went out, and got one of those heat guns. So we could see what the heck was going on. It was hot to the touch, but then again you know.. what does that really mean? It turns out if this is down here, initially, this will run somewhere between two hundred and four, and two hundred and eight degrees. Now, if you move it back here it moves up into the two hundred and twenty degree range.

The next thing that is interesting about this, is if you ground this coil it stays hot. Now those of you who understand electronics, know there are only certain things that can make a coils stay hot, and if you ground a coil that takes most of them out of the picture. But guess what — it stays hot!

Sterling – When you said stayed hot do you mean as long as the balloon….

Rohner – As long as there is fuel in here it stays hot. And that could be a couple of minutes depending on how full you make the balloon. And the interesting thing is it always goes back to a complete vacuum. It always pulls the balloon back into the hole. You know how it is with a ballon, when it comes back down and it has all of the ridges, you know someone sucked this thing — it did not just happen. This balloon will get totally sucked out. Quite honestly if you fill it up this big, it lasts longer if you fill it up this big. So we know whatever is happening here, is happening because of the fuel.

Sterling – Which is noble gases?

Rohner – Which is a noble gas mixture one of our… and actually one of our simple gas mixtures. It is not the most powerful one, but is pretty close to what the Papp people had originally. Then we decided to see if there is any light. We built a light proof chamber over it, and put a webcam in there. And guess what? No light.

In any nuclear reaction you will have a side effect of light. If you look in this port right here, when this engine is running, you will see a light that happens every time the plasma happens. We did not see any light from this, so I took my radio frequency spectrum analyzer, and put a probe in here. Guess what? No radio frequency. Then I thought lets go measure the current in this. How much current? Half a volt. Even grounded it is putting out half a volt. Why? That my friend, is the question. This thing is generating power somehow. We do not know how. I have a physicist that works right with me, and he has two of his friends who are looking at this too. We have now been requested not to disassemble this device until after at least several other schools send their people over to look at it. Basically, we lost our piece of test equipment. In the scientific world when something is observed, other observers want to come see it. But they want to see it just how it was done. They don't want you to take it apart, try something different, and redo it. That is basically that. This is interesting, because we did break the rules one time. Way back in the beginning, we did take this apart. This coil here normally slides on and off, no problem. But once this thing has gone through the cycle, this thing is a hard fit. You have to pull on it to make it move. But the other interesting thing is okay that this gets hot, but the spool does not.

Sterling – The spool meaning..

Rohner – The spool is this white thing here. It doesn't get hot. Nor does the cylinder. It is a plastic cylinder. At 208 degrees you should find some warping or something. You need to remember what we do here doesn't generate heat, so we can use just about whatever we want in here.

This is still absolutely transparent, and absolutely perfect the way it has been, and nothing at all in the physical nature of this has changed. We did take it apart one time and rebuild it to see if a different coil would have a different effect. We put a different coil on there and nothing happened. So we took that coil off and put this coil back on, and guess what? Boom there it is again. We know that something is going on here, but we don't know what!

Sterling – You have replicated this many times?

We have replicated this enough times to make it go haywire.. It is stilling there pretty much static now, waiting for people to come in and study it. Peter is our nuclear physicist, and he is absolutely sure this thing is getting energy from somewhere that no one has even thought about.

Sterling -Dark Energy?

Rohner – We don't know. It is a little hard… it is like anything else at this point. You have to get together a group of people to look at it in a scientific way, let them have their conversation, and let them figure out where it is. Do I understand it? No. It does not fit any physics I have ever studied.

Sterling -If I could recap here. Basically what happens, you fire the piston in a test to see how far it goes against the spring, and come back. In this test it only went a little bit. First of all, you fill the chamber with gas and the balloon comes out the back side here. It fills up, overfilled, so you fire it, and it only goes a little ways. But all of a sudden this coil goes up to 208 degrees and stays there, and if this balloon is full it lasts about two minutes, deflates, and is releasing it's fuel.

Rohner – The time is really a function of how much fuel is in there.

Sterling – And it goes down, and goes into a vacuum and at that point this stops heating, and drops down to normal room temperature. That is the effect you have observed, and have you have been able rule out any normal means of heating the coil?

Rohner – We have actually gone so far to take the coils off here, and ground that coil over there, and it's still sits there and does its job. It is not getting any secondary activation from  any where. By the way we have taken this metal cage here and put it on a hard ground so it has nothing to do with cage lfoating creating anything.

Unknown – Is your fuel all gone?

Rohner – The fuel is all gone it sucks the balloon into the tube.

Unknown – When you open it up, there is no more fuel in that chamber?

Rohner – Consider for a moment what has to happen for the balloon to get pulled into the tube. It has to become a vacuum. It is all gone.

Unknown – And then you put more fuel in the next cycle?

The next time we want to test it, we actually fill it up again, and hook everything up and test it again. By the way it doesn't have anything at all to do with how much voltage we put on that coil to start with.  We can put 12 volts on it at a couple amps,  we can put 24 volt at five amps, you can put it doesn't seem… as long as there is some sort of voltage on the coil to start with. It does not work if you do not put voltage on the coil.

Unknown – Have you seen any radiation coming out of it?

Rohner – Not at all.

Sterling – Have you tried to detect radiation?

Rohner – Yeah, we have done it with simple Geiger counters and stuff like that. The thing is going to end up in a lab in the next couple weeks, and they will put it to the full series of much bigger tests than we can. Lets face it, I don't have the resources to buy the kind of stuff they are going to subject it to.

Unknown – Have you ever measured the frequency around the coil?

Sterling – He did measure it.

Rohner – There is no frequency around the coil. I have an RF spectrum analyzer that is good form five hertz to fifty gigahertz, and there is no indicator any where outside of the normal background. That is the first thing I was looking for too. The natural reaction is that it has to be reacting to some sort of radio frequency or something. That is the only way the coil will actually be getting hot. As it turns out there is no answer I can come up with in electronics or physics.

Unknown –  When you measured the frequency you said you were measuring it in a box — you were measuring it in a box for visualization. Have you ever tried measuring the frequency inside the cylinder itself.

Rohner – No, you cannot get there. Okay. You are thinking about inside here.

Unknown – Inside the inside of the coil.

Rohner – There is no way to put a probe there short of drilling a hole and sticking a probe in. That would be counter productive.

Unknown – You would lose your vacuum…

Rohner – Not only that, but now you are going to run into secondary problems.

Rohner – The coil does have to be over that junction in order for it to start.

Sterling – The coil has to be over here…

Rohner – It has to be over the cylinder.. the actual chamber. This down here is nothing. The actual firing chamber is here. The transition chamber is between this head and the top of this head. And this has to be over that. It has to have some type of ionization of some kind in order to get that first pop.

Sterling – Some type of chain reaction takes place?

Rohner – The simple fact you don't see light when it takes place is puzzling.

Sterling – What is the ramifications for Plasmerg?

Rohner – I hope they figure it out. I hope they can find some use for it.

Sterling – Does it vindicate there is some unusual stuff happening with the plasma and noble gases, and we don't know everything about noble gases we thought we did?

Rohner – You are asking me a hard question now. We already know there is something happening, and I will use my physicists proper term – the pseudo plasma – because we don't actually generate a real plasma. We know there is something different happening there.

Sterling – And you call it a pseudo because it doesn't maintain. It shows up and you annihilate it.

Rohner – And maintaining a plasma, okay.

Sterling – And that is the definition of plasma. It is a maintained structure.

Rohner – It is a maintained structure.

Sterling – But you create it and then destroy it.

Rohner – Well, we create it and let it destroy itself. For that matter, I don't know how much of this I can get into without getting into our patents. We actually don't allow the plasma to complete it's cycle. We actually force the plasma to stop. And that is how we control the speed.

Sterling – And that phenomena is part of creating this effect?

Rohner – I wish I knew. We are too far up on the front of the curb to come up with good hard answers.

Feedback from John about this Story


Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 8:09 PM
Subject: Anomoly corrections

Here are some corrections:

1. Having lost 8 weeks in the move and subsequent letdown by CEO Space the current target for mass producible sample "Training" engines for use as training tools, and lab samples, in conjunction with licensing is 10 weeks.

2. No public display of engines, outside stockholders and licensees will occur until there is "shelf stock" available to purchase and the manufacturers give their permission. Now looks like March 2012. But depending on how many OEM and manufacturers have product ready this could be sooner or later. There is no set date at the moment. No publicity until there is a "finished" product ready for sale.

3. … Videos also included Sabori as well as Papp. There was never a mention of there being one of ours, but there may have been one quicky in the mix as well. 

4. The first engines will be used by licensees as samples and to quicken their design and "time to market". I learned long ago that if an engineer has a sample around to bounce ideas off they get faster results to end product. Any outside observer will be provided a written agreement that what they see can not be made public until they have explicit permission from the company. 

5. At the show, several prominent Physicists talked with [me] and validated [our] progress. 

6. Not "other side, but side opposite the Transition chamber. The tube does not have any holes.

Enjoy Life

# # #

This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


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