Kelly M. Beard a message from Kelly M. Beard

Sunday, 15 May, 2011  (posted 16 May, 2011)

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths.  Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path.  It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story.  Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, along with some guidance and direction.

Karmic Tools ~ Weekly Forecast: May 15 – 21, 2011

5/16 ~ Mercury (your voice) ~conjunct~ Venus (values):

This energy encourages you to see the Divine Order in the events of your life (good, bad and indifferent). You now have access to the ability to see the connection between the challenges, the necessity of them and, ultimately, honor & celebrate your personal growth and development. This energy will help you to see the patterns in your life; now it’s time to decide which patterns serve your Higher good and which patterns most certainly need to be released. Only you know the truth. This is a very mental energy, causing you to think, really think, about your life. You may finally be able to articulate things that have been going on in your head, some people say “I love you” at this time, or articulate your feelings. Take advantage of all this energy brings, but don’t give in to “over-thinking” things.

5/16 ~ Mercury (expression) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams):

This is a great energy for being imaginative and intuitive. This is not an intellectual energy, you will have to rely on other senses, like feeling (intuition). You may be very perceptive as to what others are thinking or feeling. Try to avoid work that requires any attention to detail. Allow your creativity to flow freely without censoring what comes through you at this time. You can organize it later. This is the energy to CREATE!

5/16 ~ Venus (love & money) ~sextile~ Neptune (dissolution of boundaries):

This energy tends to make you more in tune to the beauty around you and if not, it makes you daydream about the beauty and comfort you wish you were surrounded with. That's fine (daydreaming) within reason. You may also be more sensitive to the needs of others, creating a bond between you. Try to find a way to enjoy art of any kind, music, poetry, etc.

5/20 ~ Mars (energy) ~trine~ Pluto (transformation):

This is an active, transformative energy that will help you to change your life in a healthy, positive way. You may be especially focused on what needs to be DONE in your life at this time. You will want to take action and the Universe supports that decision, as long as it is righteous and not totally self-serving. This is a good time to get moving, take action regarding your long term goals – and you will be able to create momentum. You may realize some of your recent actions or choices do not necessarily support your deepest drives or desires. You must align within and without. Be creative ~ be brave!

5/20 ~ Mercury (inner-voice) ~trine~ Pluto (deep connection):

This energy provokes deep delving WITHIN. You will be most inclined toward learning the meaning "behind the meaning". You will want to explore your inner Self and try to understand it better. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books and music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don't try to force your particular opinion on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you are more objective.

5/20 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~conjunct~ Mars (energy):

I have to preface this with two things: (1) is when Mercury is involved, it is a relatively fast-moving energy. (2) is when Mars is involved, being the lower version of power (Pluto being the Higher version), reminds us that with power, also comes responsibility. Now, that all said, the positive expression of this energy is that you can control your mind and direct it with passion, getting tangible results. This heightens your intellectual ability and mental capacity (for better or worse). You will be able to clearly articulate your thoughts and you should have quick, effective responses. If you maintain your integrity, this is an excellent time to ‘fuel’ major creative expression. If this energy manifests is negative side, it can make you petty and combative, arguing over nonsense and wasting precious time and energy in ego control-dramas. And if it is not coming FROM you, it is just as possible to be coming AT you (from others). This is the best time to put your energy (Mars) behind your thoughts, ideas and words (Mercury). The power of this pairing is that they are occupying the same space, essentially energizing each other. 

5/21 ~ Venus (relationships) ~trine~ Pluto (transformation):

This energy tends to “intensify” relationships and/or emotions. You may feel extremely drawn to someone, emotionally as well as physically. You may feel the intense need to express your love, mentally, emotionally and physically. This energy is great for bringing deeper insights to the surface, which ultimately should strengthen any relationship. A new relationship started under this influence will have an intensity about it, as will any form of expression (artistic and otherwise).

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