Sunday, June 5, 2011

My First Meeting with Arcturus Part I

I am BACK! I am feeling much better now and my arm is as good as new–almost. Therefore, now that I have sent out my newsletter, I am ready to start writing again in the blog. I will begin with a communication I got today in my meditation from Kepier, my stepping-stone SELF. This message will then lead into how I first met the Arcturians. Thank you all for being patient while I temporarily deserted you.

I AM Kepier,

I speak to you from the Starship Athena. We are readying ourselves for our first official visit with you. We speak to you from our fifth dimensional resonance, hence I use the plural term we. Because we resonate beyond time, our visitation has already occurred. It is for this reason that we KNOW that we will meet you soon. “Soon” is a term we often use when speaking with our time bound ones to reassure them of ensuing events. However, your actually experience of any given event of which we speak, depends not on time, but on your frequency of consciousness. In other words, when your frequency of consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension, you will be able to perceive and experience our meeting.

Do not be concerned if each of you experiences these meetings in a somewhat different way, as you are still holding your physical, individual forms. Because of this, you will each have your perceptions influenced by the thought-forms and emotions that are within your earth vessel. This situation is by design. You all entered the experiment of life in a polarized reality to experience the many different expressions of the ONE. It is this individuality that you will donate to the ONE on your ascension into the reality of unity.

We wish now to share more about your transition with you. You see now how your earth vessel is changing more each day. Also, the news of our First Contact is becoming more and more commonplace. As we have told you, our First Contact with our grounded ones will be inside their consciousness rather than within their reality. We begin our contact in this manner to remind our grounded ones that the Path to Ascension is not above them, but within them.Therefore, as we speak to you inside your heart and mind, you seek our communications by tuning, not into the third dimensional news, but your own Inner Truth.

Because of the blissful feelings and bodily sensations that accompany our communications, your rational mind can more easily accept this inter-dimensional communication as reality. Yes, it is the expansion of your reality that is our primary goal in preparation for our “landing.” Again, we wish to remind you that it is your state of consciousness that will allow you to experience this landing, not the place you may be or time that you should be there. Once, you connect your consciousness to ours, or to any member of our Galactic Fleet, you will be on our “email list.” In order words, once your consciousness is united with ours, you will Know how you are to participate within this great transformation moment of First Contact.

We say First Contact because it has become a well-known term. However, there are so many of our grounded ones, that is the grounded ones of all our Galactic and Celestial Family, that have experienced many connections with us. Many of you, our grounded ones, have known us by a name that was already in your vocabulary as some form of deity. You chose these names for us because of the feelings of bliss that our communications evoked in you where much like your feelings during prayer. We wish to remind you again, that we are not deities in the manner, which your Earth religions have them. In fact, we are YOU in a higher frequency. The bliss that you experience is the unconditional love that has always been latent within your own earth vessel. However, it can only be activated by a higher state of consciousness. It is this unconditional love that reunites us with our grounded ones.

The component of this unity with which our grounded ones have the most difficulty is that this unconditional love is activated when you can love your self. Fortunately, through communing with us, usually through what you would call meditation, you can feel our unconditional love entering your awareness. Since love given unconditionally is a rare experience in your dimension, you may need to first experience from what appears to you as being a separatesource. One of the most important things that we wish to relay to you today is that WE that are our grounded ones and ourselves are NOT separate. We are ONE! It is within that Oness that you shall ascend.

As our process of ascension is commencing, I would like to share my First (inner) Contact with the Arcturians. This meeting was actually with Illia Em, an Elohim of Arcturus. The date was:


Beloved One,

I am Illuminata Emaculatas.The Immaculate Illumination.I have also been known as IlliaEm–The Elohim of Arcturus.My true name cannot be spoken or written in your language, but close your eyes and ears now as you feel my signature.

I am a Solar Angel or Elohim of the Star System of Arcturus.As you have felt my signature, it is one of pure divine and unconditional love.Earth is not the only planet that experiences love.Love is the vibration of Creation.However, Earth has been one of the few planets, which have dared to extend the creational love vibration into the third dimension. Since the third dimension is one where polarization of Spirit and matter creates a separation of light and dark, the energy field of love has often been separated such as the separation of plasma and blood cells.The darkness is like the plasma, in that is offers a carrier for the light and the light is like the blood cells in that it is the building block and the continuation of life.

I am vibrating at a dimension where there is no separation.

Spirit and matter

Light and dark

Unity and separation

Are all ONE!

All of us on Arcturus await your full reunion with our presence.We are so proud that you have remembered us. We ask you now to allow all that is of the old way to come to the surface of your consciousness. Allow all that is of the old to be released from the deepest and darkest portions of your third and fourth dimensional self like the blood from an old wound.As it comes to the surface, it forms a crust, a scab.

At first this scab will be hard and fast as you feel the limitations and resentments of many, many lives.These are a part of your Earth experiences and they need to be brought up from the darkness before they can be healed and released, once and for all. Feel now in your form how each tear of sadness, each tear of sorrow, and shudder of loneliness is released into the light of your expanding consciousness to be healed.

Feel yell of anger, wince of frustration and each outburst of anger as is released into the light of your consciousness to be healed. Feel each cringe of fear, cloud of depression is released and serge of anxiety as you release it into the light of your consciousness to be healed. Allow all of these memories to become of your past.Allow all of these memories to become the scabs of past injuries that are now being released.

And now, my Beloved, you must wait. The process of healing is one of patience and faith. The process of releasing is like a small bubble rising from the bottom of the stream.Follow this bubble up from the core of your self.Love it to the surface.

Allow it to join all that is patiently waiting the moment of freedom from the shadows of your memory.Furthermore, release not just of memory of this life, but the memory of all the lives that you have taken upon the third and fourth dimension worlds.

These memories are of the past now, Beloved.They are yesterday.Today you are free.Today you are victorious.Today you are the sum total of all that you have ever been.Feel the crust of yesterday about you.Soon it will be released from your form.Soon the clay shell that has felt like a prison will crack open to reveal your true body of LIGHT.

Await patiently now my one.Feel yourself like a seed beneath the earth waiting the moment when it breaks the surface to feel the Sun. Feel yourself like the Sun enshrouded by the clouds waiting the moment when your light can be revealed to all that will see.Feel now your unity with ALL THAT IS.

Feel your wings my dear. They are like the butterfly struggling free of its cocoon.Feel me, I am Illia Em.I am the Angel that radiates to the essence of your core. It is time to be Home now!It is time to remember and release.Be courageous.All is as is must be, as you say:

I AM complete. I AM the radiance of all that I have every experienced. I NOW welcome all memories to the surface of my consciousness. I AM ready to BE ALL of my SELF!

(Boy, did I open a Pandora’s Box!)


Monday, June 6, 2011

My First Meeting with Arcturus Part II


A month after my meeting with Illia Em, the bliss of higher consciousness has plummeted down into my subconscious fears and depressions. I contacted Illia Em again, and this was her message. It was one that was quite a surprise to me.


Dear IlliaEm

Please help me to understand what is happening inside of me these last few days.I know that the fear of survival is rising from the animal within me.However, there is another feeling that is so primal that I cannot put a word to it.It feels like a long lost part of my Soul, a part of me that has been forgotten since I first took on a physical form, is beginning to awake after a long, long sleep.

I know that the other dimensions of myself have always been alive and active, but I [the part of "I" that is known as Sue] have not been aware of them.Perhaps my animal is afraid that if I become aware of those portions of myself that I will be abandon it. Perhaps I will.I do not know what is in store for us all as we move into the higher dimensions. Please illumine me regarding the old feeling that I am having. I would also like to know about how will transmute our bodies as the vibration of the planet raises.

Beloved Suzille,

I AM Illia Em. The part of you that is afraid of death is your body deva.It is afraid that when there is no longer a third dimension that it will become extinct.What it needs to know is that it will be raised in vibration just like the rest of you.No portion of your third dimensional self will become extinct.There is no death, and there is no extinction.There is only transformation and metamorphosis.As your physical form begins to rise in vibration, the particles will slowly move farther and farther apart.

See yourself now traveling into the heart of an atom.First see this atom as a small spec in front of you. Now, slowly begin to zoom in on it with your mind screen.See how this atom is getting larger and larger.Now you can see it is like a small galaxy with the nucleus being the sun and protons and electrons orbiting around it.Go into a place in your body that is a correlate to this atom.

Find the small place in your heart this is opening as you are learning unconditional love.Yes, there it is, right in the very center of your heart.If you cannot enter that small opening in your heart, than how can you allow others to open it?First you must open your heart to yourself unconditionally before you can learn to love others in that same way.

"Yes Illia Em, I am opening that small portions of my heart to myself.I see the small galaxy that is an atom in the core of my heart.I see the nucleus like a glowing Sun.It is inviting me to enter it.Will I be extinguished by its Light if I fall into it?"

My dear Suzille, you will be extinguished if you do not.Now see the nucleus grow larger and larger until it is expanded beyond the edges of your inner vision screen.Do not forget that this is the nucleus of the atom of the opening of your heart. This is the core of your Unconditional Love.Deep within the blazing nucleus, you will see a small doorway.It is entirely surrounded by bright light. You will have to feel it more than see it.

"Yes, I see/feel it now.The doorway is opening.It is the darkest dark that I could ever imagine.But wait; in the very center of the void of darkness I see a small light.I move through the doorway into the complete darkness.The darkness is like a black hole.It seems to absorb all of my essence and all of my light.However, there is no sense of good or bad.It is simply a sense of obliteration of all that ever has been.As I pass through the doorway, it seals shut behind me.I suppose that I should be afraid, but I am not.

“I feel content as if I am finally performing the mission for which I first took embodiment.I am also aware of the portion of myself that is very third dimensional and sitting at the computer.How will I return to that reality or rather how can I believe that this reality is as real as that one once I have returned to it?I must believe that this reality is not an illusion.It is the core of my Self, the core of my unconditional love.

"Yes, I am beginning to understand the feeling I have been having, the sadness and the primal fear of extinction.I know now that it is a fear that I have been wrong.It is a fear that what I have always sought, which is this doorway into the unknown, is not real.It is the fear that all there truly is exists in the outside world of the third dimension.Yes, the feeling that has been plaguing me is doubt.Self Doubt.Doubt in my own sanity.Doubt that I can be so dedicated to my convictions that I will be able to release the third dimension."

My Beloved Suzille, you do not need to release the third dimension.It is a portion of you.It will not be released, but will instead be integrated into the other portions of you.No part of you will become extinct.Just as you are a small portion of myself, your physical self is a small portion of you.Do not abandon it or judge it.It is serving the function for which it has been created.

You are one of our Ones who have given yourself over to be a prototype for the transformation of the physical body. Therefore, you will have sensations of loneliness from the third dimension because you will not be able to share your experience with many on that plane.Therefore, it is vital that you build deep and lasting relationships with the other portions of yourself and the world that can only be entered through the doorway of yourself.Doubt, my dear, is your only enemy. (It is very true that for many years I could not share that part of me with any one.)

"I am feeling very different as you speak to me IlliaEm.My body is becoming less and less dense.I feel like it is expanding to fill the entire room.I feel how it is touching the walls around me and how it is a part of the computer in front of me.I feel my mind like the computer and I have less and less awareness of how my fingers are typing onto the keyboard or how it may look upon the screen.I am becoming the experience of expansion.

“As I travel deeper and deeper into the nothingness of this darkness, I see before me a nebula.It is of glorious colors of red and violet and pink.I now travel into the core of it and see glimpses of blue and an unusual form of green that is not possible upon earth.Through the nebula is a distant star, but is coming upon my very quickly. Suddenly, the star bursts upon me and me upon it.I am the star.I am the space around it and I am the nebula light years before it.

“And now Illia Em, I see you.Your giant wings fill my vision, and your heart is fully open.The sun within your heart is rising over the mountains, and the Stream of Life is flowing into me.I feel a tingle through my entire self as this flow enters me.The me that sit at the computer is ONE with the me that embraces you.I move into your heart.I follow the Life Current like a salmon finding its origin.I travel up the Stream of Life, high into the mountains and into the setting sun. As the Sun totally descends, I travel beyond what is known, beyond what is perceived.

"And beyond my perception is Arcturus.I am on Arcturus.I see Lamire, my Divine Complement, preparing his ship for its journey to Earth.He turns, sees me and runs to greet me.We embrace and are instantly ONE.It feels wonderful to be complete again. Can I take this feeling back to my third dimensional self?How long will I have to return to that land of limitation?But as I think that thought, I remember my loved ones and the Nature there.I remember Illia Em's words,

You do not have to loose any of you.All will all become a portion of you, just as you are a portion of me.

“Lamire is smiling as I see him before me and within me.The third dimensional portion of myself is battling with itself in order to embrace the difficult concept of multidimensionality.I turn to my earth self and she sees me.I am the eye looking into the heart. I am seeing the many aspects of myself like a house of mirrors.There is NO limitation to the echoes of myself.There is NO boundary to experience. Kepier, my alternate reality that lives upon Arcturus in the correlate time frame to 21st century Earth comes to greet me.It is androgynous.We merge into one in greeting and I feel Illia Em join into the merging, as she has a special message for me:

My dear Suzille, I am indeed glad that you have been able to expand your sense of self to encompass this reality.Do you remember when you first left Arcturus to go to Venus in preparation for your journey to Earth?Yes, dear I can see that you do not. I will tell you that story now.

It was early dawn upon the planet of Zantrill and the sun was just rising above the horizon.At sunset, you had said good-bye to your comrades who would stay on Arcturus and afterwards spent the hours of darkness in deep meditation.Of course the time span of light and dark were at your choice because your resonant vibration was of the seventh density.However, the rhythm of inflow and outflow was a routine established in your pod, and you had all decided to collectively create a sunrise and sunset in order to create a group experience of inflow-darkness and outflow-light.

I, Illia Em, oversaw your pod from dimensions just above your own.All of the members of your pod had volunteered to make the journey to Venus.Some would than move on to Earth when they had learned to survive in a lower density, and some would stay in Venus to act as guides for those who went to Earth. There were 32 in your pod and all of you were like the fingers of a hand.You were individual in your consciousness, but unified in your awareness and purpose.

All of you were androgens.Your pod had chosen to answer the call of Earth and to enter into the great experiment of separation and third dimensional experience.Because all in your pod were of One group consciousness, all would have the experience of third dimensionally even if they remained on Venus.The adventure was beginning.There was no fear or sadness, as you had never experienced those emotions.They would not be a part of your awareness until you joined the evolution of Earth.

I have kept these experiences secret for over fifteen years, as I was never sure I believed them myself. I am so happy to feel that I can share them now, which I do in hopes that my secret stories may help you to believe your inner experiences as well.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First Meeting with Arcturians III



This communication with Illia Em took place about two months the one posted First Meeting II. It stared very abruptly, as you will see below, but since I wrote it so long ago I cannot remember why.

Suzille, we wish you to feel now the experience of your Arcturian self:

Luckily, I have a very vivid imagination, so I can comply with her request. I begin by imagining my self as being a star.My body is made of light and I look like a star that a child would draw.I have two legs that come down from my middle and two arms that go out from the middle and a head that comes up from the middle.However, there is not the definition of form that I have in my third dimensional self.I am more than androgynous; I am beyond the definition of sexuality as it is known on Earth.

When I meet other members of the pod, we merge into one person for a greeting and then we regain our individual vessels.These vessels are only individual if I look at the brightest portion of our emanations.If I look more closely, I find that I am connected to all the other members of my pod by a dimmer emanation, like a gossamer wing.This wing, or web, is a network that connects all of us and gives us a group consciousness beyond which my Earth consciousness could ever imagine.I only know that I am totally connected to the other members of my pod — the other members of my Self.Through this network, we are in instant and constant communication with each other.We can communicative with all thirty-two portions of ourselves at the same time or with any one of us individually.

We are in preparation for our departure, but I am now realizing that just as we are departing, we are also staying.We are bi-locating.The core of thirty-two will infinitely remain constant as a grounding for our universal travels.Since we are beyond the limits of time and space, this is not impossible.We can easily be at two, or in fact many, locations at once. We also can travel away for a very long "time" and when we return it will be like we never left.The difference is that we have a new experience within our beingness.

I am now experiencing our preparations for our journey to Venus.The final good bye is to the portion of our selves that are staying.We go into a group stasis, somewhat like Earth sleep, joined together as one unit.Since we have decided to create cycles of what on Earth is know as day and night, we can use the "night", for inflow cycle, to join into one consciousness and journey to the higher dimensions of ourselves.

In the "day", or outflow cycle, we separate into the thirty-two different portions of ourselves to ground our higher experiences in the seventh dimension of Arcturus.In this way we learn to be of service to those on our plane as well as to those on the lower dimensions.I now feel us going into our inflow cycle to gather all instructions from our higher selves and to gain our final briefing before our adventure.I am unable to remain conscious during this briefing.I can only retain a feeling of the messages.

I now take a bit of creative license to add a message I actually got almost a year before the above message from Illia Em. When we get message from dimensions beyond time, we are not always aware of them in a sequential order. This process is much the same as when I make my newsletters, except that the information is not separated by a year. I have messages that come to me like puzzle pieces, mostly through sleep or meditation, and I write them down. Then, when I make the newsletter, I put these different pieces/messages together, like a putting together a puzzle. However, I don’t have a picture on the box of the completed process as with puzzles. The picture I follow is inside. In this same manner, I am pulling together situation that happened over time, but I didn’t even know it was a puzzle. In fact, I didn’t even know if they were true or if I was a bit crazy. I took a long time to loose my third dimensional indoctrination as to what is real what is crazy.


Beloved Suzille,

We speak to you from Arcturus.We want to tell you that we are coming.There are many different sources, which are receiving many different messages.Yet each of these messages contains a portion of the Truth.Just as each of your alternate realities upon this planet holds a portion of the truth that you personally need to complete your process upon this vibration, there are many different portion of your society that hold a different piece of the whole to assure the successful process of Earth's evolution.You do not need to hear every voice of all your realities, and you do not need to hear every message from every other member of you planet in order to fully grow within your personal understanding of the wonderful moment that is now commencing.

One of the messages, which you have read is about a photon belt (which was the main theory at that time) that will quickly change the vibratory rate of the planet and, in fact, your entire solar system.This photon belt is indeed true but it need not have the extreme effect upon you that the channeler received.(At that time there was a theory of three day of no light etc.) Remember, there are many options here for you to consider.One is that you and yours may not choose that reality for your experience. (which I have NOT chosen. I wonder if that reality exists as an alternate reality somewhere?)Another is that you can move through time and space to a period where that experience has been completed.Another is that you will take upon yourself OUR vibration – your true vibration – the vibration of Arcturus.In this way you will rise above the actual experience of "death" much as you did in your Atlantis life.

Remember when we came to you then?Remember how you channeled our name when you had not heard of us in your 1994 intellect?We are here again, dear one.You are awakened enough so that you can work with us more deeply.Remember when Lateen came with us. (They are referring to my Visions from Venus book, which is actually my multidimensional autobiography.)We would now like you to directly view his experiences so that you may have an idea of what you can expect. I will continue with Lateen’s story now. If you have not read the book, just flow with it, as it is a cool story. This part was not in the book.

Lateen will now tell his story:

I know that you will know me by the love that I am transmitting to you and I shall call you primarily by that that same love energy. We never spoke of my experiences with the Arcturians.You were busy with your work and I with mine.Whenever we had our few moments alone with each other we chose to create an island beyond all time and space where we could bask in the love and comfort that we could offer to each other.I never told you that, just as you missed me terribly, I also missed you.I know that it is was much more difficult for you, as I was on an exciting new adventure and you were in the very place where you had suffered so much pain.The planet Earth is indeed a place where pain and emotion can vibrate at a very stronger rate.

When I left you, I expected to go to a space ship, but instead I entered a small cave filled with crystals.The Arcturians told me that the vibration was very, very high in this place, and it was the place which they had chosen as their headquarters.From this vibration, they could rest in a frequency more akin to their homeland.We went to the very back of the cave where I found some strange machinery that resembled a glass tetrahedron.I was instructed to step inside and to close the hatch.I was surprised to find that each of the Arcturians somehow manifested their own tetrahedron, assumable from within their own forms.As they set their capsules into a spin, I found that mine began to vibrate at a resonant frequency to theirs.I could not remain conscious for the first trips that I took as the experience was too much for my consciousness to digest.When I awoke, I found that I was actually not on a spacecraft but rather on Arcturus itself.

As you know from some of your 1994 experience, reality on Arcturus is exactly what your thoughts and feelings create.It was indeed a very difficult time for me to learn to modulate my energies so that I could stay in communication with the others with whom I had traveled.They were very patient and worked to train me how to control myself.The reason that I could not communicate with you for so long was because I had to gain some mastery of their dimension before I could communicate with your world.

We were deceptive with you in allowing you to believe that we traveled via spacecraft.I am very sorry for that.However, if you had known that you could have escaped your situation, you may have been pulled from the task to which you had already set.Your release from the tumultuous planet Earth came after the fall of Atlantis, which was when I was called upon to again reside within that low vibration.

The rescue work that we did was that we allowed those of the planet who had no escape and who had not volunteered to stay during the fall to join us on Arcturus.Arcturus is indeed a wonderful place.It resonates in the fifth and higher dimensions.However, there is no hierarchical system as on Earth where one dimension is "better" than the other.The lower dimensions have more form and the higher dimensions are more and more formless.The Arcturians are able to shift their frequency rate to have whichever experience is appropriate for each situation. They serve largely as inter-planetary counselors.Therefore, they are very involved with the planet Earth at the 1994 time frame.

It is almost impossible to describe the sensory experience of Arcturus because it is totally dependent upon the frequency rate and expectation of the inhabitants.There is definitely a community where many beings choose to create the same reality so that they may have shared experiences.However, at any moment in which they wish to have privacy, or to have another experience, they simply shift their exception. On Earth one would say to set their thoughts and emotions. However, on Arcturus there are no emotions as you would understand them from an Earthly perspective and thoughts are communal rather than individual.

I am so joyous that we can again communication in a conscious fashion.Please do not doubt that your experience via the computer is false in any way.Making a hard copy of your experiences allows you to trap them in time and space so that your conscious 1994 reality can remember what is transpiring within your inner self.I will now allow the Arcturians to complete their communication.I will share with you that you are communicating with an androgynous, group consciousness.It can lower its vibration to the upper reaches of the fourth dimension because it is of a group consciousness.When you raise your vibration to that rate, you can receive messages from it as well as from myself.I will share with at a later date the time/space co-ordinates from which I am communicating with you. (I don’t think I ever got that. If I find it somewhere, I will share it here.)


Suzille–we are the Arcturian.We desire to contact you by that name as it activates a certain vibrational reaction within you, which makes it easier for us to communicate with you.We are joining forces with the Sirians in an unprecedented group endeavor to assist the members of you planet as you enter your transformation. (I have just recently discovered that there is actually a Sirian/Arcturian alliance for the purpose of protecting Earth.) If you can concentrate on "feeling"" our presence, you will assist us in creating and grounding a vortex of energy that can open a channel of communication and assistance from our dimension to yours.

This communiqué is to be shared (oops, it took me a while to do that) so that others who are inclined may choose to join us all in this endeavor.The more open channels that there, the more assistance we can give.Yours is a planet of Choice and Free will.We cannot be of assistance unless we are asked.(As you are probably aware, it appears that more people are channeling the Arcturians than another other Galactic Group.)

When you hear the name Suzille with your inner senses, know that we are communicating with you.If it is at all possible, open your channel so that you can experience us in your 3rd/4th form.We say 3rd/4th because your physical is no longer strictly third dimensional.Until our next communication–We are the Arcturian.