~precious  lights of the divine radiant~



i bring you a message today unlike any other

i have sent thru this my beloved denisa…

the palms precious hearts

contain within them the heart of the divine..


you often see me with open palms..

within each palm i carry within my heart

the whole of mother earth and all upon her..


i open my palms to receive the grace that

the ONE would bestow upon me

that i may bring my love to every now



the symbol of the "blood" is liken to the

finest of wines…the elixir divine..

when you extend love into each and every

arising moment with out one thought

except to be that One Light that knows itself

as the vessel for the divine

to extend itself thru and transform this world..


then…you have found your true purpose…


i would ask of you as you awaken each morn

to lift the palms to the Grand I AM..

as that the light within them radiate

into all that you greet that day..

as you bring the palms back down

to your lap…open them once again

and place the whole of mother earth

within each palm…


now…you are the "lover" of the world..

Now…within each and every moment

you think only the most loving of thoughts

and know that as each thought moves

thru the divine heart of your palms

unconditional love is being expanded…

expanded…….further and further

into all …….as the ALL….


this is who you are Now….


in the upcoming days many of you will be "asked"

by love to open the palms and bless

all that you see…all that you think..

all that you do…


many of you have been well prepared for

such a task …..you know that only love

is what is real and YOU are the Vessel of the divine

extended into this "reality" in this now moment…


Make each now moment a "sacrament" to love..

witnessing what is arising within you and

 without you…bringing loves perfect peace

to all ……

connect to your Grand Self through your breath

and breathe in the love

and breathe out the peace of that which IS….


i have given denisa a meditation that you can

use as a tool on a daily basis

to bring you to that place of true

peace……..as the ocean itself…


use it as a tool to dive ever more deeply

into the core of your true self…


Simply Be Who You Are…


and you are that ONE….


blessings and oh…… the one heart we share

is spilling over with gratitude

for those of you who walk our beloved

mother earth at this wonderful and most

golden of moments…


with oh so much love…….


jeshua ben joseph….


I AM the Comforter…



if you would like to receive these messages you can do so at

my website at www.thebridgetohome.com

simply hit the subscribe button…for those of you

who would enjoy listening to the tape….mentioned above

that brings you to the inner ocean of peace you can

listen to it at my website….go to audio visual and

look for recording 5…..~being the peace~

i connect with all hearts in this moment

and send you unconditional love ….denisa