6 June 2011  

Channeler:  Christine Meleriessee

New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light Call on June 1st in which Lord Sananda gave us an amazing journey to his City of Light in the Etheric Level over Montana and Idaha. This is the city to visit in your dreamtime to fully actualize your higher self and I AM Presence. I hope you enjoy.

The recording is available to listen and download: http://lifestationearth.com/newearthaudio_138.html

For more information please see http://newearthcircleoflight.com

Let’s visualize our Merkabah Vehicle being activated as each individual meets on the Etheric Earth as we gather and blend into one group Merkabah together. We now travel toMt.Shasta. We see the mountain in all its glory as we hover above the mountain, moving into the middle of the core of the mountain. Spinning downwards just like the spaceships travel into Telos. There is a special landing space for us. We now go down into the lower level into the Nature area; our special area for each of us meeting.

Look around you as you perceive what is around you. Animals ~ scenery ~ water ~ waterfall ~ forest ~ children ~ elementals ~ angels. Lots of beings greeting us we arrive. They are so happy to see us and that we are back here in Telos once again. Please utilize your own creativity and visualization.>

We now go to our usual meeting place in the field of beautiful flowers. There are pillows for each of us to sit upon as we find our space. Lord Adama now join us.

Greetings, my children. It is wonderful to have you back in Telos once again. This is Lord Adama speak. It is a wonderful evening and I think you are going to be enjoying yourselves immensely. There is a lot of fun and it is a beautiful city we will be visiting. First off, I would like to say a few words.

Since last week when we put forth the energy and announcement that we are making it available for others to come into Telos, please know that there are requirements and not just anyone can arrive. It is very, very important and most of the ones that desire to be here have been traveling to see us in their sleep state. It is just a matter of making sure everyone is of that frequency within the fourth initiation of the integration of your Higher Self. It is very important as an initiate that we have that responsibility because we need everyone to have integrity with this pathway that they are on embarking and are willing to do the work. We cannot have anyone coming into our space even in the training area that is available for this level, that is of a lower vibration. Additionally, trying to assume they are higher vibration and they are not. It would deplete our environment completely. This is why we have had to be so very careful in allowing people to come into the City of Telos. We would love to have everyone; it would be a beautiful time. But it is very important that each individual person understands this level of initiation that is necessary. As I speak to each of you here, I believe that each of you is in this stage of your initiation. If you are not, you will be very soon because of the work that you are doing. Not only here with Christine but on your own and other avenues you are working through. So please know ~ I need to just put that information out to anyone that would come across this material and may not have this understand. It is not available to everyone just because the desire is there. The work needs to be done.

We have the foundation happening and we have been overlooking your progress. The elements that have been happening ~ those of you that are attending these calls and coming together as a soul family with Meleriessee and each of us ~ there are a lot of remembrances happening with your Lemurian lifetimes and possibly with Telos. They will be flooding into your memories when you awake ~ possibly when you meditate ~ or in the middle of day ~ there may be feelings that start to rise. There are going to be a lot of ways that these flashes of memory can appear within my physical body. The city we are traveling to tonight could be emotional for you. Remember when Christine was explaining how this city is about embracing and releasing at the same time. It is no longer a matter of feeling at a loss for awhile until something new comes into your reality. You will understand it when you fully experience it in a few moments. We are excited that each of you is aspiring to be here. Even if you cannot attend physically, you are intending to be here with your Spirits, and we will be together at one time very soon. The time of the frequency of the New Earth is increasing. Many individuals are awakening and they are going to need your assistance greatly. Even those that think they are already awakened but they fully have not actualized the full deep healing within their system. We need to reiterate to you ~ compassion ~ is going to be very, very important. If someone does not understand what you are portraying or going through, it’s just that they don’t have that experience. It’s important for you to communicate from your heart even at times when it becomes very emotional for you.

Allow the emotions to flow; allow the communication to be clear. Don’t stop the communications just because it feels uncomfortable. If you have communications with someone you love very dearly, and that communication seems to hit some emotional buttons within you, and you are continuing a conversation in a heightened state of emotions, continue with it. Allow it to flow through you as long as you are not hurting yourself or the other person. But have your inner power and your strength within you and share it. So when the energy changes, the two of you can look at each other and say “what just happened?” This will help you get through it. It is very important not to run away and not to stop the communication, no matter how painful may be. Many of you, these have been your experiences in your past and not just this lifetime but so many lifetimes., because of the hurt that is there and you want to cut it off. Do not cut it off ~ because you will just have to go through it again with someone else. Mend the fences ~ allow yourself to be compassionate with yourself and others. Share your truth. Work it through with one another and you will be grateful that you did so. Whether that relationship continues or whether it is split apart, it does not matter. The important aspect is that you went through a process of inner healing. I am sharing this with you because some of these elements may be coming up for some of you this week especially traveling to Shalahah.

Let’s now take a deep breath. Stand up now and go towards the waterfall. I want you to wade into the water and see all the different colors of the rays that are coming through the water. Now go to the waterfall and spritz your hair, your body, your face and feel the freshening energy running through you. Allow yourself to express that within. Step out from the waterfall and the sun is so warm and the breeze runs through you that now you feel completely dry. That is the magic of Telos. Let us all gather together, creating our Merakbah vehicle together, as we blend our energies into the Oneness. We move out the area you came in through and out through the top of the mountain as we spin upwards through all the levels. We are now at the top of the mountain. See the sky above us and we are going to spin up into the Etheric area of Earth, moving East, into the area of Missoula, Montana and Idaho. We are now on the Etheric area; breathing deeply. We now land into the City of Shahalah. Please know the cities are expansive ~ about 200 miles from top to bottom and expand beyond in the circumference through the diameter of the city.

Everything is glistening in this city which is very much like Shamballa. Walk around and what do you see? Expansive mountains, lakes in between, look beyond the horizon as we see the expansiveness of this beautiful city, Shalahah. We see Lord Sananda coming towards as he now will be your guide. Blessings, this is Lord Adama at your service.

Welcome, welcome, this is Lord Sananda speaking. This is a pleasure to be with each of you again this week but in a different context. Welcome to my City. Shalahah has been in construction for quite a long period of time. We are in the completion stages so this is probably one of the first cities that is going to be available for individuals to travel to so let’s gather together, my friends. I want to feel your Essence; I want to feel the energy that you bring forth within you. I see that each of you are very much ready for this journey that you are about to undertake onto the 5th dimensional frequency. The challenging part is the physical body and the frequencies within the physical body. But I think that you shall see that Shalahah is a great city to visit. As Christine was explaining, it is an incorporation of many levels. It is not just one specific level and that is what is exciting for me that we can project these energies here so that each of you can come here whenever you choose.

We have a little tram which we are going to get into the vehicle. The city is several hundred miles; we are on the outskirts of the city right now as we wanted you to see the expansiveness of this area and the beauty. There are many different types of land masses here. We have mountains, hills, streams lakes, and they run into each other which is clear mountain water. It is very pristine and beautiful. As we are traveling in the tram with each other, it is a circular type of vehicle which lifts off the ground. It does not have any tracks that it travels onto, but it does not lift very high off the ground. Let’s spin around and take a look at the scenery of what is around you. Get a feel of your intuition right now; maybe this is a remembrance for you. As we travel into the circular fashion, we are going to closer into the core of the diameter of the city. We have villages on the outside, small little villages that are different soul families living in the areas. Some may want to reside more in the countryside and others may be more in the city life. Within the city life there are a lot of crystalline structures; the buildings are very inter-galactic looking, pointed structures. It is a city of geometric patterns so the structure of our buildings is all quite different depending on the various areas. There are villages are representative of the different parts of the ray aspects. There is a commonality between the communities of meeting for council and community meetings on a weekly basis. As our vehicle comes towards the center of the city, look around you and see the different types of structures. We have many beings working and some beings are living here presently from other higher frequencies to assist in the balancing and bringing forth the communities together. This is exciting for us to have here into this space. It is quite a gift for all of us.

We now land and step out of the tram. We walk on structures ~ many different types of steps that go up into the middle of this building. There is a huge fountain in the middle with flowing water within the colors of the Ruby Red. On the outlining area there are elements of the Golden and Pink Orange blending into the frequency. It is a circular level of waterway which blends in all the different colors. Ruby Red is the basis and filters into the Pink Orange, then into the Magenta which is the core essence. If you look at the structure, we walk up about ten steps; you will see a stream that goes into the structure of the building and within the 1st level is the Ruby Red Ray as the color of the water. (The steps are like a bridge across the water so it is a continual circular flow.) You will see a platform in a Golden and Marble structure. You walk up another ten steps which are long diameter-wise as you move into the next level. This brings in the Pink-Orange Ray within the stream that goes around the middle part of the altar. You will now walk up another ten steps to another platform where you will see an altar with a spray of the Magenta in the middle of the deep Pink color. What is happening ~ these are different levels of frequency.

I want each of you to visualize this in your Mind’s Eye. It is a circular structure that goes complete around. The steps are an entranceway to each of the levels from the lower, through the middle, and the upper level. Let us stand at the bottom level where the Ruby Red ray is incorporated. Within the Ruby Red we bring in the Devotion and it is not worshipping to others, it is worshiping onto yourself. This is what our villages are centered upon ~ each of these different aspects. As people come into the city, they will be in training areas. They will be able to express themselves and move into that Divinity of their Beingness with the Ruby Red, the 3rd dimensional Cosmic energy and what that feels for you to fully awaken. When you are in the awakened state, you allow yourself to expand in that awakened state. As you do the expansion, there are elements within you that occur. Then you go to the next level and move into the Pink-Orange Ray which is the waves of the movement.

Let each of us now go into that middle level. We will get a sense of what it feels like within that ray color along with the energy around it. We are in an outside structure without walls around us. The energy that emanates from the stream of the water that moves around the base of the various levels comes up and around. I want each of you to walk within the stream of the Pink-Orange Ray so that you can feel the fluidness of the waves of the energies running through you. This will help you bring forth the acceptance within your Being that allows you to have the focus within. As you acquire the focus, you will start to see the fluidness that occurs. There is going to be a movement. Let us just walk within the stream of water together in a clockwise direction. I am going to ask each of you to step up into the water. The walls look like cement but are golden. You will walk into the structure to where the stream of water is flowing and allow that to come into your Being. Wade through the water; feel the essence of the Pink-Orange going up into your feet as it is swishing up to your legs and allow yourself to know you have a special robe you are now wearing that represent the colors of the Ruby, Pink Orange and the Magenta as these flow through. Right now we want you to embrace the Pink-Orange; we already experienced the Ruby. As you are walking through this beautiful water, you feel the essence going through your Being. You feel the essence by the robe and walking through the water; it flows through your bloodstream. Just allow the water as you are walking through the stream, in this clockwise direction together, moving left to right feeling it in your Solar Plexus. Feel the frequencies running through your Being as you are allowing the energy of the robe wrapped around you. See the emanation of the energy from the frequency of this ray going miles upward and around you on this level that we are walking through. Feel these waves ~ take a deep breathe and feel the essence of the waves coming in and goes out ~ comes in and goes out. Allow that to filter within you.

What we do here is to assist people to bring forth the Christ Consciousness fully within their Being. It is a place of purity, it is a place of joy, it is a place of love and compassion. As we center around the structure, we find ourselves to almost where we started. Allow yourself to feel it flowing through you.

We are now going to step out of the stream of water and there is a special Being that is assisting you. You will communicate with this Being in this beautiful city in which we incorporate Devotion Within. He or She hands you a beautiful towel to wrap around your feet. You sit on the ledge where the water flows and this Being rubs your feet dry along with anointing your feet with Frankincense and Myrrh. This is going to bring a blessing of the Purity within your Being. Allow that to filter all the way up inside of you and outside of you. Feel that frequency flowing through you. Feel the blissfulness and the waves of your totality and your Higher Self to be the active controlling factor within your body. Feel the purity and essence that is you ~ feel that completeness that is fully within that capacity.

Let us now stand and gather together as we now move up to the next level of steps. We now move to the middle altar with the beautiful waterfall. Allow yourself to feel the Magenta coming from the waterfall. Walk towards the altar. The waterfall is in the middle of the altar with many candles around the base of the altar, Pink-Orange, Ruby, and Magenta. Pick a candle which is lit and allow yourself to look within the candle as you say a prayer for yourself of what you desire to help you with this frequency within you to help you fully incorporate the Beingness that you are within this physical body. Now take the candle and light it to the person next to you as your flames go together to the left and then to the right as we have many Beings with us in this moment. This is our soul family coming together. You now put the candle back on the altar. Now your essence is being integrated within all the other essences of our soul family connecting in this manner, in this moment, together. Feel the community of Spirit that we have right now. Whatever you have done in your life up to this point, there is pure forgiveness. You have great wisdom within you. You express that wisdom and you embrace and expand the Essence that you are.

Let us all hold hands as we look into this beautiful waterfall with the candles all lit around it. Look around all the different types of Beings in this moment. This is the purity of Oneness occurring for us in Shalahah. We come here to re-energize ourselves, to remember our Divinity. We commune with each other in Love and Compassion. As we hold hands with each other, let us sway from left to right and right-to-left. Allow yourself to take a few moments and bring in the vibrancy as you bring in a chant that comes to you ~ it may be a word, it may be a sound. Just allow yourself to vibrate with this frequency. It may just be an “Ahhh” and I ask Meleriessee to utilize the crystal bowl as we utilize the crystalline energies here continually you will hear chimes and frequencies of Light. Let us now expand within this in this moment.

Ahhhh…Ahhhh….Ahhhh. Ahhhh. Ahhhh. Ahhhh….Ahhhh. Ahhhh…



Feel that vibration as you continue to sway left-to-right, right-to-left.

Ahhhh….Ahhhh….Ahhhh…..Ahhhhh. …Ahhhh…..Ahhhh…..Ahhhh…Ahhhh.

Slowly move from left to right, from right to left.

Slowly as the waves of light come in and go out. Allow that frequency to be expressed.

Let us all now file one-by-one down the steps to the middle area. See the frequency of the light around you. This is our Temple of Worshipthat we have brought to you ~ Inner Worship ~ Inner Empowerment ~ Inner Expression. See the vibrancy of the rays being emitted through waves of light and as we walk down to the lower level feel that frequency. We have blended all of these levels of the 5th, the 4th, and the 3rd inside and outside as it becomes the totality of your Being as you allow the merge of your I AM presence with your Soul within your physical body. Allow that to occur within you.

We now step down and away from the Temple into the land around it. Look at the pristine beauty of the mountains, the sky and the light frequency of love that is emanating everywhere in all aspects of this beautiful City of Shalahah. Feel that essence ~ it is yours ~ it is all of ours together.

I ask each of you to come to me in this moment as I embrace you with the Light of the Christ Within Me as the Christ Within You is being activated more fully than it ever has been before. I embrace you right now, my child. I hold you to my breast as my breast moves to your breast, as my hands match the back of your shoulders ~ as we embrace and feel the remembrance of all that We Are together and embrace yourself…Just embrace yourself of this purity that you are. This is the true you. I am honored in this moment to be able to share with you this beautiful city of Inner Worship so that now you can fully bring in your Prosperity and Abundance consciousness. This is the City of Inner Healing~ Deep Inner Healing. Come to us ~ come and visit. As you visit you will acknowledge the wisdom that are coming to you in your pathway to assist so many others.

Think about these moments in the next week or so. Possibly this is the City that you would like to do your work. Is this a place you would like to be part of or is it a place that you want to be here for awhile and assist. Then you would go to one of the other cities. As we move through all the cities with Meleriessee, it will give you an idea of what your life is going to b e like in Terra Christa. There is great beauty and great love. It is my honor to be with you in this moment and for allowing me to be your guide in Shalahah.

I am Lord Sananda at your service. Blessings my children, blessings.

This is Lord Adama. Let us gather farther down the meadow so we can all regenerate ourselves. We are not returning to Telos tonight but re-centering ourselves from this area. I want each of us to come together right now. We have the Team of Light, the many masters that are with us. I want to thank Lord Sananda for this beautiful gift that he has given to each of us. We also have many Telosians with us.

I would like each of you to intuit what is occurring right now and what is around you. Feel the pristine essence. This is your beginning stages. These are the droplets of light that you have been incorporating. This is the place you come through when you need that frequency to help yourself through the processes you are going through. We know the challenges of the 3rd and 4th dimensional Earth is insurmountable at this time. With the frequencies that are coming through, let us embrace the New Moon right now. I want each of you as your Hearts are fully open, to allow your palms to be open, allow yourself to receive from the essence of this space of this Inner Worship, the frequency that you need right now to assist you in the next 48 hours. What is it that you need this week that is going to assist you in the balance that is necessary? Feel that coming to you now.

Sop Mote it Be It is Done.

Every person experiencing this moment whether you are here, listening or reading now will embrace the Intention, the Prayer, the Activation that is necessary for them to have the balance within their lives. We bring forth the Telosian energies, the 5th dimensional energies into each of you in this moment to find your purity, your bliss, and your inner worship ~ the Essence of your Beingness to be fully activated within you. Feel that gift coming to you ~ wrap your arms around you as you pull the energy towards your heart and allow yourself to embrace it because your deserve it. You deserve it. It all of our blessings to be here with one another as we are coming together in this Soul Family of Light. I am honored to be your spokes-being for this group, I am honored to work with Meleriessee, and I am honored to work with each and every one of you individually and collectively. It is our remembrance together and it shall never be forgotten or forsaken again ~ never.

Let us all stand and have a group hug as we blend with each other of your essences of pure light.

In the Name of the Holy God of Hosts We Are, We Are One. Let us never, ever separate again. I am Lord Adama at your service. Let us gather in our Merkabah vehicle together and we will move off of the land.

Feel ourselves spinning out of the Etheric and into the physical. Each of us will separate intoMt.Shastaand each of you will go to your separate locations. As your Merakbah vehicle now spins in a clockwise manner, I am Lord Adama at your service. I love each and every one of you very dearly.

Now come back into your present location, ground the energies through your feet and into your Earth Star. Allow it to spin down to Gaia as she feels the 5th dimensional energies we just experienced. Take some deep breaths and feel your body.

Blessings, Meleriessee