10 July 2011


Hi Everyone,
This morning Bob and I watched a youtube video, and as it closed I felt Horus tapping on my shoulder, and I knew a message was coming. You may read it in this Wake Up Call. The url to watch the video is here, below what Bob wrote when he sent it out to some of his friends.

Bob: Everyone who cares about ending the tyranny on our world, and restoring our sovereignty and freedom from the oppressors, should watch this Video and pass it on. We each have the power to peaceably help bring our world back to the freedoms we want for ourselves and family and the family of humanity.


Wake up Call: Horus July 10, 11

There is coming a preparatory shift in what happens on this planet. It is a shift that will come about because of the people, because of their openness to what has been taking place. It is time for all of you to join in this movement and to herald the new age of planet earth with all of us who will be coming up from the Inner and Hollow Earth. We will be coming and we will join in with you at a certain point. You will begin the movement, and when we see that it is your movement and not one that we have begun, then we will join with you in the endeavor to bring back your rights, your freedom and the beauty of a life lived in the joy of being your own salvation.

You are living in a free will society and as you move forward in this free will you shall, for the first time since your experience on Maldek, be aware of what it really means to be your own creator. You will find that there is no limit to the power you have to peaceably bring to your world the freedom that you are born with. You will be those who followed your hearts and your minds to the satisfaction of that which you are destined for. You will have proven to us, and all of your universal family that you are operating and expressing in your free will. That is your invitation to us to come and join you, for family sticks together and brings the expected to fruition.

You had to reach this milestone, dear ones. You had to prove to us all that you are standing in your freedom and self-empowerment. That means that you are allowing the innermost energy of the Mushaba Force to speak through you and to bring into your lives that, which is the legacy from the Creator. You are now on the threshold of living the inheritance of The Creator and allowing your Spirit the freedom that is yours.

I encourage you all to watch this film and to interpret it in your lives in the peaceful and loving way that you are inspired to in the coming months. It lays the groundwork for you to live and act in your own way through the inspiration that comes directly from your Spirit. It is the movement that creates beauty, freedom and the love that is so powerful that it moves mountains of oppressions, parts the waters of greed, and restores the soils that have become so dirtied, bringing them back to the pristine land that is in harmony with all of you.

This is your land. It is time to reclaim it and live in harmony with all life on and within it. It is time for you all to reclaim your freedom and live in harmony with all that is without and within your beauteous beingness.

I will be here among you when the time comes that you have prepared the table before us, and we shall dine and drink of the victorious walk into freedom, peace, joy and love that is the beginning of the new world that you will be creating. I stand with you now in the spirit that is One. I stand with you forever.

Thank you dear Horus,

Love, Nancy Tate