14 July 2011  

The Inca Prophecy
by Peruvian Spiritual Messenger Willaru Huayta

"We have been waiting five hundred years. The Inca prophecies say that now, in this age, when the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken. The eagles of the North cannot be free without the condors of the South.

Now it's happening. Now is the time. The Aquarian Age is an era of light, an age of awakening, an age of returning to natural ways. Our generation is here to help begin this age, to prepare through different schools to understand the message of the heart, intuition, and nature. Native people speak with the Earth. When consciousness awakens, we can fly high like the eagle, or like the condor…

Ultimately, you know, we are all native, because the word native comes from nature, and we are all parts of Mother nature. She is inside us, and we are inside her. We depend totally on the Earth, the Sun, and the Water. We belong to the evolution of nature in our physical bodies. But we also have a spiritual body that comes from the Sun, not the Sun you can see with two eyes, but another Sun that lies in another dimension, a golden Sun burning with the fire of spiritual light. The inner light of humans emanates from this spiritual source. We came to Earth from this Sun to have experiences on Earth, and eventually we will return to this Sun. We are Children of the Sun.

The most important thing now is to awaken the consciousness in a positive form. The ascended masters have returned to unify the consciousness of the children of Earth through their messages of unity, harmony and love for this new solar era. We thank the masters of the White Brotherhood for guiding us and facilitating the communication with other worlds in this message to all seekers of the Light." Look for God in others."Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly." (end)

"In many indigenous cultures, Star beings are called "Rainbow People", the rainbow race of colors living in peace and harmony on earth. When a Qero high priest from Peru was asked . . . , he explained that the Star Beings/Rainbow People are all of us. We are entering an age of meeting ourselves again, called the Taripaypacha. Our star essence is an elaborate light-coding system in DNA. Our DNA is light, color, and sound. We are re-connecting to our star selves and entering self-empowerment. This allows us to connect our light body with the advanced beings who can guide us to understand more of the higher dimensions of true being and divine light." – from Stargate by James Jereb

aluna@alunajoy.com, or newsletter@alunajoy.com