Frederick Wells of Future Energy Concepts LLC, has launched an automotive HHO kit that is claimed to produce large increases in fuel efficiency, which customers have said approaches 2x. The units are on sale now, with nearly 20,000 allegedly sold already, largely to repeat orders from fleets.

Put simply, what is happening in a typical HHO or hydroxy system is that water is being electrolyzed on board from electricity from the battery, creating "Brown's gas", which includes hydrogen and oxygen, as well as possibly some new species not fully characterized or appreciated by academia yet. It is probably in the formation of this new species of gas (some call it ionized HHO [or HHOi], because of its electrical characteristics) that the environmental energy shows up or is harvested. The Brown's gas interacts with the fuel to break the larger chain molecules (that often go unburnt in a typical system) into smaller molecules that are readily burned. In highly optimized systems, allegedly the vehicle can run on HHOi alone.

by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

Frederick Wells (Freddy) is a name that is becoming well known in the HHO field. Last year, he claimed to have powered a 2004 Dodge pickup truck with HHO (hydroxy) gas only produced on demand. In fact, he claimed the vehicle completed a 3,000 mile road trip utilizing nothing but HHO gas, generated onboard with an Stanley Meyers type of electrolysis system that apparently harnesses energy from the environment in order to acquire the power needed. And last month he claimed that he has now logged nearly 9,000 miles running on nothing but water. (Link) You can read up on these exciting claims on our feature page at PESWiki. Now in 2011, Freddy has launched an automotive HHO kit. It's official name is the "FEC V6 (Version Six) Universal Kit", and can be ordered through the Future Energy Concepts E-Store.

This "Universal Kit" was publicly launched on June 3, which happens to be Freddy's birthday. It also turns out that June 3 is the birthday of Andrea Rossi, inventor of the E-Cat cold fusion heat system set to be released in October of this year. Both of these inventors are in our Top Five Exotic Free Energy Technologies listing, and their technologies were both addressed in Sterling Allan's interview with Jeff Rense on June 3. They were the only ones specifically addressed in that overview.

Freddy's "Universal Kit" is claimed to produce large improvements in fuel efficiency. As mentioned in previous articles, Freddy was warned by representatives from the "powers that be" (PTB) not to advertise systems that allow an increase in fuel efficiency of over 30%. (Freddy says there have been eleven attempts on his life, including poisoning and taking a bullet.) The BTP warned that any improvements beyond that range would be too disruptive to the status quo. This may be the reason why there is not a specific fuel efficiency improvement figure listed on the FEC's E-Store website. The scuttlebutt from some customers is that this system (in at least some vehicles) produce increases in efficiency closer to 90% (nearly a doubling of mileage). If so, Freddy may feel the need be quiet about the true potential of his kit, in order to avoid even more persecution from those (he claims) have already attempted to murder him. 

A highly efficient HHO kit may bring other benefits to the table in addition to increased fuel efficiency. For example, properly supplementing an internal combustion engine with HHO has proven to increase power. If you have a slow, sluggish vehicle this kit may improve the performance of your car or truck. Additionally, adding HHO to your fuel mix can reduce emissions, in some cases down to near zero. Such a system could help vehicles pass emissions tests, which plague the citizens of some states. For a more complete review of the benefits of HHO when used with internal combustion engines, please check out George Wiseman's latest document titled, "Proof that On-Board Brown's Gas (BG) Generation and Supplementation Works." (Link)

Each of Freddy's kits comes with a five year unlimited mileage warranty, and is custom configured to be compatible with the customer's vehicle. For example, each order will come with the proper computerized "prom kit" and the correct injection manifold adapters. Due to the customization of each kit, there is a two week delivery time.

Freddy has revealed to Sterling Allan in a private conversation, that 20,000 units have already been ordered. Five thousand of these units were sold to a single large company with a fleet of vehicles, in a "pre-release." These pre-release units went sent out in March of this year, and most of the units were installed by the end of that month. So far, the improvements in mileage obtained by this company are *very* favorable to say the least. In fact, the early numbers might not make the "powers that be" happy at all. The company is compiling even more fuel efficiency data that they will be sharing with Freddy in the near future. After finishing an E-Book on the technology, Freddy plans to compile all this additional fuel economy data for publishing.

Additionally, out of the 20,000 units ordered, there were many orders for 200 or 500 units. This could indicate other businesses with fleets of vehicles want to utilize the technology, to reap the benefits of HHO. Perhaps news the great performance of these kits are spreading? Freddy also indicates that the company who purchased the first 5,000 units, now seems to indicate it desires to install these kits throughout their entire fleet. 

The primary issue that might concern potential customers is the $5,500 price tag of the "Universal Kit" (plus $50 dollars for shipping and handling, since the kit weights fifty pounds, dry.) This seems a bit high, but with gas prices increasing (and set to go higher) the price could be worth it to many drivers. This could especially be true for those that put lots of miles on their vehicle for work or recreation, and hence consume large quantities of fuel. If this product can cut someone's weekly fuel bill by half, it could more than pay for itself in a year or so, not to mention the added benefits of increased power and reduced emissions. 

Of course another cost would be installation of the kit, and potential warranty issues. Some individuals may not be automotively savvy enough to install the kit themselves. To be honest, I know I probably would not be! They would have to either pay for a mechanic to do the work, or find a friend knowledgeable enough to install it for them; though Freddy makes it sound like installation isn't that hard. Making such alterations a vehicle could potentially void the warranty of a newer vehicle. Although, this may or may not be the case with all vehicle models. 

My thinking is that this device could be most ideal for a slightly older vehicle (perhaps just out of warranty), that are suffering from lessening performance and fuel efficiency. That way, there would be no risk of voiding a warranty, and the fuel efficiency increases could be even more significant. 

Freddy claims the price is affordable, and there is only a $500 dollar profit margin per unit. He states that all the income will be put towards the production of the next batch of one million units within the first year. Freddy makes it clear he is not doing this for himself, but to get the technology out there to benefit mankind. According to him, this is not his technology, but God's. 

One million vehicles on the road with dramatically improved fuel efficiency may not be the solution to the energy crisis, but it would be a good start. Future versions of his system may produce even greater fuel efficiency. Perhaps at some point, they may allow vehicles to run off nothing but pure HHO (with perhaps a little gasoline mixed in to lubricate engine parts).

Potential customers should review all the information they can find about this technology (though this may be daunting given how much info is available in this new field that has not yet penetrated the mainstream media or academia), and then make an informed decision. Hopefully, in the near future hard data from actual fleets of vehicles utilizing this system will be made public. This data may provide the proof of fuel efficiency benefits some customers may need before ordering.

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