June 13, 2011

By Allison Rae

Like the persistent blossoming of a lotus, the galactic heart opens. This week’s full moon lunar eclipse is the cosmic centerpiece of a volatile eclipse season and a moment of revelation.

The crossing of Earth’s shadow over the face of the moon on Wednesday will be visible from Australia, Japan, Asia, India, Africa, Europe and South America.

The event is the culmination of the three great lunar festivals of spring, the Festival of Humanity in esoteric tradition.

Conjunct the center of the Milky Way in late Sagittarius-Gemini, this is an alignment of consciousness, and creativity.  Notice the stillness, the profound opening of love.

All full moons are about balance, and eclipses are super-potent full moons. Creativity and emotions are highly charged. Changes – often sudden and unexpected – make way for the miraculous.


The Line-Up

This week’s full moon alignment is the mid-point of a three-part series that began with a partial solar eclipse on June 1 and completes with another partial solar eclipse on July 1.

Jupiter, the guru and guide, entered Taurus on June 4. Mars is also transiting the first Earth sign, as Uranus, Saturn and Pluto face off in a tense t-square.

The ninth and final underworld of the Mayan calendar continues, with the June 15 total lunar eclipse coinciding with the the crest of the Third Night.

The lunar alignment is the gateway to the Solstice coming up on June 21.

Throughout this eclipse season, tremendous changes are happening deep within the subconscious, both individually and collectively. Structures and systems are breaking down as the beliefs that support them are transformed. A new society is emerging


Honoring the passage

In the eclipse of the Solstice Moon on June 15, the Earth, Sun and Moon align with Galactic Center, a source of creative-destructive force and spiritual heart center of the Milky Way. This is only possible near the Solstice and is related to the galactic alignment of the Mayan calendar and 2012 gateway. (For more about 2012 and the Mayan calendar, click here.)

Eclipses are lunar gaps, moments of timelessness that connect us with Great Mystery and the depths of the subconscious. Solstice is stillpoint, as the Sun seems to rise and set in the same place in the sky for three days before changing direction in its six-month migration of rising further north, or south.

In this season of upheaval and change, this is a supreme opportunity to consider our relationship with self, each other, and the Earth.

The catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year and this year’s nuclear disaster caused by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan leave no room for debate. We are out of balance.

Lunar and solar alignments are moments of opportunity to heal the waters, the land, the past and the people of this amazing planet. It’s time to breathe, center and allow solutions to reach us amidst the chaos.

How can we harmonize with the Earth and create peace in the world? By bringing our lives into balance. By being peace. As individuals, families and communities, it’s up to us.


Earth in Balance

We live in the times the Hopi of North America call the Great Purification. Day in and day out, we witness massive changes sweeping the planet in this transition to the next world age.

In March, we were blessed to have special guests Ruben Saufkie of Hopi Second Mesa and Judi Johnson, a pipe carrier of Seneca descent, join us for a special teleconference on the Equinox.

They offer messages of hope, guidance and optimism in these times of accelerating change.

Click here for details and to access the free streaming audio of the Earth in Balance teleconference: http://heyallie.com/learn/earth-in-balance/


Eclipse Season 2011

My previous posts about the eclipses include many more links, including NASA eclipse information, visual animations, Mayan Ninth Wave details, my 2011 astro forecast, suggested practices and details about global meditations.

Eclipse Season Details, Timing and Potential

Eclipse Overview

Navigating Eclipses


Tapping into Creativity

Our recent workshop, “Spirituality & Sex: A New Paradigm of Love,”  focuses on the creative potential of this eclipse season. The mp3 recording is now available at a special rate. We had a lively, enlightening discussion about cosmology, spirituality, creativity, relationships and intimacy. To order the audio recording, click here: http://heyallie.com/learn/spirituality-sex/



Personal Support

In my individual consultations, I specialize in assisting you with major life transitions and personal transformation.

By finding out where the eclipses fall in your astrological natal chart along with a study of outer-planet cycles, we’re able to forecast which areas of your life or psyche will undergo the most transformation in coming weeks and months, and support you in the process.

Click on the links below for details about these sessions.

Astro Forecast Readings


Life Path Consultation

Body-Mind-Soul Tune-Up


In her articles, books and other publications, Allison Rae explores cycles of time, our relationship to the cosmos and what's to come as the evolution of consciousness accelerates on Earth. A gifted natural clairvoyant and passionate teacher, Allison offers individual consultations by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Visit http://heyallie.com for more information.

Published on Lit Corner with permission