Along with great lectures will be many demonstrations of leading energy and health technologies at the July 28-31 conference in Albuquerque, including (possibly) Rohner's noble gas engine, Tesla wireless power, HHO augmentation for power, Rodin coils, a Keely motor, Bedini motor, and more…

by Sterling D. Allan 
Pure Energy Systems News


Conference Program

The upcoming ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference in Albuquerque on the last weekend of July is sure to please any free energy connoisseur, with its combination of speakers, exhibits, demonstrations, social events, and hall chatter.

Below is the most recent email that the event organizer, Steve Elswick sent out.  I also talked to him by phone to get the inside scoop on the technologies that will be demonstrated at the conference.

I've been procrastinating make a decision as to whether I will attend this conference, or the Bedini Conference being held the same weekend up in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho; but on finding out that John Rohner will be bringing one of his PlasmERG noble gas engines to possibly demonstrate, that pushes me to Albuquerque.  There is no doubt that both conferences will satisfy those who attend.  But for me personally, after all these years of tracking the noble gas engine, a chance to see it running finally is too much to pass by.  That's one of the Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies that we've been featuring for a long time.  I asked John about this demo, and he responded:

If the production version of the engine is complete and our patent is published, yes we will show a running engine.
Otherwise we have to abide our lawyers requests. 
We will have one and maybe we will run it. Or maybe we will just demonstrate the process in one of our test units: 
a clear plastic cylinder with our latest nylon piston, so you can see the activity. It is too early to call this for sure right now. 

I do think you will like the talk I am going to give as it will be very "in depth" about exactly what works and how. 
We have enough test time and data that we can get very specific about how to create a non radioactive (since the 
Papp Engine had radioactive elements) engine, and why it works.  I will also be presenting a group of books that can be read to understand the process more fully.  

It will be our warm up trial for our licensee training classes. I will also provide the information that makes the process 
"scalable" to other engine sizes and what will have to change to what to make it work at other displacements.  In other words [it will be] a class on designing and making one that will work and the theory behind it all. 

I think it should be a good forum, running engine or not.. We are the most knowledgeable group in this technology 
and we believe it should get going. Some of my other engineers will be there as well.

We also will be showing and discussing the engine throughout the conference. We have a booth there as well. In my usual way I will be pretty open about what makes it tick. 

Here are some of the other highlights poised for the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference in Albuquerque.  Most of these are also speaking at the conference and will be giving the demonstration during their presentation, but some will be available for display throughout the conference.

  • Tesla wireless power transmission demonstration by Michael Leas.
  • Vernon Roth demonstrating how to configure an HHO generator to reduce home power bill.
  • Jeff Hayes demonstrating some Tesla healing devices.
  • Marco Rodin demonstrating his coils.
  • Photon Genius healing device on display by Warren Starnes.
  • Dr. Robyn Benson demonstrating her biomatts which emit healing electromagnetic frequencies.
  • A thermal imaging camera that will take photos of people before using a Lifeway patch, then a few minutes after, to show the reduction in pain as scientifically shown by the reduction of the thermal signature (as well as being subjectively felt by the person).
  • Clayton Nolte showing how to make your own structured water.
  • Paul Pantone and others demonstrating GEET technology.
  • Dale Pond demonstrating Keely motor technology.
  • James Schmidt showing some Bedini motor technology and some experiments he's been conducting.
  • Thorsten Ludwig demonstrating Coler Magnetic Current Apparatus and ZPE.
  • Bruce Perreault demonstrating an Alpha Fusion Valve by which he converts radiant energy into electrical current.
  • Reginald Miller demonstrating a Dielectric Mass Motor, which achieves high efficiency by reducing the iron, using thinner wire, and low amperage.

Each night there will be Karaoke and dancing among the social options.

Here's the recent email from Steve that he sent out to his mailing list.

Email from Elswick


EMAIL SPECIAL: Preregister by April  30, 2011 and get a bonus 5% off! That’s right… instead of 25%, get 30% off by preregistering extra early!… and bring a friend to get an additional 5% (which means a whopping 35% discount!).  This discount is only being offered via email… so act today!

The final program has been posted, printed, and prepped for snail mail! To get a pdf version go to:

or go to and click on the ‘program’ image!

More 2011 Conference information at…

EMAIL SPECIAL: Preregister by April  30, 2011 and get a bonus 5% off! That’s right… instead of 25%, get 30% off by preregistering extra early!… and bring a friend to get an additional 5% (which means a whopping 35% discount!).  This discount is only being offered via email… so act today!

Conference speakers…

Michael Leas – Nikola Tesla:  The Once Forgotten Genius
Warren Starnes – Photon Genius Revolution
David Schmidt – Aeon: Radical New Approach To Anti-Aging 
Dr. Robyn Benson – Magnetic Resonance Stimulation
Paul Pantone – Low Temp Plasma… Basis of GEET Tech
John Rohner – Understanding Plasmic Transition Process TM
Clayton Nolte –  Make Your Own Structured Water
Leah Davis – Holodynamics: The Science of Consciousness
Dale Pond – Mind Force: the Hidden Scalar Potential
Thorsten Ludwig – Coler Magnetic Current Apparatus and ZPE
James Schmidt – The Bedini Motor and a Future with Aetheric Science
Vendor Showcase – The ‘Hot’ Stuff in the expo area
Bruce Perreault – Radiant Energy Technology 
Reginald Miller – Dielectric Mass Motor
Marko Rodin – Update of the Rodin Solution 
Dr John V. Milewski –  Growing Gold/Microwave Extraction of Precious Metals
David Garroway – Implosion Vortex Dynamics
David Talbott – The Cosmic Thunderbolt

ExtraOrdinary Entertainment…

In the evenings there will be Karaoke, dancing, and the beautiful voice of Leah Davis!  (who knows? I might join in so bring your earplugs!) Let us know if there are any special requests for songs so we can try to have it available. It will be a great time to relax, get to know the inventors better, and meet new people!

Easily Accessible ! Albuquerque is a major transportation center! With interstates from all four directions, an interstate bus terminal, AmTrak, and an international airport, it is easy (and relatively inexpensive) to get there from anywhere!  Register today!!!!

Hotel Rates! The Marriott Pyramid in Albuquerque has made rooms available for ~$79! These extremely favorable rates include breakfast AND  free internet in your rooms! This alone makes it the most affordable conference I have been to this year!  Register today!!!!

Bring the whole family! Everyone is sure to have a great time! Albuquerque is a very entertaining and educational place. Come to the conference, have a great time… and then linger and capture the flavor of a town where the old Southwest has merged with the dynamic 21st Century!  Register today!!!!

More 2011 Conference information at…

Publisher/Editor – ExtraOrdinary Technology
520-463-1904 –

Coming to the 2011 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference 
In Albuquerque New Mexico…  July 28-July 31??? 

2011 Conference information at… 

2010 Conference DVDs are available here:

# # #

Also published at BeforeItsNews.

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  2. Pass this on to your friends and favorite news sources.
  3. Get involved in one or more of these technologies.
  4. We at PES Network are in a pinch right now.  Donations would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay abreast of the latest, greatest developments in the free energy sector.

Source: PESN