On July 23, 2011 a conference titled, "Has cold fusion became a reality?" was held in Viareggio, Italy. During the meeting, Andrea Rossi and others discussed their cold fusion technologies. It was also revealed a rival company has formed named "Nichenergy", that is capable of producing nickel hydrogen cold fusion without catalysts.

Cold Fusion conference in Viareggio,

by Hank Mills 
Pure Energy Systems News

Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology has became well known this year, due to it being validated repeatedly by qualified scientists, multiple third parties, and of course Defkalion Green Technologies, Inc. The possibility that it produces nuclear fusion (between nickel and hydrogen) at low temperatures has turned into a proven fact. However, Andrea Rossi's method is not the only way of producing cold fusion. There are other variations of nickel-hydrogen cold fusion cells, and of course materials other than nickel can be used. During a recent conference in Viareggio, Italy titled "Has cold fusion became a reality?", several cold fusion researchers gathered to discuss their latest research. The result of the meeting is that we now know that the race to get cold fusion technology into the market place is heating up, as more competitors are developing products.

So far, two websites have provided coverage of the conference, which was hosted by Delta Energy (a solar power company). The first is the blog http://22passi.blogspot.com/ of Daniel Passi, who has been following the saga of Andrea Rossi's cold fusion technology for months. The second, is the Cold Fusion Now blog. A breakdown of what took place at the conference was provided by Daniel Passi's blog, and is presented here cleaned up a little (because Google translator does not always do a good job of translating).

Participants of the Conference

– Andrea Rossi via Skype

– Andrea Rossi's research partner, Sergio Focardi, who is a retired physicist from the University of Bologna.

– Francesco Celani, a nuclear physicist and cold fusion researcher.

– Mario Menichella, an astrophysicist and futurologist.

– Roy Virgilio, an author and acquaintance of Francesco Piantelli — a cold fusion researcher who is licensing a nickel hydrogen cold fusion technology.

– Daniel Passi, an author and blogger.


Minutes of the Conference

16:13 – We contact Andrea Rossi via Skype, who is located in the United States. He answers questions put to him by Mario Menichella, and confirms that the work on the construction of the one megawatt plant is progressing smoothly, and will be delivered on time. In regard to the European patent, he hopes entering the market in November with the first industrial use of the E-Cat might provide a push that helps the patent be granted. For use in homes, the technology will require a couple more years of development, and certificates of safety will need to be issued. Andrea Rossi then leaves. He was received by the audiance with great applause, and the audiance also applauses when he leaves.

16:32 – Mario Menichella starts the interview with Professor Sergio Focardi.

16:36 – Focardi retraces his long academic career, work in the field of experimental particle physics events at the University of Pisa, and Brasimone ENEA Frascati, CERN and finally in Bologna. 

16.40 – After the experiment of Fleischmann and Pons – continues to remind Focardi – began to collaborate with the Piantelli Habel and cold fusion. At Siena he could enjoy Piantelli funding that enabled the early research to be performed. 

16.45 – The start of the collaboration with Rossi just changed the scale of the effect. Focardi says that the two key innovations introduced by Rossi were the use of the powder in place of bars of nickel and the catalyst secret. 16:43 – The results achieved by Piantelli were scientifically interesting, but their scale (ratio output / input = 2 ) was too small to be able to think to produce energy economically. 

16.50 – Focardi refers to the famous article written by Rossi and published on the net where it is explained that the energy output was measured with different methodologies. 

16:54 – Remember when you went by train from Bologna to Bondeno and Rossi waited at the station, then went to work together in the famous warehouse where they were developed prototypes of the reactor-Ni-H Rossi Focardi. 

16:57 – Focardi insists he does not know as yet explain the mechanism (nuclear) carrying a nickel atom to capture a proton and become copper, but they found the copper in the final products of the reaction and this is an experimental fact. 

17.05 – Focardi says that in recent years have made many types of measurements to determine the amount of energy produced, even with closed hydraulic circuits. 17.03 – The ignition temperature of the reaction is 60-70 ° C. 

17.08 – Focardi concludes that this source of energy can revolutionize the world: Nickel is almost unlimited because the earth's core ( NiFe ) is composed of nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe). [Ok, but I think we can extract only one present on the earth's crust!]. 

17.09 – A long round of applause greets the end of the interview. 

17.11 – He took the floor to thank Francesco Celani, Delta Energy, the organizers, and the audience. Explains that he became interested in cold fusion with the aim of proving that it was a mistake, but that he also believes that the phenomenon was real, although difficult to play at first. It also recognizes that the problem of cold fusion, as well as that of reproducibility, is that through lots of research there have been more seriously unreliable that ended with discredit even on the first, just to avoid this is born ISCMNS which at present is vice president. 

17.16 – He points out that particularly in this area of research preconceived criticisms only serve to inflate the egos of those who practice them. It's up to address the matter with true scientific method and skepticism, but skepticism must go hand in hand with constructive, not negative. 

17.20 – Celani classifies the known reactions that provide energy in 4 types: Chemical, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and LENR.

17:23 – He tells of an episode in which, during a cold-fusion tests he conducted, he produced a peak of energy and so clear high, to give him the certainty of the phenomenon … the small thread presented palladium used in a subsequent analysis by electron microscopy, nano-important changes and unexplained by current theories. 

17:28 – After speaking briefly about the fission of nuclear fusion artificial hot , inertial , cold . Cold fusion does not occur in a vacuum but in condensed matter, especially in a crystal lattice loaded with hydrogen. 

17:32 – Explain how the principles of cold fusion, well known and known in military areas, are used in the production of micro-tactical nuclear weapons.

17:34 – One of the strengths of LENR is producing low-energy radiation (not dangerous), a weak point is that there are hundreds of cases of theories to explain it, but to date nothing has proven conclusive.

17.37 – Historically, the main lines of research in cold fusion are two:

Palladium-Deuterium (Flieschmann and Pons);
Nickel-Hydrogen (Piantelli, Focardi, Habel).
[and Muon-catalized]

17.40 – Remember that Fleischmann was the president of the International Society of Electrochemistry, certainly not a fool. Parenthesis: Few people know that Pons is of Italian origin. The announcement in 1989 that they could not be handled worse disaster. 

17:43 – In fact the real father of cold fusion is Yoshiaki Arata , which began work since 1958 with deuterium in the gas phase. 

17:47 – The first sensational cover-up of cold fusion goes back to 1989, by NASA. Only in 2003 it was discovered that a positive report of G. Fralick had been "in a drawer". 

17.50 – More evidence of cold fusion are bogged down in such research Giuliano Preparata ENEA. My colleague, De Ninno could not continue the promising research to the total cut in funding. 

17:56 – Celani illustrates the research that is pursuing with a multidisciplinary team, using deposits of nanoparticles on long, thin wires of Pd in the atmosphere Deuterium gas of getting 400W/ga 500 ° C with good reproducibility. He also worked with wires of Ni in a hydrogen atmosphere to obtain a return equal to the highest 1800W/ga 900 ° C for 5 days (!), But still difficult to replicate. 17.53 – Arata was the first, working with powders of Palladio , to realize that the cold fusion reaction increased with decreased particle size, but to a certain point: the ideal range is 5-15 nanometers. Smaller sizes become counterproductive.

18.01 – Arata since 2005 has also begun to use together with Pd and Zr also Ni. These studies have been included in the U.S. by Brian Ahern, who got around 500 ° C. 8W 

18.08 – Celani notes that the best researchers in the field end up working in military laboratories (Los Alamos, Naval Research). For it is natural to think that the campaign of denigration against the cold fusion on the one hand, and military investment on the other cold fusion are two sides of same coin. 

18.12 – The military interest seems particularly justified by the possibility of producing tritium at very low cost through the merger (the tritium is used to maintain operational thermonuclear warheads). 

18:14 – Celani has concluded his speech. Massai took the floor and opened the discussion with the audience. [Roy had to be away for a moment, speak soon]. 

18:17 – Question from audience: You can not Rossi is the catalyst for something very expensive process that makes it not cheap? Celani explains that the catalyst by definition very small amounts take effect. Massai argues that the term should be reserved for catalytic chemical phenomena. Celani replied that the nanometer order of magnitude seems to change things, there is also a kind of spillover effect in physics … 

18:21 – Roy Virgil took the floor, had just returned to the room. 

18:24 – These two words on his book, began to report the news of the working group Piantelli in Siena. 

18:26 – The search for Piantelli, after a pause and the end of the collaboration with Focardi, was restarted a couple of years ago, thanks to the emergence of a lender, convinced the company to participate in the uninterrupted functioning for two years of two cells , albeit with the excesses of the order of a few tens of watts. A new company Nichenergy [see website under construction www.nichenergy.com ] has been specially created 5 months ago [in obvious competition with Defkalion] and other industries would be giving the rights to produce different types of reactors (of different sizes, more or less powerful). 

18:35 – The location of Piantelli is that he is not obliged to advertise anything, not intended to demonstrate the kind that made Rossi will arrive on the market with a mature product that will present itself [So in the end, his strategy is similar to that which now follows Rossi ]. 

18:39 – The first cell that will be offered for sale will be the order of kW, and then we will scale-up of technology (production of more size and power reactors). 18:37 – Piantelli does not use catalysts, only nickel and hydrogen. 

18.40 – I make a short speech, then speaks the journalist of Focus, asks why these Menichella research have not been subjected to peer review and Celani range because measurements on who carried out January 14 should be regarded as a clue for the reactor Rossi Focardi. 

18:48 – The first response will imply different problems for science to land on non-mainstream "magazines" change of rules brought by the Internet, the presence of technologies subject to trade secret. Celani also explains that the "scientific culture" is the rule of "publish or something or you die", so few end up on bills submitted articles to magazines still not 100% reproducible, which generally are not published. 

18.53 – Compared to the extent the range that taken in Bologna, Celani says ready for anything that went … with 20 kg of equipment! The possible tricks could be a power cable hidden in the reactor or radioactive material. With its instrumentation (battery not attached to a network) has been monitoring all possible. Both of the two detectors range that had led at one point had a peak, while that to detect electromagnetic interference had not indicated anything. Shortly after Rossi announced that the reaction had started. 

18:58 – The same signal was recorded when the reactor was turned off.

19.06 – An individual from the audience asked if Roy Piantelli not just a cover behind which other people and groups act. Roy Piantelli now clearly specifies that, for the age, no longer works at the forefront, but has an important oversight role. Also adds that Piantelli has a theory that, without upsetting the current models, is able to explain the phenomenon and soon to be published by the University of Sienna. 

19.10 – The crowd takes the floor Milly Moratti , recalls the "beautiful" figure of Giuliano Preparata and confirms, referring also to search for Srivastava, the experimental evidence of cold fusion, there are now.

19:13 – Another reference to the coherence theory of Giuliano Preparata Celani says working with nanoscale materials (5-15 nm) and has something to do with the problem of Fermi, Pasta, Ulam (among other things there are studies of Fermi still kept secret for military purposes). 

19:21 – Celani answers another question. Proof that the nuclear reaction is, to date, still does not come from Rossi and Focardi, but from American research on the production of tritium. The measures disclosed by Rossi (producing steam) are not sufficiently reliable. Celani has no doubt that the eCat functions, the only questions that remain are of the functions. 

19.26 – Virgil Roy insists that we are not talking about cold fusion (see the coherence theory of preparation), but another type of LENR Piantelli and reiterates that has identified a sequence of events, very complex, able to explain with existing theories of energy production from a Ni and H. 

19:44 – The conference draws to a close. Is ongoing dialogue between audience and speakers.

19:49 – He wonders whether there are correlations between earthquakes and cold fusion reactions. Celani says he's been detected correlation between earthquakes and emissions of tritium that could be explained by the phenomena of cold fusion. 

19:51 – At the urging of the public will open a parenthesis on the work of Carpinteri and Cardone (fusion piezonucleare). A researcher at INFN in this report that the search for Cardone has been refuted by other studies with more accurate instruments. It opens a small debate where everyone is on their positions! 

19:56 – The conference ends a little 'to tarallucci and wine, ranging on various topics, with great appreciation of the many speakers. 

Important Highlights

There seem to be many important bits of information gathered at the conference. Perhaps the most interesting, is that Piantelli has formed a company called, "Nichenergy" (the website is still under construction), and is licensing his technology. If he is getting good results without a catalyst, this makes me think that the technology could be easily replicated. Also, Celani's experiments are very exciting. The claim that he has produced 1800 watts of output is significant.

The fact Milly Moratti now thinks cold fusion is a reality is very good news. She is the wife of a billionaire, who owns a company worth 5.3 billion Euro. Perhaps she will invest in some of the companies developing cold fusion technology. Imagine what even a fraction of a billion dollars could do for cold fusion research. The progress that could be made with that kind of funding would be enormous!

As time goes on there will certainly be more cold fusion conferences. Once the first cold fusion technology is commercialized and the public is forced to realize it exists, there will be a huge surge of interest in cold fusion. At that time, cold fusion conferences will probably be much more frequent! [As it is, there are already several cold fusion / LENR conferences per year, and have been since Pons and Fleischmann.]

The race between cold fusion pioneers to bring a product to the market place is on! 

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Related Links

  • This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.
  • Celani Talks Cold Fusion – "The following is my interpretation of Francis Celani’s presentation given during Saturday’s talk (23rd July 2011) at Viareggio, Italy." (ECatNews; July 25, 2011)
  • Roy Virgilio releases more details on Piantelli’s research – In the wake of Saturday’s cold fusion conference in Viareggio, Italy, Roy Virgilio has released more details on the Piantelli group’s research on the Italian renewable energy forum EnergeticAmbiente. (Cold Fusion Now; July 25, 2011)


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Source: PESN