Christina Lunden a message from Christina Lunden

Friday, 3 June, 2011

Are you having a hard time believing that you can have the dreams in your heart? The Angels want to encourage you to not give up on your dreams. If you were being told to move on to a new direction or dream, you would be receiving signs and insight to do so. If you are, then let go and start down that new path. However, if you are not being guided towards something different then you are the only one that can stop that dream from coming into your life by giving up. Please understand, there is nothing incorrect with giving up as you have free-will. The choice is always yours. For those that have the dreams but are weary due to the time it is taking to have it manifest into your life, we would like to share some affirmations that can help you stay in the highest energy for achieving those dreams while you are waiting on them to manifest. These are very powerful when said in the manner shared below. At the end, you will have a chance to add in your particular dream(s). Say this as many times as you would like. Feel the power of your words!

Remember to breathe, taking your time placing your strong intention into each statement. 


“I believe I can live a happy life.”

Touching prayer hands to 3rd eye – “I believe in my mind.”

Touching prayer hands to lips – “I believe in my words.”

Touching prayer hands to my heart – “I believe in my heart.”


“I believe I can be loved.”

Touching prayer hands to 3rd eye – “I believe in my mind.”

Touching prayer hands to lips – “I believe in my words.”

Touching prayer hands to my heart – “I believe in my heart.”


Continue the hand movements as you say the affirmations below.

“I believe I can have a loving relationship for the rest of my life.

I believe in my mind.

I believe in my words.

I believe in my heart.”


“I believe I can be successful.

I believe in my mind.

I believe in my words.

I believe in my heart.”


“I believe I can have all of my bills paid off this year.

I believe in my mind.

I believe in my words.

I believe in my heart.”


“I believe I AM on Earth for a reason.

I believe in my mind.

I believe in my words.

I believe in my heart.”


“I believe that I will complete all I came into this life to do.

I believe in my mind.

I believe in my words.

I believe in my heart.”


This time, you fill in the words.

“I believe ____________

I believe in my mind.

I believe in my words.

I believe in my heart.”


“I believe there is light in my mind.

I believe there is light in my words.

I believe there is light in my heart.”


Keeping your hands over your heart:

“I believe I AM worthy of all I dream.

I believe I AM.

I believe.

I believe.

I believe.”


I believe you are worthy. I believe if there is a dream in your heart, there is a door that can open for you to have that dream. I believe that you are a strong and powerful. I believe that if you don’t give up, you can have everything you need and desire. I believe that anything is possible at this time on Earth because we are the creators.

I believe in you,


Copyright 2011 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved.  Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:

This message was originally posted here