Defkalion Green Energy Inc. claims to have produced final products, but still will not answer two critical questions about the reactor cores at the heart of their systems. Also, Defkalion, who is pressing forward, states that an interesting citation that was posted on an internet list did not originate from their company. 

Part VII of Rossi-Defkalion Controversy

by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan  

For those who are not already aware, Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. has named their nickel-hydrogen cold fusion product line, "Hyperion." They claim it utilizes the same design of reactor core (or "kernel" as they call it) as Andrea Rossi's E-Cat "prototypes." The reactor or kernel of an E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) prototype is a metal tube, in which nickel powder, hydrogen gas, and one or more elements that serve as catalysts are placed. When the hydrogen pressure is increased and the contents of the reactor are heated, the cold fusion reaction is triggered. The result is a massive release of energy that consumes little fuel, and produces no pollution.

Recently, Andrea Rossi announced via a press release that the licensing agreement with Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. had been terminated — over a financial issue. He then elaborated on his blog by stating that he had been waiting for Defkalion to release certain funds. When they never arrived, he decided to terminate the agreement. He contents the issue will most likely go to an arbitration court. 

Even more stunningly, he has been repeating an accusation that no one (including Defkalion Green Technologies Inc.) other than his group has ever built, assembled, or tested an E-Cat reactor core. He goes on to say that the "industrial secret" or the "confidential information" about the inside of the reactor was never given to Defkalion. In fact he has recently stated, "No one in the world holds any E-Cat, but us, so far."

His statements directly conflict with those made by Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. in the past, which indicate they have complete final units that include working reactor cores. For example, on their forum the moderators — who were company employees — stated the final units were undergoing tests by the Greek government for performance, safety, stability, and other issues. The simple truth is that you cannot submit "final units" for such testing unless they have reactor cores in place! Perhaps the statement that made it the most clear they claimed to have working reactor cores, is that at peak they had operated 1000 (ONE THOUSAND) cores or "kernels" at a time.

The simple fact is that DGT's statements and Andrea Rossi's statements contradict. Defkalion's recent response to our letter was helpful and informative, but did not specifically address the issue of contention. Although they repeated the fact they have final systems, they did not confirm that they had built and assembled the *reactor cores* or kernels (that contain the Ni-H reactions), that are the heart of such products. To try and get a more precise answer, PESN submitted *another* letter to Defkalion with two follow up questions. The two questions and Defkalion's response are as follows:


  • Did Andrea Rossi ever provide your company the "industrial secret", which would include the information about how to produce an operating "kernel" or reactor core?
  • Can you confirm that your company has assembled, built, and tested the "kernels" (even if they are the exact same design as Andrea Rossi's), that produce the heat for your final Hyperion systems?

The response that Defkalion's representative, Symeon Tsalikoglou gave is:

Regarding the questions [above], we would prefer to say no comment. We do not need to enter into online conversations / verifications. Although we understand and value the efforts of the community at large to learn more, please respect the fact that we are working hard for this business to move forward and cannot commit more time and efforts toward the growing interest for information – at the moment. 

It is now very obvious that Defkalion refuses to give a direct and specific response to Andrea Rossi's accusation. I completely respect the fact they are very busy, but those two questions could have probably been answered with a very short response. It would not have taken a lot of time for them to answer with a yes or no (or a couple of sentences). Such a response would have been very much appreciated, and would have helped clarify their position.

Going by Andrea Rossi's recent statements, his answer would have been an absolute "no" to those two questions. It is unfortunate that Defkalion is unwilling to specifically address these two questions, because Andrea Rossi's accusations are particularly harsh. To indicate that a former partner and licensee (that he recently went to a large press conference with) has never had possession of the most critical component of their product is a very critical statement. It is a statement that I think that Defkalion would want to address directly.

If his statement is untrue, it would be just as irresponsible as if the CEO of Intel claimed that Apple Computer was not utilizing their CPU's in their laptops. In such a hypothetical situation, it is obvious that Apple Computer would immediately show evidence that they do indeed incorporate Intel processors in their products. They would do everything they could to refute Intel's false accusation. However, when it comes to Defkalion, they act as if Rossi's claim is a non-issue. 

We still do not know the full story about this situation, and may not for some time. Hopefully, in the coming days, weeks, and months the truth will come out about which party has told the truth, and which party has not. One proposed idea is that to them, it could just be a matter of semantics. Rossi's "E-cat" is the lab demonstrator version. Defkalion's "Hyperion" is the engineered, final product version. It's possible that according to their mindset, they are not the same, so neither is being untruthful (using a loose interpretation). But this does not explain Rossi's many comments specifically stating he never gave them the "industrial secret" or the information about the "inside of the reactor."

Defkalion Denies Citation came from Them

A user on the Vortex L mailing list posted the following message containing a "citation" that seemed to be from Defkalion. 

"The License and Technology Transfer Agreement (The LTTA) contains a milestone payment arrangement. According to said arrangement, DGT's release of the first payment to EFA is pending on that EFA meet several technical requirements. As anticipated in the LTTA for the purpose of determining if EFA has met said requirements, a test was performed in late July 2011. While the test conclusively showed that most of these requirements indeed were reached, some were not; the most important one being full working stability of the reactor. As provided in the LTTA, DGT therefore requested a second test. However, EFA has refused to participate in such a test despite the fact that such non-participation clearly constitutes a material breach of contract. Such a test is and has always been a prerequisite for DGT confidently going forward with the collaboration with EFA."


PESN sent this citation to Defkalion, asking for them if it was legitimate. They emailed us back with the following response.

Defkalion Green Technologies official position on your email is as follows: "this text has not originated from Defkalion."

Defkalion denies this text originated from them, but they do not specifically deny its contents. Of course the text may not be accurate, could be a hoax, and may not be from a source even close to Defkalion. However, the text in the document — if true — indicates that the reason for the split up was not only due to Defkalion not being willing to pay, but the fact Andrea Rossi's company (EFA) refused to allow another test of their reactor to prove it's stability.

By using the term stability, they probably mean the ability of the reactor to stay at a constant level of output. Andrea Rossi has stated in the past, that in self sustain mode (with no input to control the reaction) E-Cat reactors can increase in output to unsafe levels. For example, Andrea Rossi mentioned one test in which a reactor with a volume of 50cc and a rated output of 2.5 kilowatts, went beyond 10 kilowatts of output. Ten kilowatts of output is the maximum safe output for a reactor with a volume of 50cc, so the test had to be ended.

It should be noted that if the citation is correct about why the split between Defkalion and Rossi occurred, the stability issue is not one that effects the reality of the technology. Also, it is not a concern for the practical application of the technology. Andrea Rossi is simply trying to make his E-Cats self sustain in a stable way (unlike the final Defkalion systems that always have an input), and even if they are not fully stable in self sustain mode *yet*, the Ni-H reactions are real and do produce vast amounts of output.

At worst, all this means is that perhaps a self sustaining mode may be better for a 2.0 version of an E-Cat product, rather than a 1.0 version. Although this technology is a thousand times as significant as the mobile phone, a good comparison could be the difference between the current smart phones, and the first ones that hit the market. The first cell phones were large, bulky, and lacked many features cell phones currently have. Now, cell phones are smaller, have hundreds of times the processing power as the original ones that came out, include GPS units, have built in cameras, and can access the internet. In time, the E-Cat technology will evolve in the same way. If there are limits to the technology now, they will be exceeded in a few years. 

The Future

Regardless of who is in the right here, someone needs to bring this technology to the marketplace. It offers the potential of ending the energy crisis, creating millions of jobs, reducing pollution, and sparking a new technological revolution. 

It is unfortunate these two parties are at odds with each other, but it is even more frustrating that their claims contradict each other — which leads to the obvious conclusion that one party is not being honest. This technology is too important to lie about. For the good of the planet, the parties involved need to work together to produce a unified statement detailing what is taking place, and the truth about this situation.

It comes down to the following question.

Do Hyperions only dream of having reactor cores, or did Defkalion acquire the "industrial secret" to build such cores (kernels), and have installed them?

Or, even more intriguing, perhaps Defkalion figured out a new way to achieve the same thing, but out of integrity they are still seeking to work with Andrea Rossi. There are certainly many ways to achieve excess energy in a cold fusion cell, as thousands of researchers around the world have shown for the past two decades+. And even Rossi played around with multiple combinations until settling on the best one. This theory gives a possibile explanation of how both Rossi and Defkalion could have been truthful in their statements. Of course if this is the case, it also gives a very valid reason why Rossi could be angry with Defkalion. If they decided to use their own catalyst (or figured out his catalyst) before he actually gave it to them, he could see them as trying to steal his technology.

Defkalion Pressing Forward

Despite the recent controversy, Defkalion apparently is forging ahead. The following was reported on Greek television, and seems to indicate that Andrea Rossi and Defkalion have settled their dispute. (translated by Google)

The process of establishing a power plant in Xanthi that uses hydrogen-nickel fusion continues, as the problems that seemed to exist between the inventor and the company undertaking the building of this plant have been overcome, and everything will now continue as originally planned.

Clouds have been seen in recent days in relations between the inventor of the device producing energy from hydrogen-nickel fusion, Andrea Rossi, and Defkalion Green Technologies, the company which is planning to install the relevant equipment for the power plant in Xanthi. Andrea Rossi, in his recent statement, talked about suspending cooperation with the Greek company Defkalion, and of turning to a big company in the U.S. instead. But as in all dramas, the crisis in relations between the inventor and the company has been overcome, and arrangements are now progressing normally.

Channel 6 contacted the the CEO of Defkalion, Mr Ksanthoulis, who makes it clear that Mr. Rossi has every right to cooperate with the US company since their agreement does not prohibit it. However, what is important is that any problems are overcome and the investment proceeds as originally planned.

In closing Mr. Xanthoulis attributed all this disruption to the pressures on both Defkalion and on Mr Rossi, who according to Mr. Xanthoulis, was more vulnerable to such pressure.

Request to Readers

It is important to note that neither Defkalion or Rossi have issued a press release (that we have seen) indicating that their licensing arrangement had been restored.

If any of our readers can find evidence that Defkalion and Rossi have officially decided to continue working together, it would be appreciated if the information could be shared with us, so we can pass it on to our readership.

# # #

This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.

Rossi-Defkalion Controversy

Part I

  • Rossi Terminates Defkalion's E-Cat Rights and License In a stunning announcement, Andrea Rossi has reported on his blog — the Journal of Nuclear Physics — that the licensing agreement between his company and Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. has been terminated. What are the ramifications of this turn of events? First 1 MW plant will be in USA. (PESN; August 7, 2011)

Part II

  • An E-Cat Full of Lies – Rossi or Defkalion?Andrea Rossi has announced that he has terminated the licensing agreement with Defkalion Green Technologies Inc., and states Defkalion has never built or tested an E-Cat or Hyperion unit. This contradicts the countless statements from Defkalion representatives. Either Defkalion or Rossi is lying. Who is being honest and who is not? (PESN; August 7, 2011)

Part III

Part IV

  • Responds; Ignores Rossi's Accusation – Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer), recently announced that he had canceled the licensing agreement with Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. Now, Defkalion has responded via a statement to Ny Teknik, but avoided addressing Rossi's most critical accusation — the claim they have not built a working reactor. (PESN; August 8, 2011)

Part V

  • Rossi Gives Reason for Split from Defkalion; Repeats AccusationAs Defkalion Green Technologies Inc. continues to remain silent about the accusation that they have never built or tested reactors, Andrea Rossi continues to make statements — including the accusation that Defkalion was never given the information to build a reactor. To elicit a response from Defkalion, an open letter has been sent. (PESN; August 9, 2011)

Part VI

  • Responds in Support of Rossi – An official response from Defkalion states that their Hyperion products are a highly engineered advancement of the initial lab version of Rossi's E-Cat concept, and that Rossi signed off on all their improvements, and that they are preparing to launch product as planned. (PESN; August 10, 2011)

Part VII

  •  Do Hyperions Dream of E-Cat Reactor Cores? – Defkalion Green Energy Inc. claims to have produced final products, but still will not answer two critical questions about the reactor cores at the heart of their systems. Also, Defkalion, who is pressing forward, states that an interesting citation that was posted on an internet list did not originate from their company. (PESN; August 11, 2011)

What You Can Do

  1. Pass this on to your friends and favorite news sources.
  2. Join the H-Ni_Fusion technical discussion group to explore the details of the technology.
  3. Once available, purchase a unit and/or encourage others who are able, to do so.
  4. Let professionals in the renewable energy sector know about the promise of this technology. 
  5. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay abreast of the latest, greatest developments in the free energy sector.
  6. Consider investing in Rossi's group once they open to that in October.
  7. Help us manage the PESWiki feature page on Rossi's technology.

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Source: PESN