We have finally been given permission to discuss this technology that we consider to be at the very top of our list of emerging clean energy technologies.  Solid state, low (for now) continuous power, commercial in maybe 24 months, cheap, high power density, no existing physics laws broken.

A photo of one of the earlier devices.
Imagine being able to provide power
on the circuit board to each component
that needs power, continuously, from
the surroundings, so that no battery
is required; and no charging of the
device is needed.  Imagine no heating
issues from the power, no overcharge;
and all this being cheaper than the
present method of using batteries
and power supplies. 
And imagine being able to do
that without giving a physicist
a coronary for breaking any
of his beloved laws, though there
are some puzzling aspects that
might intrigue him or her for years
to come.  Such a device appears
to be under development in the
U.S. with possible commercial deployment
within a year.  It uses no polluting
components, it uses no fuel, and
has been third party tested by
several credible groups. 
Long-time free energy skeptic,
Mark Dansie from Australia, is so
impressed with this technology that
he dropped everything and has spent
the past two weeks to investigate
this technology that has the
potential to have tremendous impact
in the energy market.



by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

I recently became aware of a group who has a battery type technology, except this is not a battery as it never needs to be recharged. Having reviewed the best clean energy technologies since 2002; I would place them at the very top of my list of most promising energy technologies; both the technology and the company behind it.

A New Energy Congress associate of mine, Tai Robinson, and I have visited them and have seen a prototype in operation. I arranged for Mark Dansie who is visiting the USA on holidays from Australia, and also reviewing energy related technologies during his stay, to visit the inventor and his colleagues. He has spent two weeks at their facility so far and feels this is a major breakthrough and is the most impressive energy technology he has seen.

Although Mark is under an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), he obtained permission for me to conduct this interview. The reason for the NDA at this stage is that patents are still pending and being written.


Sterling: Hi Mark, tell me a little about the company.

Mark: Hi mate. They are a small R&D company that has been in existence for around 20 years with several technologies already developed. The staff are very qualified scientists and technicians, and have some 22 patents and several published peer review papers. 

I am impressed with the dedication and volume of work they have completed given the minimal resources they have had to work with.

Sterling: Can you briefly outline the generator technology.

Mark: The most astonishing thing for me is they have developed two types of generators. The generators, once manufactured do not rely on any catalytic, chemical reaction or nuclear materials. They should continue to generate for at least 20 years; and testing of the material for the last three years has shown no change in structure or performance. At present, power outputs are low, however voltages are high. The current can be increased by increasing the surface area. They also do not need any temperature differential and do not use EMF as they operate normally in a faraday cage.

Sterling: Have they been independently verified?

Mark: Yes, other companies have tested and verified the results for up to two years; and many other engineers and scientists who have reviewed the data and witnessed demonstrations have confirmed the results. I brought in a science advisor who considered it a major scientific breakthrough. No existing laws of physics are broken, but still some mysteries and questions remain. However the proof of concept devices cannot be argued with.

Sterling: How far away are they from commercial production?

Mark: They have mainly focused on understanding the science and experimenting with different processes and materials. The next step is to engineer the process and materials into a form that is ready for manufacturing. They have no intent to become a manufacturer and are happy to license the technology for manufacturing and applications. This will require a fair amount of money and equipment and I am assisting them to identify possible industry partners and investors. With the right support, products could be in production using this technology within 12 months.

Sterling: How would you compare this to the Rossi Cold Fusion System?

Mark: I applaud the Rossi System on its potential impact in saving valuable resources and its impact on the environment. However, from what I read it will be in the hands of big corporations who will build and license to power producers, it will not be in the hands of everyday people. You will still get your power bill from the utilities. The technologies here will be in the hands of everyone and will be used to power everyday appliances and technologies. Eventually as it is scaled up, it will be available to provide power for larger applications, but there may be engineering limitations.

If you like, Rossi is starting from one end of the scale and this technology is starting from the other, and one day will meet somewhere.

Sterling: You mentioned two types of generators. Could you go into more detail about what they are and how they function?

Mark: The million dollar question. I think I can do that without giving any proprietary information out so I will attempt to do it in a simplistic way.

These are both material technologies, no electronics or moving parts, so they are solid state.

The first device consists of three materials that are layered onto each other. The first layer is already a known material that generates electricity when stimulated. The second material stimulates the first material or layer to produce the electricity. However to stimulate the second material you need another or third material. The combination of the materials and their composition determine the voltage. The surface area and how well the materials contact each other determine the current. The materials can be multi layered to increase current output. Voltages typically vary between 1 and 40 volts dc but have been measured up to 100 volts in extreme cold conditions.

I have over simplified the description as there are some critical processes that have to be undertaken to make this work. Once the material is assembled and initiated it will continue to produce electricity for at least 20 years possibly up to 100 years.

Sterling: What about the second generator?

Mark: This has some advantages over the first as it does not need to be layered. It is a different process where the materials are mixed and put through a simple process with the end result being a material that puts out a permanent electrical field. After extensive testing there is no breakdown of the materials or performance. Some samples have been around for as long as three years. 

I know many of your readers will hate the lack of detail at this stage but it has taken a lot of money and effort to reach this stage and they want to make sure their IP is protected.

Sterling: What are some of the applications that this technology could be used for?

Mark: Initially, products that require low power, like sensors, perhaps GPS devices. The technology really lends itself to charge capacitors and batteries. Once the basic building blocks are engineered, there is no reason why it cannot be scaled up to larger applications. There are many manufacturing techniques the technology lends itself to. It will be a matter of the application and economics. The materials used are cheap, non toxic and in abundance.

I see a progression of starting with small devices, moving onto larger devices such as cell phones and computers, perhaps in the form of a hybrid battery but eventually self powering these devices.

Sterling: How far can this technology be scaled?

Mark: There is actually no limit of how far you could take this. A lot of engineering needs to be done, and no doubt some hurdles will show up.

Perhaps the best way to answer your question is to say once the basic building block is engineered, then it can be reproduced many times over, increasing power output by layering the materials with first generator and just increasing the bulk of generator two. Once an optimum size is known you could just duplicate the cells in modular fashion. I am expressing my own opinion here, but once the power densities are known, when better samples can be produced, it will be easier to answer that question. On paper perhaps a postage stamp-sized device could power a cell phone. I will let your imagination take it from there.

Please remember the science is solid, but the engineering of how to best produce these cells, and the manufacturing techniques used, have to be further investigated. The proposed techniques are no different to existing ones being used in the semiconductor industry today.

Sterling: Where to now?

Mark: I think you mean what happens next. The next step is to get the funding and industry partners needed to take this to market. Once I realized what they had, I dropped everything to help the company in any way I can to achieve this goal. This also involves an intensive due diligence process and preparing the information that would satisfy these processes. As with anything, risk is involved, and this has to be assessed as well. It is important that they have the right investors or industry partners.

Sterling: Many people will have an interest in this, is there any way of contacting the company.

Mark: In agreeing to allow this interview, they thought it best to create an email address to avoid having their company ones clogged up. micropwr4all{at}gmail.com. They are very busy and focused at the moment, but I will work with them to address any inquiries. That address will go directly to me, and the company business development manager. Between the two of us, we will find the most suitable person in the organization to reply.

Also any breaking news and updates will be passed onto you at PESN.

Sterling: Thanks for your time. We'll look forward to any updates. 

Mark: Thanks Sterling for introducing this to me, it certainly made my holiday worthwhile. As you know I am known as a ruthless skeptic when it comes to technologies that claim over unity or free energy, but I have had unrestricted access to all areas here. The other day I grabbed a sample they hand made three years ago at random. It was one of the earlier test pieces. It had not been used or tested for at least two years. I hooked it up to a LCD desk clock and it powered up it immediately. I shorted it out several times and it bounced back in a couple of seconds every time. This may seem insignificant and trivial to many people, given how far they have advanced since, but to me it is one of the many things I have seen that has given me great confidence in the technology and the realization of how groundbreaking this is. 

Sterling: You and I have clashed many times over the years over claims made in stories I published. To your credit, you made quick work of showing hidden wires in an all-magnet motor claim that got by TUV Rhineland. [Story] And you called "B.S." on Mylow right from the beginning, while it took me two months to acknowledge that as a hoax. 

Despite the run-ins we've had in the past, I respect you for your skepticism that remains willing to at least take a look at wild claims; and you're not afraid to get on planes to fly all over to do it. Your high skepticism makes your interest in this battery/endless-capacitor-like technology all the more significant. 

It is always interesting to catch up with you.

Mark: Many thanks, let’s talk soon.

Sterling: I'm glad this one looks like it's going to bear fruit. 

Mark: I'd say it's about time!

– – – –

Here's a very brief video of a very early experiment Mark said we could post.

# # #

This story is also posted at .


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  3. Let professionals in the renewable energy sector know about the promise of this technology. 
  4. Consider investing in this group.


You are here: PureEnergySystems.com > News > July 23, 2011

#1 Breakthrough: Solid State Generator

We have finally been given permission to discuss this technology that we consider to be at the very top of our list of emerging clean energy technologies.  Solid state, low (for now) continuous power, commercial in maybe 24 months, cheap, high power density, no existing physics laws broken.


A photo of one of the earlier devices.
Imagine being able to provide power on the circuit board to each component that needs power, continuously, from the surroundings, so that no battery is required; and no charging of the device is needed.  Imagine no heating issues from the power, no overcharge; and all this being cheaper than the present method of using batteries and power supplies.  And imagine being able to do that without giving a physicist a coronary for breaking any of his beloved laws, though there are some puzzling aspects that might intrigue him or her for years to come.  Such a device appears to be under development in the U.S. with possible commercial deployment within a year.  It uses no polluting components, it uses no fuel, and has been third party tested by several credible groups.  Long-time free energy skeptic, Mark Dansie from Australia, is so impressed with this technology that he dropped everything and has spent the past two weeks to investigate this technology that has the potential to have tremendous impact in the energy market.



by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

I recently became aware of a group who has a battery type technology, except this is not a battery as it never needs to be recharged. Having reviewed the best clean energy technologies since 2002; I would place them at the very top of my list of most promising energy technologies; both the technology and the company behind it.

A New Energy Congress associate of mine, Tai Robinson, and I have visited them and have seen a prototype in operation. I arranged for Mark Dansie who is visiting the USA on holidays from Australia, and also reviewing energy related technologies during his stay, to visit the inventor and his colleagues. He has spent two weeks at their facility so far and feels this is a major breakthrough and is the most impressive energy technology he has seen.

Although Mark is under an NDA (non-disclosure agreement), he obtained permission for me to conduct this interview. The reason for the NDA at this stage is that patents are still pending and being written.

Sterling: Hi Mark, tell me a little about the company.

Mark: Hi mate. They are a small R&D company that has been in existence for around 20 years with several technologies already developed. The staff are very qualified scientists and technicians, and have some 22 patents and several published peer review papers. 

I am impressed with the dedication and volume of work they have completed given the minimal resources they have had to work with.

Sterling: Can you briefly outline the generator technology.

Mark: The most astonishing thing for me is they have developed two types of generators. The generators, once manufactured do not rely on any catalytic, chemical reaction or nuclear materials. They should continue to generate for at least 20 years; and testing of the material for the last three years has shown no change in structure or performance. At present, power outputs are low, however voltages are high. The current can be increased by increasing the surface area. They also do not need any temperature differential and do not use EMF as they operate normally in a faraday cage.

Sterling: Have they been independently verified?

Mark: Yes, other companies have tested and verified the results for up to two years; and many other engineers and scientists who have reviewed the data and witnessed demonstrations have confirmed the results. I brought in a science advisor who considered it a major scientific breakthrough. No existing laws of physics are broken, but still some mysteries and questions remain. However the proof of concept devices cannot be argued with.

Sterling: How far away are they from commercial production?

Mark: They have mainly focused on understanding the science and experimenting with different processes and materials. The next step is to engineer the process and materials into a form that is ready for manufacturing. They have no intent to become a manufacturer and are happy to license the technology for manufacturing and applications. This will require a fair amount of money and equipment and I am assisting them to identify possible industry partners and investors. With the right support, products could be in production using this technology within 12 months.

Sterling: How would you compare this to the Rossi Cold Fusion System?

Mark: I applaud the Rossi System on its potential impact in saving valuable resources and its impact on the environment. However, from what I read it will be in the hands of big corporations who will build and license to power producers, it will not be in the hands of everyday people. You will still get your power bill from the utilities. The technologies here will be in the hands of everyone and will be used to power everyday appliances and technologies. Eventually as it is scaled up, it will be available to provide power for larger applications, but there may be engineering limitations.

If you like, Rossi is starting from one end of the scale and this technology is starting from the other, and one day will meet somewhere.

Sterling: You mentioned two types of generators. Could you go into more detail about what they are and how they function?

Mark: The million dollar question. I think I can do that without giving any proprietary information out so I will attempt to do it in a simplistic way.

These are both material technologies, no electronics or moving parts, so they are solid state.

The first device consists of three materials that are layered onto each other. The first layer is already a known material that generates electricity when stimulated. The second material stimulates the first material or layer to produce the electricity. However to stimulate the second material you need another or third material. The combination of the materials and their composition determine the voltage. The surface area and how well the materials contact each other determine the current. The materials can be multi layered to increase current output. Voltages typically vary between 1 and 40 volts dc but have been measured up to 100 volts in extreme cold conditions.

I have over simplified the description as there are some critical processes that have to be undertaken to make this work. Once the material is assembled and initiated it will continue to produce electricity for at least 20 years possibly up to 100 years.

Sterling: What about the second generator?

Mark: This has some advantages over the first as it does not need to be layered. It is a different process where the materials are mixed and put through a simple process with the end result being a material that puts out a permanent electrical field. After extensive testing there is no breakdown of the materials or performance. Some samples have been around for as long as three years. 

I know many of your readers will hate the lack of detail at this stage but it has taken a lot of money and effort to reach this stage and they want to make sure their IP is protected.

Sterling: What are some of the applications that this technology could be used for?

Mark: Initially, products that require low power, like sensors, perhaps GPS devices. The technology really lends itself to charge capacitors and batteries. Once the basic building blocks are engineered, there is no reason why it cannot be scaled up to larger applications. There are many manufacturing techniques the technology lends itself to. It will be a matter of the application and economics. The materials used are cheap, non toxic and in abundance.

I see a progression of starting with small devices, moving onto larger devices such as cell phones and computers, perhaps in the form of a hybrid battery but eventually self powering these devices.

Sterling: How far can this technology be scaled?

Mark: There is actually no limit of how far you could take this. A lot of engineering needs to be done, and no doubt some hurdles will show up.

Perhaps the best way to answer your question is to say once the basic building block is engineered, then it can be reproduced many times over, increasing power output by layering the materials with first generator and just increasing the bulk of generator two. Once an optimum size is known you could just duplicate the cells in modular fashion. I am expressing my own opinion here, but once the power densities are known, when better samples can be produced, it will be easier to answer that question. On paper perhaps a postage stamp-sized device could power a cell phone. I will let your imagination take it from there.

Please remember the science is solid, but the engineering of how to best produce these cells, and the manufacturing techniques used, have to be further investigated. The proposed techniques are no different to existing ones being used in the semiconductor industry today.

Sterling: Where to now?

Mark: I think you mean what happens next. The next step is to get the funding and industry partners needed to take this to market. Once I realized what they had, I dropped everything to help the company in any way I can to achieve this goal. This also involves an intensive due diligence process and preparing the information that would satisfy these processes. As with anything, risk is involved, and this has to be assessed as well. It is important that they have the right investors or industry partners.

Sterling: Many people will have an interest in this, is there any way of contacting the company.

Mark: In agreeing to allow this interview, they thought it best to create an email address to avoid having their company ones clogged up. micropwr4all{at}gmail.com. They are very busy and focused at the moment, but I will work with them to address any inquiries. That address will go directly to me, and the company business development manager. Between the two of us, we will find the most suitable person in the organization to reply.

Also any breaking news and updates will be passed onto you at PESN.

Sterling: Thanks for your time. We'll look forward to any updates. 

Mark: Thanks Sterling for introducing this to me, it certainly made my holiday worthwhile. As you know I am known as a ruthless skeptic when it comes to technologies that claim over unity or free energy, but I have had unrestricted access to all areas here. The other day I grabbed a sample they hand made three years ago at random. It was one of the earlier test pieces. It had not been used or tested for at least two years. I hooked it up to a LCD desk clock and it powered up it immediately. I shorted it out several times and it bounced back in a couple of seconds every time. This may seem insignificant and trivial to many people, given how far they have advanced since, but to me it is one of the many things I have seen that has given me great confidence in the technology and the realization of how groundbreaking this is. 

Sterling: You and I have clashed many times over the years over claims made in stories I published. To your credit, you made quick work of showing hidden wires in an all-magnet motor claim that got by TUV Rhineland. [Story] And you called "B.S." on Mylow right from the beginning, while it took me two months to acknowledge that as a hoax. 

Despite the run-ins we've had in the past, I respect you for your skepticism that remains willing to at least take a look at wild claims; and you're not afraid to get on planes to fly all over to do it. Your high skepticism makes your interest in this battery/endless-capacitor-like technology all the more significant. 

It is always interesting to catch up with you.

Mark: Many thanks, let’s talk soon.

Sterling: I'm glad this one looks like it's going to bear fruit. 

Mark: I'd say it's about time!

– – – –

Here's a very brief video of a very early experiment Mark said we could post.

# # #

This story is also posted at .


What You Can Do

  1. Pass this on to your friends and favorite news sources.
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay abreast of the latest, greatest developments in the free energy sector.
  3. Let professionals in the renewable energy sector know about the promise of this technology. 
  4. Consider investing in this group.

Notice: Dansie the Debunker is Interested

gyrogearloose; July 23, 2011
What everyone should know about Mark Dansie (It would have helped if Sterling had pointed this out in the article himself), is that Mark is a respected debunker. He has looked at more so called "technology breakthroughs" than any of the people on this list. And if I say looked at them, I mean physically testing the device for the alleged claims of the inventor. So far, everything he looked at was rubbish and did not work. Most of the time he is being paid by interested parties to do look at alleged free energy inventions, based on his reputation for thoroughness and his impartial scientific approach. Mark Dansie does not "cry wolf". I have never met him in person, but spoke to him a number of times. If Mark says this is real, people should take notice!

* * * *


See also

Resources at PESWiki.com

Source: PESN