Career mechanic, Eric W. Hansen, reveals his understanding of the hydroxy (HHO) technology, explaining how to use Frederick Well's plans to run an engine on nothing but water through resonance of the electrolysis cell chambers, as well as how to adjust the tuning of the engine to handle the 135 octane hydroxy gas.


Eric is scheduled to come on
as a guest of the
Late Night in the Midlands
radio show with
host Michael Vera
this coming Friday night,
June 18, from 12 – 2 am
Eastern time,
following Stanton Freidman
(10-midnight June 17).

Eric W. Hansen of Hawaii

Frederick (Freddy) Well's design.

Eric W. Hansen composed this for a radio show appearance and posted it to our Freddys_Cell discussion list.  It has been Edited for clarity by Hank Mills and Sterling D. Allan.

Let me begin by recommending to all who are listening tonight to grab a pen and some paper. It will be useful for taking some notes. You may even want to wake a few people out of bed, like your brother the mechanic, your friend the engineer, your uncle MacGyver, or anyone you think is handy under the hood of a car. What I'm about to tell you can free the world from fossil fuels for good; and this doesn't just apply to the automotive sector. The information I'm about to present can also be used to liberate generators, boats, and planes from fossil fuels. 

I'm describing a way to totally eliminate fossil fuels. Those nasty, carbonized, pollution belching, and poisonous gases coming from every combustion engine in the world can be stopped, by using water to fuel those same engines. All that's required are a few modifications, and they can be transformed into super clean, and high horsepower engines that expel nothing more than water vapor. 

I should also mention this technology can bring about the end of nuclear power. Let me say that again… there is no need for nuclear power! If the world would unite to convert internal combustion engines to run on water, the need for fossil fuels and nuclear fuels could come to an end in months. Such an end to fossil fuels would not only save the environment from continued destruction, but also save you money. Just imagine not having to pay for gasoline or electricity, and being able to provide for all your energy needs with water!


Put simply, what is happening in a typical HHO or hydroxy system is that water is being electrolyzed on board from electricity from the battery, creating "Brown's gas", which includes hydrogen and oxygen, as well as possibly some new species not fully characterized or appreciated by academia yet. It is probably in the formation of this new species of gas (some call it ionized HHO [or HHOi], because of its electrical characteristics) that the environmental energy shows up or is harvested. The Brown's gas interacts with the fuel to break the larger chain molecules (that often go unburnt in a typical system) into smaller molecules that are readily burned. In highly optimized systems, allegedly the vehicle can run on HHOi alone.

Even the Saudi prince is nervous right now. He is calling for lower oil prices, so Americans won't be in such a hurry to find alternative energy sources. It's obvious Americans are tired of getting ripped off at the pumps, and are fed-up with sending their children off to die in the name of oil. The bad news for him is that it is too late. We have found the absolutely cleanest burning fuel, with a literally endless supply. The kicker is we are all surrounded by it… water! In fact, the Earth's surface is over 75% water. Any kind of water can be used too! This includes distilled water, tap water, hose water, or salt water! 

Needless to say, the government doesn't want this source of energy being utilized, because they make so much money on fuel taxes. This technology could have a profound effect on the national and global economies, in that it would shift the wealth back to the people. It could allow mankind to make progress without the repression and lies we have been force-fed since childhood. 

With unlimited clean and cheap energy, the price of all items including food, clothing, and electronics would go down. Energy is involved in the transport and manufacture of every item you purchase, and when the price of energy drops, everything will become more affordable. This will restore the middle class, and help reduce poverty. The powers that be do not want this to happen, because poor people are more easily controlled. Those with wealth are not as easily controlled. 

My brother Daryl and I are both members of hydroxy (HHO) study groups, and I can tell you that a vast percentage of members out there don't even understand how this works. The information is right there in front of them, but for some reason they cannot comprehend it. This is understandable, because a couple hours of trying to decipher Stan Meyer's technical data and patents could give a seasoned engineer a migraine headache.

Fast Freddy has so far apparently been one of the few geniuses in the US with enough patience and/or intuition to figure out Stan Meyer's technology, and produce a working prototype. Doing so has been compared to putting the Space Shuttle into space, but it's not really that complicated. Once you have heard what I have to share with you tonight, you will be very informed in hydroxy technology. At a minimum, you will have a basic understanding of how the technology works. I myself looked at this technology for quite some time, and when I finally saw the big picture, was amazed at how simple it really is.

To my knowledge, I don't believe anybody, anywhere, has put together a presentation like we have specially prepared for you tonight. I have broken this technology down into the simplest terms I could, so that most people should have no problem understanding how this technology works. If you haven't started recording yet, or don't have pencils and paper handy, I strongly urge you right now to grab a tape recorder. What I'm about to tell you will change the world as we know it.

Before I get deep into explaining how this system works, let me clear up one thing right away. We are not actually burning water. Everybody calls it water for gas, because that's what you'd be filling up with. Water does burn, by the way, in another process called Water Vapor Plasma Combustion. You need only to mist, or even better vaporize the water with a nebulyzer like the ones you see fogging up the dance floor, and ignite it with a high charge plasma spark, like an Aquapulser or Blue Phoenix ignition system. So if you find a nifty way to put water vapor through a carburetor, without it condensing all over the inside of your induction system, then you will have solved a technical problem which would allow a vehicle to run on water vapor. However, we're not doing that. What we are doing is taking water, and splitting it into its two basic elements, hydrogen and oxygen. I'm sure everyone remembers what H2O is.x

Simply put, this system creates Hydrogen and Oxygen from plain water in an endothermic (or bond-breaking) reaction commonly known as the electrolysis of water. For those of you who don't know what that is, grab a 9 volt battery, hook it to a couple of wires, one on each battery post, and while holding the wires a couple inches apart put the wires into a glass of salted water. Soon you will see little bubbles forming on the ends of the wires. That's Hydrogen and Oxygen, in the exact stoichiometric ratio needed to recombine into water.

What you just made is called HHO, Hydroxy gas, or Brown's gas. It's all the same stuff, basically the combined gases from an electrolysis cell. Many people will say there is no way the output of an electrolysis cell can power a vehicle, because electrolysis is not efficient enough to create more power than it took to split the water molecule. They will say, "You're breaking Faraday's law and the laws of physics." 

To those people I say this, "Lets get this straight right now. We're not talking about plain electrolysis anymore. We're talking about frequency enhanced electrolysis (which I will explain shortly)." 

We have added other dimensions or aspects to electrolysis, and this allows efficiencies beyond those allowed by Faraday's laws. The so called "laws" of physics are actually just ideas and best guesses, and they can be added to or changed. 

Water car technology has been around for a very long time. In 1807, a Swiss inventor by the name of Francois Isaac de Rivas invented the first internal combustion engine, running off hydrogen created from water! Then came along Etienne Lenoir in 1860, who invented the "Ice Car, which turned water into hydrogen, and burned it in a two cylinder engine. Shortly after that, in 1863, came the HippoMobile, which made a test drive from Paris to Joinville-le-Pont, which is about nine miles away. Finally, in 1918, Charles Frazer was the first to patent a hydrogen booster, which soon disappeared. In 1933, Norway's Norsk Hydro aluminum and power company adapted their engine to one of the company's small trucks. This received very little attention due to the Nazi threat in Europe.

Of course, the story of Stan Meyer (who was murdered in March of 1988 at the age of 57) is the most striking story of all. Here is an excerpt from the Columbus Dispatch…


After more than 20 years of research and tinkering, it was time to celebrate. Stan Meyer, his brother, and two Belgian investors raised glasses in the Grove City Cracker Barrel on March 20, 1988. Meyer said his invention could do what physicists say is impossible — turn water into hydrogen fuel efficiently enough to drive his dune buggy cross-country on 20 gallons of water straight from the tap. He took a sip of cranberry juice; Then he grabbed his neck, bolted out the door, dropped to his knees, and vomited violently. "I ran outside and asked him, "What's wrong?" his brother, Stephen Meyer, recalled. He said, "They poisoned me", which was his dying declaration.

Since 1930 there have been over 240 patents for engine devices that boost your mileage to between 100 and 259 miles to the gallon, some of which have been bought up by big oil companies to keep us from straying away from gasoline. This leads me to mention that both Bob Boyce and Fast Freddy, were and still are literally risking their lives, and are heroes to the entire world in my eyes. They have both had attempts made on their lives, and have been offered big money to shut up. But being the very special people that they are, they told big oil to take a hike, so generations of people across the globe will eventually be free from the tyranny of oil companies.

So let's get back to Faraday's Law, which refers to Michael Faraday. He was an English chemist and physicist, who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He lived from 1791 to 1867.

Specifically, we are talking about Faraday's Laws of Electrolysis of Water. Now, under Faraday's Law, the electrolysis of water does not convert 100% of the electrical energy input into the system into the separate chemical atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. In fact, according to Faraday's Law if you input one watt of electrical energy into an electrolysis cell, it will yield less than one watt's worth of hydrogen and oxygen. Basically, the energy you get from burning the hydrogen and oxygen will be less than the electrical energy used to split the water. 

Michael Faraday may have been a very smart scientist, but he failed to explore at least three huge variables during his experiment. Because of his lack of testing these three variables, we must re-write his laws. 

The first variable is the surface area of the electrodes he used, otherwise known as the cathode and anode. To put it bluntly, he was basically using a couple of wires in a jar, with about the conductive surface equal to the tip of a pencil. In our more modern versions, we use pipes or plates with a thousand times more surface area for the water splitting reactions to take place. With this factor alone, we can beat the theoretical efficiency limits of Faraday's so called, "laws."

The second variable is the materials used. We have materials Faraday did not have. One of these materials is 316 stainless steel. It is readily available in pipe or sheet form, and it is not going to dissolve into the water like copper or aluminum. By using modern materials for the anodes and cathodes, we can break Faraday's so called "laws."

The third variable is a biggie. It is the actual energy used for the experiment. Faraday constantly spoke about the energy "overpotential" or waste energy in the form of heat. After a few minutes of blasting water with high voltage, he saw the water get extremely hot. This is why some cell builders are running into trouble and are experiencing catastrophic overheating problems with their units. What Faraday did not know was that if you keep your voltage around or below 2.45 volts per cell that the amount of waste energy drops dramatically. This improves your overall efficiency. 

In better terms, anything over 2.45 volts is a waste, and will be expelled into the water as heat. After all, the energy has to go somewhere. 

When I use the term "cell", I am referring to the individual chambers within the unit, which share voltage across a chain of electrodes (like in a car battery). We've all seen the water inside a car battery when you take off the two caps. Did you notice there are six holes to put water in? Have you ever wondered why? The answer is that each separate cell or separate electrolyte bay accepts about 2.45 volts under charge, and that charge is added up as it travels down the chain of cells to accept about 14.7 volts. This is the voltage that a normal automotive charging system operates at.

Also, this is why in a 12 volt Hydroxy system, you should have 6 or 7 cells, and units like the Bob Boyce 101 plate design contain 100 cells, use 200volts to drive the entire unit, which breaks down to 2volts per cell respectively. I must also mention that there are 12v Boyce style booster units, available, which contain 6 or 7 cells, which also equates to around 2v per cell. Now if we use this 2.45v per cell rule, we can increase the amount of amperage, thus increasing the reaction rate, without creating an abundance of waste heat. This is true for all series type cells, because again, they share voltage across a chain or row, with the positive at one end, and the negative at the other end.

The Stan Meyer, or Fast Freddy unit by Future Energy Concepts, has parallel cells, which means that every cell has its own positive and negative power connection. They are all connected to the same power lead, and don't have to share voltage across a chain. This is why Freddy uses 3.2 volts to drive his unit, and it's 3.2 volts because there is resistance in the entire system, including our stainless steel electrodes. Different metals require different amounts of voltage to overcome their resistance to electricity. For the same reason a so-called 12 volt automotive system is actually 14.7 while in operation. When you shut down your engine, and the charging system stops, you'll notice the battery voltage drops down. It settles somewhere around 12.7 volts. Hence the name 12 volt battery.

[Editor's note: Some scientists speculate that the extra energy that shows up in these systems could be from zero point energy manifesting from the atomic interactions.]

I also have to tell you that these booster units out there are in no way in league with Freddy's unit, or even the 101 plate unit by Boyce, because they don't employ the special process that makes this all possible. Right now, the 101 plate series type unit designed by Bob Boyce is not suitable for automotive use. This is for several reasons which I will touch on later. However, the Freddy Cell unit is much more durable, because tilts and bumps don't affect it much.

The Freddy Cell unit also works well under pressure. It works better under pressure than with no resistance at all. As a matter of fact, once you get over 30psi in the vessel, the rate of production increases dramatically. The Boyce style booster units, available at, actually almost stop production after only reaching 5psi. But they will help you start saving money on gas right away, by adding hydroxy gas to your air intake. They are great for stretching out your gas mileage, as well as cleaning up your exhaust, but don't come even close to producing enough hydroxy gas to run your car on 100% water. The only unit or design available right now that can produce enough hydroxy gas, as well as withstand the rigors of automotive use, is the Stan Meyer or Fast Freddy design by Future Energy Concepts. It's simpler to build, takes less space, and doesn't require you to wind a toroid coil. [Editor's note: we don't know of anyone who has successfully replicated what Freddy claims to have done.]

Now I'm going to add a new dimension to the mix, because were not just talking about plain electrolysis anymore. We are using what I like to call Frequency Enhanced Electrolysis or Hydro-phonic Electrolysis, because that's just exactly what it is. We are literally using pulse frequencies, much like a sound wave, pulsing the current which feeds the electrodes. This causes them to vibrate, and emit a high pitch frequency pulse into the water. 

The pipes actually act like hydrophones, or underwater speakers blasting tones or pulses into the water. If done correctly, these tones create a kind of feedback loop. In technical terms, this is called a "transverse wave effect." It is like the wake of a boat crossing the wake of another. You get a spike in the intersection. It can also be compared to when a microphone gets near a speaker and that nasty squeal emerges. This effect just happens to loosen the molecular bond between the hydrogen and the oxygen atoms inside the water molecule! 

The pulses in the electricity actually cause the electrodes to vibrate. The sound, or frequency, is actually in the electricity used to perform the electrolysis. The electrodes are actually transmitting a sound through the water at the same frequency the electrode resonates at. 

Let me rephrase that and explain it more. You must understand that the energy used must be pulsed at the frequency the electrodes resonate at, or vibrate. We are not trying to reach the resonance of water like I've heard some people claim. To reach the resonance frequency, take a pipe, cut it to a certain length, and hit it with a small hammer. It will ring like a bell. Record and analyze that sound because that is the frequency that your pipe resonates at. Let's say it's 40 megahertz. That [or its harmonics?] would be the frequency you would need to pulse the energy at to get the pipe to resonate while in the reactor doing it's job (to break water into hydrogen and oxygen). This is the resonance frequency of that object. But you need two electrodes, that resonate at the same frequency to complete the cell. That is why the Stan Meyer, or Freddy cell has two different diameter pipes for our electrodes. One pipe fits inside the other. The larger diameter pipe on the outside, with a longer smaller diameter pipe on the inside. [And these need to be cut or otherwise treated have a harmonic relationship with each other?]

The difference in length is so they are able to make the same tone. A smaller diameter pipe will need to be longer to achieve the same tone as the larger diameter pipe. By altering the lengths of these different diameter pipes, literally tuning them, we can make them resonate at the same frequency. After you have your two pipes singing the same tone using a frequency analyzer, you have now determined the pulse width of the electrical energy needed to get those pipes singing their tune underwater. Basically, by using a pulsing (or audio style) signal the pipes operate like high frequency speakers in the water. This is what the PWM or Pulse Width Modulator does. It's the electronics and life's blood of the system. It captures the energy from your 12 volt alternator and battery, changes the voltage to three volts, and pulses it at the same frequency your pipes resonate. Those pipes begin to emit a high frequency tone into the water. This causes the water in the cells to crash around violently at the molecular level, stressing them, and actually loosens the bond between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms inside the water molecule.

This stress allows us to break the bond between hydrogen and oxygen with only a small amount of current. As a matter of fact, at only 55 amps, Freddy's unit, at Future Energy Concepts, puts out around 55 liters per minute on plain water. If just a small amount of electrolyte is added to the system, say just a teaspoon of Potassium Hydroxide per gallon of water, the reaction rate jumps to somewhere over 90 liters per minute. However, we don't need or want that Potassium Hydroxide if the unit works on just plain water. If you have been keeping tabs on Future Energy Concepts website, their unit actually produces so much that no real accurate measurement has been taken yet. But at 85 MPH, using a 5.7 liter hemi, the unit only needs to be on for 15% of the time to sustain that 85 MPH!

If the unit was really driven to its full potential, it could probably run six full size V8's under heavy load, with plenty of gas to spare. And just to make sure you understand, this is on 98% hydroxy gas which is hardly any gasoline whatsoever! 

You may have heard that Freddy uses 2% gasoline to keep corrosion away, and lubricate the upper cylinders. However, it is more like a government mandate to limit claims of fuel savings to 30%. Propane fleets do not need 2% gasoline, nor do regular hydrogen vehicles. So you tell me, do you think the gasoline really has to be there? 

I doubt there is a corrosion risk. Crank journals splash into a pool of oil at the bottom of your oil pan, spraying your cylinder walls with oil. This is where your piston walls get their lubrication, not from the gasoline. If anything, gasoline carbon deposits help scratch up your cylinder walls, and gum up your valves. Hydroxy gas is the cleanest burning gas out there. It just doesn't get any cleaner. I've also heard comments like, "You'll need to get a stainless steel exhaust system." Anyone who has ever paid attention to what comes out of their tailpipe while the engine is running would have noticed that there is usually a little water dripping from the exhaust pipe. This is because water is also a natural byproduct of gasoline in an internal combustion engine. Using hydroxy is not going to rust your exhaust out much faster than normal.

I'm not selling these units, and I'm not in any way affiliated with any of the websites I'm mentioning here. So I'm not mandated to do anything silly, like tell you these units can only save you 30% on your gas mileage. That's a bunch of malarkey! I'm here to tell you the truth. The truth is that this technology is the real deal, and we could all be running our cars and powering our homes with what is literally the most abundant resource on Earth… WATER! For example, you could drive completely across the United States, from New York to LA, on a single tank of water! 

As far as I am concerned, the U.S government can take their 30% fuel savings mandate and stick it where the sun don't shine. I'm here to tell you that 100% on demand hydrogen systems exist TODAY! If you are smart enough and pay attention, you will be able to build one of these units right in your garage, or have a master mechanic install it for you. Once you have built one of these systems, you will be able to run almost any engine on water! 

Installation Considerations

The reason I used the term master mechanic, is because the installation of these systems requires various modifications on different engines, to overcome a few technical issues. Let me tell you about the issues you will face in retrofitting your engine with one of these fuel systems, and how to overcome them.

First, let's compare the fuels we are swapping. One big difference is the octane rating, which refers to the fuel's ability to self-ignite under pressure, as well as its rate of burn. Today's gasoline at the pump ranges from between 87 octane for sluggish performance and 93 octane for high performance. Diesel actually has an even lower octane rating, because it self-combusts easily under heat and pressure. Aviation fuels have much higher octane ratings, because they can withstand more heat and pressure before they self-ignite. The engine in your car or pickup was designed to use a liquid fuel with an octane rating between 87 and 93. Hydrogen by itself has a rating of 130, but when it is exactly in stoichiometric ratio (proportionally burnt with oxygen to combine and make water) the burn rate is increased even further… over 135 at least.

We could actually utilize a higher compression ratio for even further horsepower and economy gains. Hydroxy is extremely efficient for an engine. Gasoline however, burns so slow, that your engine cylinders have to fire long before they get to the top of the compression stroke, to allow enough time for the combustion process to take place within the cylinder. The burning of the fuel actually taking place, needs enough time to fully expand, enough time to create pressure in the cylinder, and enough time for the thrust stroke. Hydroxy gas burns with over 2 and 1/2 times the power and speed of gasoline, so the first and foremost issue is the spark timing system on your engine. Detonating the hydroxy gasses too soon could result in catastrophic failure of your engine. So the first obstacle for converting your engine to run on hydroxy gas, is to modify the spark timing on your vehicle. There has been a lot of confusion out there as how to achieve this. As an ex-career mechanic, I can tell you exactly how to do this, so pay special attention. 

Older points style and non ECU computer engines are easy. You can just turn the distributor wherever you want, in this case right at TDC (top dead center), is probably a good point to begin our timing curve. It's as simple as that. 

However, as you know, today's engines are more sophisticated, and there are three basic levels, which are OBD 1, 2, and 3. OBD refers to the on-board diagnostics of the computer system controlling the engine in your vehicle. The computer controls the timing now, and there have been several issues arising in the hydroxy groups on how to keep this darn computer from blowing up your engine when you switch to pure Hydroxy. In other words, we need to prevent the computer from telling the plugs to fire too early, changing the spark timing to something you don't want.

OBD1 vehicles, or vehicles made between 1991 and 1995 have a wire which goes to the distributor, which sends the signal for the distributor to advance the timing. On a GM it's the tan wire with a black stripe, or it just looks brown and black when it's old and greasy. Usually, there is a plastic quick-disconnect near the distributor, or under the dash near the computer. This is the wire a mechanic disconnects to set your timing for a tune up or repair job of any kind. If you just unplug this wire, and set your timing to TDC, the job is done on an OBD1 vehicle. Again, Prior to computer controlled vehicles, you only need to turn the distributor to the appropriate point. But on OBD 2 and 3 vehicles, where there is no handy little wire to disable the advance, the situation changes, and we need a new approach. The computer completely controls all the advance, and is normally set using a scanner. On a GM Vortec 350 for instance, the base timing is already at 0 degrees at TDC plus or minus two degrees. It's already ideal, but since the computer is in control, it will fire somewhere between 18 and 22 degrees before top dead center, which is no good. 

There are a myriad of sensors your computer constantly monitors, to determine what the best timing or firing point is. So in the hydroxy groups, they are using several different approaches trying to modify or trick the computer into firing later. They use Oxygen sensor enhancers, and EFIE's or electronic fuel injection enhancers to send a false signal to the computer, essentially tricking it to lean out and or fire at a later point. This may work fine for boosters which still rely on gasoline, but does not even come close to where you need to be to utilize 100% hydroxy gas.

In order to do that, we need to simply reprogram the computer to fire where we want. How do you do that you say? Simple, there are kits available to do just that very thing. You can actually re-flash your computer's main chip instructions. Racers of all kinds use these systems to reprogram these computers every day. If you know what you are doing, it only takes about 2 1/2 minutes. Most of these kits come with preset codes, with maybe five modes of performance to choose from, and you would choose one of those sets of codes to reflash your chip with. But we need control of the code ourselves, and there are only a rare few of reprogramming kits with the power, or option to do so; but they ARE out there, and right now I am working with one called HP Tuner, like Horse-Power Tuner.

These kits are available through summit racing equipment online. Depending on what you need and want, they range between 400 and 600 dollars. A serious Hydroxy installer would need to get a few kits that cover different makes in order to cover as many brands as possible. Also, keep in mind that these were designed for racers using V8 engines, so don't expect to find a HP Tuner kit for your little Geo Metro, or your Volkswagen Diesel. Your fuel will be free now, so why would you even bother with a little econo-box rice grinder, when you could be driving with the power, luxury, and safety of a much larger vehicle.

I must warn you, these kits are powerful tools. If you don't know what you are doing, you are likely to end up doing serious damage to your engine. I strongly suggest getting the 250 dollar HP Tuner training video to learn how to use these systems correctly. With over three hundred million people in the US, and only eight hundred thousand auto mechanics, that's less than 1/3 of one percent of the population who work on cars professionally. Out of those, there are nine different areas of certification in automechanics. Obviously, you don't want a steering and break specialist installing an unfamiliar fuel system, and reprogramming your computer. Make sure the mechanic is either a Master technician, certified in all nine areas, or at least has the performance, fuel, and emission systems certifications needed to understand what he or she is doing. In my time as an automotive technician, I've found that most people know little more than how to check the fluids. When they open the hood of their car, it's like seeing a Borg ship for the first time. They're just lost.

On another note, let's say you are a somewhat decent mechanic, hate computers, and your more of a nuts and bolts kinda guy; or you have a carburetor engine instead of fuel injection, and want to use this system on your vehicle — and this applies to any size engine as far as fuel supply goes — you can use a propane carburetor setup, which was designed to handle gasses just like we are using. As long as you have the ability to adjust the timing, a propane carburetor system will work excellent, and are readily available in several places online. They are a fairly easy shoe-in because the Freddy unit, or Meyer style unit operates even better under pressure, and comes with a recommended operational pressure of 55 to 60 PSI. This is nice, because you can pipe that right to the precarb regulator, which reduces the pressure to between 3 and 4 PSI. It is further reduced at the carb to only eight ounces of pressure or 1/2 a PSI, where it operates at.

If computers don't scare you, you're a knowledgeable automotive technician, and money is no object, I recommend a professional aftermarket port fuel injection system. It enables you to completely program every aspect of control within the engine, and use 10 to one or 12 to one compression pistons, so you can fully utilize the power available within a 135 octane fuel. But with the amount of power and friction, you might also want to add an under piston cooling system to keep the top of your piston cool, and keep everything extra lubricated around the combustion chamber for longevity and durability. If you do all this, you will have one bad mother engine running on nothing but pure water!

Oh, and by the way, even if you don't get all the fancy stuff, you'll notice a substantial horsepower increase anyway, because hydroxy gas has over 2 1/2 times the power of gasoline. So watch out when you step on the gas pedal for the first time to pull out on the street. You can easily spin your tires not even trying to, because it takes less pedal to do the same job.

I'm not telling you to put a 6,000 dollar, state of the art fuel system in your 1200 dollar Aerostar, so some people might just want to stick with a booster kit for now. This can start saving you money right away. It also has much less hassle and expense than trying to redesign your entire fuel system. There are a number of different systems to choose from depending on what engine size you have, and how much power can be safely taken from your electrical system. I've heard estimates from 20% fuel savings, all the way up to 100%, or doubling their mileage with some of these systems. They also clean up your exhaust dramatically. Some work so good that the analyzers at the emissions check station will flunk your vehicle, saying there is a leak in your exhaust, because it's not detecting enough carbon! In a case like that, you would want to disconnect the power to the unit to take the test.

But getting back to the Freddy Cell by Future Energy Concepts, it is clear some people look at the $5,500 price tag and complain that it is high. I consider it is cheap, and I'll tell you why. One is the cost of the materials used in the unit. Stainless steel isn't cheap. Neither is the machining process required to mill these parts to exacting standards. The electronics, wires, and housing are all factors as well. Besides, how much gasoline do you actually buy in a year? I own a one ton Chevy, and spend over 100 dollars a week pumping crude into my 32 gallon tank. So in my case it would pay for itself the first year. 

Maybe you have several vehicles, but only drive one at a time. If you cannot afford a unit for each vehicle and one for home power generation, there is a potential solution. Alter all of them to utilize the unit, and take the unit with you wherever you go. You can transfer it to whatever vehicle you are driving at the time. Using a quick disconnect, you could just pop off the pressure line, unplug the PWM, and bring it inside to power your home generation unit. Stick it on your Winnabego and start touring the country. Put it on your boat and circle the globe. You will have to come up with other excuses to stop at the gas station, like chips and sodas or something (such as a potty stop [unless you want to put that in your engine as well]).

Another question I see arising is about backflash, or backfiring, as well as storage of hydrogen. With the booster systems you definitely need a check valve to prevent any fire from traveling up your intake, and straight into your unit. It is also needed to prevent any water from traveling through the hydroxy supply line, right into your engine. That is what the bubbler is for. It simply feeds the hydrogen gas through water, making it bubble up to the top, and continue into the intake of your engine after going through a check valve, which prevents the backflash from the other direction.

With Freddy's unit, there isn't any chance of backflash into the unit, because it uses your vehicles existing injector system. There's no way that the flash, if any, could travel up backwards through the injector. It only needs a water trap to prevent the water from reaching the injectors.

As for your hydrogen blowing up, there is no storage of hydrogen besides what is created in the unit. There is no storage tank. All the hydroxy gas is created as you need it. That's what on-demand means, and that's why it is so important for everyone to jump on this. If our holier than thou government has anything to do with this, they'll have you going to the pump to fill a tank with hydrogen, where they can tax the heck out of you. That's what's so utterly important about keeping this open-source. That's why there aren't any new patents being filed on this. Like Freddy said, our children and grandchildren can enjoy the benefits of our labor, and not have to worry about fuel and electric bills. Two of the biggest lies in the world, created to generate money for dear old Uncle Sam.

In case you didn't know, the free energy cover-ups began with the founding of our great nation, and continue to this day. You have been lied to about a great many things. A very large percentage of what we're taught in school is geared to keep you brainwashed into believing their lies about history, science, and even religion. As you know, history is written by the victor. How many book burnings, genocides, and taxes does it take before you wake up and realize the truth? You are under control, and you have no rights. Under the Patriot Act, they can call you a terrorist, take you away, lock you up forever, and not have to show any evidence. Congress just approved another four year extension of this, by the way. Our government does not care about us! 

I've also got something to say concerning people who have hang-ups about Freddy. I actually saw someone comment in the hydroxy group, that he was not sure if he could trust a gun-toting Christian. Get over it people, if you don't trust proof, than I just don't know what to tell you. Are you still going to be pumping gas while all your friends are driving water-cars because the inventor was afraid for his life and legally carried a gun? 

Even on PESN they complain that Freddy was not sharing the plans like he said, but absolutely all of what I have told you tonight is online, and I know it is because I live in a remote area, and the internet has been my only connection to the outside world for the last 8 years. He even released a solid works CAD design layout of the unit, in complete 3-D, which actually plays like a video to give you an ultimate view of the production unit, as well as the exact dimensions of every single piece. I got this right off yahoo groups Freddy cell study group, right where he said it would be. But I can tell you right now, you're not going to be able to make that unit in your garage unless you happen to have a machine shop in your garage, next to your welder and your pipe cutter, and your frequency analyzer, that's across from your electronics bench, where you'll be developing your PWM and soldering micro circuitry. In my opinion, $5,500 bucks is a steal of a deal.

There are pipe kits available at, for around 400 bucks, as well as various PWM's for around 160. Don't attempt to use the pool filter housing with this, they're not suitable to take the heat and pressure cycles, and will eventually crack and fail. Black abs pipe or something else made to take the abuse would be better. There are a number of things to try…Good luck with that.

And with that said, I'm going to let my genius brother XXXX tell you about some of these other free energy technologies, which have been suppressed, bought, hidden and squandered; that could help you right now.

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.



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Source: PESN