Christina Lunden a message from Christina Lunden

Wednesday, 6 July, 2011  (posted 8 July, 2011)

It is not an easy time to be living on Earth. Many people are struggling just to live. Many have no faith and hope of a better future and some don’t even believe in a future life past this one. We cross paths with these people each day and sometimes it is unpleasant for us because they are rude, unhappy and / or ungrateful. Sometimes we even get our feelings hurt in these encounters. This can happen a lot especially when they are family or friends. It is easy to forget that we have an advantage in this life in that we have a belief in something greater than what our eyes see.

Think for a moment about living this life just as a human being, without faith or hope. Can you imagine living in these times and just being human; not a spiritual human being? Do you ever feel alone? Can you imagine how alone they feel?

These are the very people that we profess that we want to serve. But many of us have had enough of our own hard times that we are now praying for a way out of here to ascend to the new world so we can bypass all the ugly stuff that is currently in this one.

We are the souls who will create this change and we are way behind schedule. Our hearts have been bruised and battered by many things in the last two years. Disappointments, frustration and rejection by the ones who were to love us has made us conflicted in wanting to stay in a place that would allow us, the light bearers, the ones who try so hard every day to love others, to be so hurt. We thought we were going to be above all of the craziness and chaos during the Ascension. The Ascension symptoms were hard enough and now we have had to experience hard times too! And because of this, we are upset with Spirit for not helping us more or at least answering our prayers to get us out of here!

I have been shown many visions in the past few weeks. (I am sharing some of these visions on my weekly internet radio program, “Angelic Guidance.” If you would like to hear them, you can listen at The program is called “Spiritual Update.”) In these visions, we are oh so strong! And our souls know what we need to do but because of free-will, our souls can only talk to us. We are the ones that have to do the work. I can’t say it is our egos getting in the way because most of us have already resolved that ego issue. It seems to be because we know about a different world, we are fantasizing about it and wanting it but we are not doing what we need to do to get it here. Thinking about it is not going to make it happen. We have to act and act now. This pot of Earth is about to boil over and things to become much worse than they had to be because there isn’t enough light here on Earth. How can you help?

~Love these unlovable people you cross paths with each day. You don’t have to stay around them; just don’t think or speak negatively to or about them. And don’t engage in their arguments. Don’t send them light (unless they ask) as this will just aggravate them and make them act worse around you.

~Listen a lot! There is not much to say at this time. Speaking, teaching, sharing is for later. You will know when to start talking. The Angels will let you know. For now, listen, listen, listen!

~Keep talking to the Angels of your soul and Spirit to get the latest guidance. It is very quiet spiritually right now but know that when they have something to say to you, you will get the message! Your job is keeping the lines of communication open.

~Shine your light bright, up to Heaven and down through your body through Earth and back to Heaven. Don’t shine out in front of you, behind you or around you. If you concentrate on the light, just shine up and down.  (If you are not thinking about it, it will naturally flow up and down.) That will help keep you off the radar of negativity and give Mother Earth free and clear access of power whenever she needs it and give Spirit the light needed to make the other changes.

Remember, Spirit could have done this Ascension without us, but the point was that we had spiritually progressed enough to do this ourselves. We are not getting rescued. We are going to have to pass this test ourselves in order to move on to the next grade level!

We can do this. We can make it through this darkness and bring in a brighter light than ever before on Earth. I know and you know it’s been tough. Even so, we can do this! I believe. Do you?

I AM with you always,


Copyright 2011 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved.  Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:

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