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Water ceremony 25/07/2011 Dr Emoto

13 07 2011

Water unites us all.

Dr Emoto believes that water = (2)Love + (1)Gratitude

On July 25th, Dr Emoto is holding a water ceremony for the waters of Fukushima to assist in their healing.

We can add our intentions to this ceremony … by sending love and gratitude to the water where we live … or by sending love and gratitude to a bottle of water and placing it back into the earth.

Water is us .. We are water.

The following is some information regrading Dr Emoto’s ceremony ..and also a video of his work.

On July 25th, Dr. Emoto will hold a live water ceremony in Japan to offer Love and Gratitude to the water in Fukushima to assist in the recovery and restoration of the precious waters since the nuclear accident.

Join us as we gather people around the planet to pray for Peace on Earth and to consciously connect with others around the globe.

Water is the thread that unites us all. As a collective we can create positive change.

The detail of the ceremony is as below:

Date: July 25th, 2011 Fukushima Japan
Time: 4:00AM – 6:00AM (Japan Time)

USA… California 12:00 noon July 24th
New York 15:00 July 24th
London … 20:00 July 24th
Paris … 21:00 July 24th
Moscow … 23:00 July 24th

Bangkok … 2:00 July 25th
Beijing, Singapore, Taipei … 3:00 July 25th
Seoul … 4:00 July 25th
Sidney … 5:00 July 25th

Location: Iwaki City, Fukushima, Japan
Iwaki Misaki Park http://www.iwakicity-park.​

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