As perhaps the world’s most knowledgeable authority on electrolyzer technology, George Wiseman has composed a paper that documents the evidence that proves Brown's Gas can enhance fuel economy dramatically.


One of Wiseman's Brown's Gas generators
capable of highly efficient electrolysis.
The gas produced catalyzes the
combustion of fuel in a vehicles engine.

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

Brown's Gas is a term used to describe the gases produced from an electrolyzer or "electrolysis" cell that converts water into a number of different gases without separating them. The same collection of gases is also frequently referred to by the names Hydroxy, HHO, Rhode's Gas, OxyHydrogen, and many others. Regardless of the terminology, all of these names refer to the same collection of gases. George Wiseman of Eagle Research has been researching and working with Brown's Gas for many years. As a pioneer in the field, he has produced a number of very efficient Brown's Gas electrolysis cells. He has now posted a paper detailing the hard evidence that proves this gas can greatly enhance fuel economy in vehicles.

This gas is very anomalous without even using it in an internal combustion engine. A Brown's Gas torch can produce a very cool flame that does not burn the skin after a brief exposure. However, that same flame when exposed to other materials (such as a ceramic) can produce temperatures of over ten thousand degrees. The flame can sublimate tungsten, easily slice through any metal, and melt brick into puddles of liquid. Interestingly, the flame only produces liquid water as a by product. No toxic gases, particulates, or emissions are released by the combustion of the gas! 

Another property of this gas is that it can act as a catalyst when used in an internal combustion engine. This is the focus of George Wiseman's paper titled, "Proof that On-Board Brown's Gas (BG) Generation and Supplementation Works."  In the paper, he makes the case that Brown's Gas can substantially increase the fuel efficiency of vehicles using internal combustion engines, can reduce emissions, and can improve performance. He cites multiple documents and includes links to several testimonials. One particularly important document (the link is on page seven of his paper) is from the US Government. It describes how testing of an on board electrolysis system produced a 4% increase in mileage and a 7% reduction in emissions. This result was very low, and could be dramatically improved upon. The important thing to note here is that it is a certified government document that confirms Brown's Gas generation and supplementation works.

A well designed setup that efficiently produces Brown's Gas and is implemented correctly can produce efficiency gains of 40% or more. What is very interesting to note, is even a lack of any improvement when Brown's Gas is used (for example if a very inefficient electrolysis unit was used) is significant when considering what is taking place in the engine. For every ounce of gasoline burned energy is lost. The engine involves huge losses, the alternator produces huge losses, and most electrolysis units (except extraordinarily efficient ones such as those from Eagle Research) will produce huge losses. In the end, for every unit of Brown's Gas produced, the energy equivalent of ten units of gasoline may have been used. So if by generating Brown's Gas on the fly (utilizing electricity from the alternator) and mixing it with the injected fuel resulted in little to no fuel efficiency increases, something significant has still taken place. An increase in efficiency had to take place somewhere in the system to overcome those loses, even if the fuel efficiency remained the same!

What happens is that the Brown's Gas acts as a catalyst to allow the fuel to burn utilizing less heat energy. For the fuel to burn, heat energy is required for the chemical reaction. Brown's Gas allows the same reaction to take place with less energy. The saved energy can then be used to produce power in the engine. Although Brown's Gas may not be a "true" catalyst in that it is actually consumed by the engine, for every unit of energy produced by Brown's Gas being burned, many additional units of energy are produced from the gasoline burning more efficiently. 

Optimally utilizing Brown's Gas in an internal combustion engine is not overly challenging, but requires someone to do their homework. For example, if you put too much Brown's Gas into the engine you will lose efficiency rather than gain it. Simply put, more is not always better! Also, you may need to adjust your vehicle's computerized fuel control system. It may work against you when Brown's Gas is utilized, and may actually take actions that reduce your fuel efficiency. Solutions to this issue can be found on various websites, including Eagle Research.

Electrically Expanded Water

The real key to Brown's Gas is what George Wiseman calls, "Electrically Expanded Water" (EEW). One theory behind Brown's Gas is that some of the water molecules are "electrically expanded" into a gas. This gas is a new phase of water that is NOT a result of heat, but electricity. The rapid heating of objects when exposed to a Brown's Gas flame might be the result of this stored electricity being transferred to the object. In such a situation, the heat produced would be a simple byproduct of electrical resistance! 

George Wiseman claims his HyZor electrolyzers produce Brown's Gas with a higher ratio of electrically expanded water than any competitors. This results in greater fuel economy, because what makes Brown's Gas a catalyst is not the hydrogen or oxygen, but the EEW!

EEW is interesting even when it is not used in an engine. It is heavier than air, because it is actually a phase of water. You can put Brown's Gas into an open container, let the hydrogen float away, and then ignite the EEW! Unlike Brown's Gas that also has an explosive component when ignited, EEW will produce a pure implosion. In addition, when Brown's Gas has a greater ratio of EEW, the flame will be more "blue" rather than orange (which is a sign of a large percentage of hydrogen and oxygen).

George Wiseman's paper titled, "Proof that On-Board Brown's Gas (BG) Generation and Supplementation Works" is filled with information and documentation that proves Brown's Gas can increase fuel economy. I urge you to take a look and share it with others! If you find it interesting, you should consider doing further research and implementing a Brown's Gas system in your vehicle. Perhaps you could take it one step further and convince a local company which uses a fleet of vehicles to implement it on a large scale!

The powers that be are trying to suppress information about the potential of this novel gas. This is a fairly simple technology that could be rapidly implemented to reduce gasoline consumption. Unfortunately, the powers that be would rather we continue slurping down oil than use alternative energy technologies. In their opinion, the profit they make and the control they have over all of us, is more important than human lives or freedom.

We must peacefully fight back by researching, spreading the word, and implementing technologies such as Brown's Gas. If thousands or millions of us started implementing this technology, their attempts at suppression would fail. We have the power to change this world; we just have to recognize that there are more of US than there are of THEM! If we work together, we can change the world and spark an energy revolution!

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Also published at BeforeItsNews.

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 Source: PESN