~abiding within your center of peace ~


i am sending once again a beautiful message

from the Voice of Love…a free meditation

into the space of peace within…


this is to be experienced…….so be sure you lay down and

are in a place of allowance…allowing whatever arises

within you to flow as you abide within this peace-filled

reality which is the truth of who you are…


to listen for free follow these instructions…

(dialing in is free )

dial 949-812-4509

access code 315677#

pin # 991457

recording # 5


with love…denisa





it is an honor to share this with all of you….

for those of you who feel you would like to

contribute…to be a part of making more of

these type of recordings available to "all"

you can go to my website and make a donation

or you can email me at deniseanew@aol.com

If you are interested in a "living within the heart"

session with denisa you can contact me at the

above email address…these sessions help to clear

the heart of all blockages to loves presence

and allow you to connect ever more deeply with

your own voice of love within…


for those of you who are interested in my next

free conference call and  live channeling with jeshua

and the lineage i will let you know soon when that

will be….


may peace fill you this day…denisa.