David Wells' weather modification researchers apparently have been quietly using their inexpensive, homemade devices to steer and diminish hurricanes. Alberto Feliciano in Puerto Rico appears to have the best position for facilitating these effects.  What will come of Irene?

by Sterling D. Allan
for Pure Energy Systems News

The weather control device by David Wells that Robert Peterson witnessed.  It's 8"x8" in size.
Could a device this simple hold off,
steer, or diminish a Hurricane?

Two years ago, we published a story [copied below] called Weather Rangers to the Rescue, with the description:

Who you gonna call when you have a nasty, persistent drought? David Wells' weather modification researchers have been fine tuning their skills. Alberto Feliciano in Puerto Rico appears to have dissolved this season's tropical and hurricane storms, including Ana, Erika and Bill….

You have to admit that hurricanes making landfall have been sparse in the U.S.  I've been paying special attention to this, but have not been quantifying it.  The absence has been particularly poignant this year since the prediction has been that this will be an above-average season. (Ref.) Now, with Hurricane Irene approaching, David Wells posted the following comment on the Weather Rangers' Ning site two days ago: 
(slightly edited)


Weather rangers, 

We have just set the all time record for the longest period without a landfalling hurricane on the USA since before the Civil War. 

Alberto predicted we could do this after he began using his machine. I remember his comment, "You don't have to go anywhere to control the world's weather. You can do it right from home." 

It helps to be in the right place. Prior efforts to stop the storms met with limited success. Porto Rico seems to be a good spot to stop the storms from.

The reduction of the hurricanes will continue. Tropical depressions will be allowed to proceed as they bring the rain. We need to develop a way to steer the depressions to the areas that need the rain. Or at least get some operators running rain programs in those areas. 

If we keep this up, someone is bound to notice.

David Wells 

This during a time when climate changes are in hyperactive mode.

Will they be able to keep Irene at bay (literally), whereas some are predicting it could create a Katrina-like situation in New York City, not to mention the path along the East Coast prior to that.  

The New England Hurricane of 1938, also called the Great Hurricane, was beyond anything coastal residents in New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut had ever experienced or written about. (photo: public domain)
The New England Hurricane of 1938, also called the Great Hurricane, was beyond anything coastal residents in New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut had ever experienced or written about. (photo: public domain)

Here is a model showing the predicted path.



The path as of Aug. 27;
7:00 am Eastern, by Bing

There are tens of thousands of news stories on what is expected to be a historic storm predicted to be a 'storm of a lifetime'.

  • Hurricane Irene risk forces first-ever NYC shutdown – The brunt of the storm is forecast to arrive Sunday. The city ordered the first-ever shutdown of its subway system — the nation's largest — because of a natural disaster beginning at noon Saturday. Buses will also stop running. Aviation officials said they would close the five main New York City-area airports to arriving domestic and international flights beginning at noon on Saturday. Many departures also were canceled. (USA Today; Aug. 27, 2011; 6:15 am Eastern)
  • Core of Hurricane Irene Starts Coming Ashore – The eye wall of Hurricane Irene, now a category one storm, came ashore just east of Point Lookout in North Carolina on Saturday morning, the first stop in the mainland United States for a storm that is expected to scrape up the East Coast and bring flooding rains to a dozen states. Some weakening is expected after Irene reaches the coast of North Carolina, but Irene is forecast to remain a hurricane as it moves near or over the mid-Atlantic states and New England. Such a huge dump of sustained rain along with high winds will most likely uproot trees from soggy ground and cause wide-scale loss of power. (NY Times; Aug. 27; ~6:00 am Eastern)
  • New Yorkers prepare for 'historic hurricane' – Evacuations up and down the U.S. East Coast were under way Friday as Hurricane Irene barrelled north from America's southern states and threatened up to 65 million people – that's one in five Americans – who live in the swath that defines the storm's possible trajectories. The massive hurricane was downgraded to Category 2 Friday morning. (Times Colonist; August 27, 2011 3:11 AM Pacific; 6:11 Eastern)
  • Hurricane Irene threatens to plunge US east coast into major power blackout – Irene downgraded in category but officials warn of a 'storm of a lifetime'. Airlines have cancelled nearly 7,000 flights over the weekend. Mandatory evacuations in NYC. 11ft high waves predicted in North Carolina. There's going to be millions of people affected. (Guardian; Aug. 27, 2011; 5:48 Eastern)
  • Hurricane Irene weakens to Category 1 storm as it continues on path to NY – Hurricane Irene has weakened to a Category 1 storm as it nears the North Carolina coast, but forecasters say it remains extremely dangerous. (NY Times; Aug. 27, 2011; 5:50 am Eastern)
  • DC mayor declares state of emergency as Hurricane Irene approaches – The move follows similar emergency orders issued in neighboring Maryland and Virginia. (Washington Post; Aug. 26, 2011; ~3:00 am Eastern)
  • Evacuations, Transit Shutdown Eyed in City – Irene is expected to begin affecting the New York City region sometime early Sunday morning as a Category 1 storm, Mr. Bloomberg said. Such storms have winds of 74 mph or higher. (Wall Street Journal; Aug. 26, 2011; ~9 PM Eastern)
  • Irene continues as Category 2, but may build again as it heads north – …is due to strengthen again as it goes. It will pass near or over the North Carolina Coast Saturday – it's strength expected to be on the threshold between a Category 2 storm and a Category 3 storm. Irene is a large, powerful storm. The hurricane strength winds extend out 90 miles from Irene's center; tropical storm winds reach out 290 miles. (Palm Beach Post; Aug. 26, 2011; 5:26 a.m. Eastern) [ended up Cat. 1]
  • Vineyard braces for wrath of Irene (ABC video shows projected path) – Irene could be worst storm to hit NE in decades. Category 4. They’re still talking a 10-foot surge. (Boston Herald; Aug. 25, 2011)

Call from David Wells

August 27, 2011; 1:30 pm Eastern
I got a call from David Wells. He said that Alberto had been up visiting him in the U.S., working on his machine; then he went to FL, then back to Puerto Rico, and was short on funds, so he didn't have batteries to run his device with. So with the power going out when Hurricane Irene was down there, it kind of got ahead of him; but he did locate some batteries, and knocked the hurricane down from an expected 2-3 when it hit landfall to a category 1.

David is working on an R.C. helicopter technology that he hopes will help raise some funds for this weather work.

Here is a reprint of the article we published two years ago: 

Weather Rangers to the Rescue

Who you gonna call when you have a nasty, persistent drought? David Wells' weather modification researchers have been fine tuning their skills. Alberto Feliciano in Puerto Rico appears to have dissolved this season's tropical and hurricane storms, including Ana, Erika and Bill….

On December, 2007, I reported the following at PESWiki:

In 1994 David Wells saw a presentation by Joseph Newman demonstrating a motor that allegedly put out more power than it consumed. Wells went home and built a machine, noting that it nearly ran without any energy input, taking 90 days to run the batteries down.

His shop was twelve miles from his home, and as he drove back and forth, he began to notice that when the sky was clouded over there was a curious hole in the cloud cover over the vicinity of the machine. He then noted that the effect would reverse if he changed the position of the machine — it would draw clouds in and even rain.

He began tinkering with the machine, modifying it and its position, and observing effects on the weather. He also build a dozen or so other machines which various people have been operating in sundry places around the U.S. The effect can be very long-range.

In the ensuing years, Wells says that "thousands" of weather modifications have been made by the various machines. He says the cause-effect relationships has become fairly well established.

Wells does not give out the plans publicly for how to build these devices, but to give you an idea of their simplicity, the parts for the machines cost less than $200, and can be built and assembled in an afternoon. The machine operates on a 12-volt battery, drawing just a few mili-amps.

Sunday evening, by way of follow-up, I received the following email from Alberto Feliciano:

Dear fellow inventors: 

Mr. David Wells' Weather Control invention is now greatly improved both in power and performance. His invention seems to work by using Scalar wave technology (the Aether or Orgone) and is capable not only of being of great benefit to humanity but can do much harm as well in the wrong hands. 

It belongs to humanity and it's suppression must not be allowed. Bad weather can be corrected. That is why everybody should know how to build one- just in case the powers that be decide to keep it for themselves. 

Mr. Wells' track record includes keeping tornadoes from touching ground, making and eliminating rain clouds, and the prevention, weakening and guiding of hurricanes and more. The benefits of weather control are obvious: making rain could reduce world hunger; steer tropical storms and hurricanes away from populated centers; prevent tornado formation; stop droughts; put out forest fires; crop production can be boosted by more rain. Floods can be reduced or eliminated. Global warming can be stopped; lives can be saved from natural disasters, and famine can be a thing of the past. 

He also has a small team of volunteers for whom he has built replicas of his machine, and they are getting good results as well. The people who have used his machines will affirm that what he says about his machines is true. 

I am one of his machine operators. I built the machine following Mr. Wells' specifications. It works. As an example I would ask you to examine what I did with one of Mr. Wells' machines in the Caribbean to tropical storm Ana a few weeks ago and with tropical storm Erika on 03Sept09. Both storms dissolved while being modified by the machine against all expectations of the National Weather Service.

Mr. David Wells' Weather Control System is not about selling the machines. It's about saving lives. It is a service to be provided freely to all nations of the world. Mr. Wells is hoping to establish a national network of largely automated machines with a control central where severe weather could be abated, and some weather engineering could be organized. To quote Mr. Wells directly [bracketed comments are mine], 

"I think a network of these machines should be put in place that is run by a company of experts who decide what [weather] we want. The cost of the operation should be paid for by the government [or maybe a Charitable Foundation serving humanity]. The damage caused by a single hurricane that is not stopped will cost many times the cost of this project. The machines are simple and cheap. They will be the smallest part of the cost… I am seeking people who are interested in participating in developing a network of these machines across the land. If enough of these machines were in place and properly operated, bad weather could be reduced."

The most effective path would seem to be to train weather professionals all over the world in the operation of the machines. They are the best qualified people to run them and can do so from their already established weather observation centers. That is where these machines truly belong.

You may reach him at 641-583-2522, e-mail <davidwells3 {at} gmail.com>. Mr. Wells has many personal references that will vouch for his work, including several scientists. Mr. Wells will provide you with more references. You may find more information and a recorded radio interview at: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:David_Wells_Weather_Control_System. [That's our site.]

Mr. David Wells' weather control machines are too powerful really to be handled by the common people, unless it were a very small unit designed to be used by a farmer to create rain for his crops, for example. These machines belong to humanity and need to be in the good, knowledgeable hands of weather professionals, one or more in every weather station.

We are trying to make a difference, worldwide, and we would be very grateful if you could give our efforts a little of your attention and your time.

This morning, I got on the phone with David Wells to ask him about this and get permission to post his email and phone number.  We weren't able to talk very long because he had a customer walk in and he needed to make a sale.  Here's a guy who apparently has the knowledge of capability of masterminding planetary weather manipulation with a few hundred dollar machines, and rather then being stationed somewhere secure in a command control center, he's doing sales somewhere in a retail shop.

He said that Alberto had contacted him a while ago because of our coverage, and he built a scaled up version of this technology last May.  He's situated in Puerto Rico, which Wells says "is a perfect spot for this", saying that Alberto has been able to stop all storm activity from Florida to the Persian Gulf.  "His machine has a range of 6,000 miles, "destroying storms at will".

"Hurricane Bill turned and never got anywhere near the U.S."


There are a variety of atmospheric waves,
but many require radar to detect them.
This NASA satellite image however
shows more obvious waves peaked
with clouds off the coast of Australia.
(Discovery; June 4, 2009)

In an email last week, David wrote:

When Marconi invented the wireless radio, he could send a message to almost anyone in the world. Soon there were many wireless radio units and no one could send a message to anyone because of everyone trying at once. Transmitter power had to be reduced to a few watts to cut the range down to enable a lot of machines to function. 

We will likely need to develop low power units of known range to control problem areas. A few high power machines will control the big picture. About 6 machines like yours could generate a complete band of control that would circle the globe. 

Lets hope the machine makes storm damage a thing of the past.

Here's an email excerpt from yesterday:

Check out the 4 storm pattern in the Atlantic right now . The 4 storms are all exactly the same distance from each other .

This is evidence of wave interference in action. These storms are being created by something other than random air currents and temperature differentials. 

Alberto is anxious to get more public exposure of this technology so that it remains with the people and is not absconded by governments to be used for weapons.  "We're growing as beings on this planet, and this is part of it: weather control." 

To facilitate this initiative, I created a social network site at http://weatherrangers.ning.com for those of you who would like to join in the World Weather Rangers, with slogan: "That weather engineering remains in the hands of peaceful people."

I also grabbed the domain name http://WeatherRangers.org to point to our PESWiki page for now.

I'm sure there are more qualified people out there to get involved in this, to take off where we've started.  But let's keep this from being controlled by the black ops of the world who are the same ones who brought us the Federal Reserve, 9/11, etc.

# # #


Recent email in David Well's gmail account. Posted with permission, listed in reverse chronological sequence.

This is being shared to give you an idea of the kind of dialogue that takes place between humble guys with machines that appear to be effecting international weather patterns.

Help with Cloud from Mexico

Alberto: 6:43 AM; Sept. 14, 2009

Hi Dave
That insistent cloud rolling into Louisiana from Mexico is
probably being flamed by my machine when I pull the depression. I am
running only occasionally, but it looks like it doesn't take much to
keep that cloud constantly popping up. Could you or someone pull that
cloud for me? I can't or I'll flare up the depression again.

* * * *

Box within a box

Alberto: 4:44 AM; Sept. 14, 2009
(Reformatted and slightly edited)


The yellow arrow seems to me to be all important. 

  • Forward, it pushes rain and wind into that area. 
  • Pointing it away from anywhere pulls moisture and lows out of that area. 
  • More than just a few minutes in any direction causes tremendous effects. 
  • Just an hour of the reverse yellow line took care of that depression in the Atlantic last night, without pushing lots and lots of wind and rain into northern Africa. 
  • Just like you have always said, what I have seen is that it always does both at the same time, pushing into one direction and pulling from another. 
  • I can't affect one spot in front of me without affecting what's behind me, and it starts and stops right at the operator's machine. 
  • The reverse yellow line effect is more effective in eliminating a tropical depression or a storm than just pointing the machine towards it, which only makes the storm follow the path set by the yellow line. 
  • The continuous directing of the force of the yellow line is not always desirable at the receiving end. Just a few minutes to an hour of the reverse yellow line effect will work wonders on storms without long lasting effects which might or might not be welcomed. 

For this reason it may not be a good idea to leave the machines running 24/7, even if they are low-power. And to make it dummy-proof, how about a 'box within a box' idea, such as the picture below? 

I am suggesting that the yellow line is the only important one, the only one that causes an effect. The only visible arrow painted on the outside secondary box would be the yellow one. The black arrow would no longer be needed. The box inside a box would make sure no one gets confused. What do you think?

Note: There are millions of people living in their countries in what use to be river beds hundreds of years ago, that won't know what to do when all of a sudden it starts raining again in their country and the "unknown" old rivers fill up. That is why I believe it is crucial to work the machines just a few minutes at a time. 

It is also possible that all of your machines have a much longer range than you originally thought. Now that we know about the yellow line, it will be easier to observe.

* * * *


David: 6:11 PM; Sept. 13, 2009
(slightly edited)

Alberto, Check out the 4 storm pattern in the Atlantic right now. The 4 storms are all exactly the same distance from each other.

This is evidence of wave interference in action. These storms are being created by something other than random air currents and temperature differentials. 

Also looking at the nrl Monterrey satellite photos.  The storm activity has been almost totally removed from the area in which the hurricanes originate. Nothing but some clouds all the way to the Persian Gulf. 

I had a feeling that a machine in your area would be very effective. I had considered the possibilities of one in the Cape Verde Islands. I think one there would be capable of making rain in the Sahara desert. 

The proximity of the cape Verde islands to the Sahara is similar to the Sedona to the Midwest. We get a lot of rain in the Midwest because of the Sedona vortex, so if a vortex is generated in the Cape Verde Islands, it should transform the weather patterns in the Sahara. We will see someday soon. Later, David Wells

* * * *


Alberto: Sept. 10, 2009

So to make rain I point the yellow line to wherever I want to
make rain, and to remove thunderstorms and low pressure systems I just
turn it around so that the yellow arrow is pointing away from my
target. Seems to work. So far so good. All operators must know all of
this technical info.

God help me to learn what we need to learn while keeping
everyone safe and out of harm's way.

* * * *

TX – Congrats

Alberto: Sept. 10, 2009

Hi Dave
Congratulations! It's rain!

* * * *


Alberto: Sept. 9, 2009

I'm looking for the NOAA weather advisory broadcast for San
Antonio, TX to listen in. I think that will give me the info I need.

* * * *


David: Sept. 9, 2009
(slightly edited)

Alberto, You are beginning to see what I was talking about when I said we need world wide coverage with many machines. If the other areas of concern had their own machines, they could create their own control zone and correct for the side effects the main machines generate.

Hurricane control should have the top priority. No more severe damage please. However, the side effects of stopping them will add up to reduced rainfall in some areas. These areas need to have smaller machines that can make them the rain they need. 

The need for rain can be studied by looking at the drought monitor Some areas of the world are really dry. Australia is one of the driest. I would like to find an operator over there. We have a long way to go. The world is a big place. 

Looking at Monterey satellite, you can use the stitched setting to bring up the whole world. This gives a good view of the big picture. It would appear that your machine has shut down all of the waves clear across Africa. Fred is the only system left from Florida to the Mediterranean. 

That adds up to 6 or 7 thousand miles range. It is hard to believe, but you are the one in charge and you know it is doing as you say. 

When Marconi invented the wireless radio, he could send a message to almost anyone in the world. Soon there were many wireless radio units and no one could send a message to anyone because of everyone trying at once. Transmitter power had to be reduced to a few watts to cut the range down to enable a lot of machines to function. 

We will likely need to develop low power units of known range to control problem areas. A few high power machines will control the big picture. About 6 machines like yours could generate a complete band of control that would circle the globe. 

Lets hope the machine makes storm damage a thing of the past. Later David Wells 

* * * *


Alberto: Sept. 8, 2009

Hi Dave
I think that I now know possibly how to direct rain to any given
country. I regret having learned that the hard way. Your operators
must not only be weather observers but international newspaper readers
as well to stay informed and up to date on the weather. Maybe someday
we can hire a full-time watch, like the ones you say the Navy has on
it's ships.

* * * *

High volts weathwer control

Alberto: Sept. 6, 2009

Hi Dave

>It will stop a light storm, but a heavy storm is only reduced.

That's all we needed down here really. The Emergency Broadcast System
had given a "sudden floods" warning, and changing the machine's
position kept a lot of that rain away.

>As you switch directions, keep an eye on the big picture so something doesn't get developed and get beyond control.

Yes, thanks for reminding me. It's easy to forget sometimes when
you're caught up in the middle of local rains and thunderstorms. But I
make an exceptions for hurricanes, any day. 🙂

* * * *

Shooing Erika

Alberto: Sept. 4, 2009

Hi Dave

It feels like celebration time. First, tropical storm Erika has
been obliterated by your machine. Second and even more important, we
have possibly found a solution for getting the machines to work
all-month long. If that turns out to be true, a consistent thing, we
will have reason to celebrate. Keep your fingers crossed.

I'm getting the standard response from my family members: that
was what was going to happen anyway. They imply I had nothing to do
with Erika disappearing. No proof will convince them, I guess.

* * * *

Weather Control System

Alberto: Sept. 3, 2009
(slightly edited)

Dear Mr Bill Gates:

Mr David Wells' fifteen years of Weather Control work should be of interest to a global-well/being-awareness Foundation like yours. His track record while working with a weather modification device of his own design (discovered by accident) includes keeping tornadoes from touching ground, making and eliminating rain clouds, the prevention, weakening and guiding of hurricanes and more. He also has a small team of volunteers for whom he has built replicas of his machine, and they are getting good results too.

He has authorized me to contact you on his behalf. You can call him at 641-583-2522, e-mail [<davidwells3 {at} gmail.com>]. You may find more information and a recorded radio interview at: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:David_Wells_Weather_Control_System. Mr Wells has many personal references that will vouch for his work, such as meteorologist Scott Stevens, [New]  Energy Congress founder Sterling D. Allan and several scientists. Mr Wells will provide you with more references.

Many people who have used his machines will affirm that what he says about them is true. I am one of them. As proof I would ask you to examine what one of Mr Wells' machines did with tropical storm Ana last week and with tropical storm Erika today, 03Sept09. Both storms dissolved while being modified by the machine against all expectations of the Weather Bureau. 

I live in Puerto Rico, and I operate a machine I built following Mr Wells' specifications. It works. 

We are trying to make a difference, and we would be very grateful if you could give our efforts a little of your attention and your time.

Sincerely, Alberto Feliciano

* * * *

The Newman-Wells machine

R.S.: Sept. 2, 2009
(slightly edited)

Dear Mr. David Wells,

Thank you very much for your response.

Connecting the machines to a network using the Internet is less expensive than using GSM or Satellite connection. GSM is too expensive and establishing a satellite connection is unaffordable. 

A network of machines controlled over the Internet is the cheapest way. It is also more comfortable to control them over the internet, since you can use a software program to change the settings. The machine can be hundreds of miles away and you can change the settings within a few seconds. 

As you said, the operator could get paid or it could be done voluntary. All you need is a software program, a hardware interface for the machines, and, if possible, a 24h connection to the internet. 

The software program can be written in a few days, it is not hard to develop such programs. I could design a software program like that. There are thousands of webcams in the world which have a 24h connection to the internet, so I think it can be done. It's just a question of money.

It is great to hear that you placed a machine in Puerto Rico. I already noticed that there are almost no hurricanes this year, it is below average. Amazing you found a way to construct a machine without batteries. I assume it's not the discharge/charge of the battery that creates the force field.

By the way: Did you ever try to use AlNiCo or Samarium-Cobalt magnets? They are stronger than ceramic magnets.

All the Best,

* * * *

The Newman-Wells machine

Alberto: Aug. 25, 2009
(slightly edited)

Thanks Dave, I think I get the picture now about the moon's position around us.
Someday I will build that crate I wrote you about and make my
machine ready to run in any position, to see if I can fool the machine
into working with the 'bad' moon. When it comes to storms, hurricanes
and tornadoes we just can't afford to be without a working machine, no
matter what the moon phase. Experiments like the crate idea if
successful could help us save even more lives than we are helping to
save right now. Guess I'm preaching to the choir, huh?

* * * *

Something new

David: Aug. 24, 2009
(slightly edited)


I have noticed differences in the weather patterns generated when the battery voltages become different. 

These effects showed up for me when I would operate the machine for a long period of time without charging the power battery. The batteries were old junk yard batteries that would not start a car. Because they were almost dead to begin with, it would soon begin to go completely dead. As cell after cell would loose the volts, the effects would appear. This, I attributed to the power battery voltage being less than the load battery. 

The most common formation was a large pancake shaped cloud to the north west that transitioned into what looked like a big pile of cotton balls off to the north east and virtually clear skies to the south of the machine. This formation was linked to low power battery voltage so many times that it wasn't required to check the voltage. When I would see it, I knew it was time to charge the battery.

I did a little research on higher voltages and different input output voltages, but not enough to really understand what was going to happen when the machine was adjusted differently. We have a lot to learn.

It appears the power has returned and the storms have quieted down. So far, so good. 

I talked to [C.]. His machine is being rebuilt now. Later David Wells 

* * * *




David Wells
e-mail <davidwells3 {at} gmail.com>

Alberto Feliciano
email: <alfelici {at} googlemail.com>

== E N D   O F   R E P R I N T  ==

This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


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Source: PESN