Clarion Light Beings~Unified in Oneness May 16th, 2011

Channeler:  Christine Meleriessee


This is Fred speaking. Thank you very much, thank you very, very much for being here in the Temple of 911 with each of us on this beautiful occasion of the Wesak energies, the Wesak moon of this enormous event that is occurring for everyone on the planet. I'm very happy to be here. I have a moment of gratitude that I would like to extend to each of you. I would like to say those of you who are here on this call every week and listen to the recordings, and may even read the material; your Hearts are with us. You have assisted so many souls and you may not even realize that you are doing so, and if you do realize it, we thank you even more so. I, myself, have gone through a great transition and I have been given a new post within the Clarion Temple of 911. I will still be the spokesperson, but now I am more an integral part of the team that are helping many souls to come into the Temple to clear their lower energies. This is a magnificent moment for me and I am so proud and my heart is expanding with each of your hearts in this moment because of what has happened. It is because of you. It is because of dearest Christine Meleriessee, for incorporating these energies for each of us, that we are all ascending together and I never, in my wildest dreams, had thought that I could do this work, the way that I have done. So please do open up your hearts and allow yourself to continue the frequencies as you are, because there are possibilities. I will be incorporating my Being in the New Earth and I look forward to meeting each of you physically.

Namaste. Thank you for being here.

Greetings! Greetings. Greetings. It is a magnificent night for each of you. This week is an unbelievable event of Light upon this Earth. Tomorrow is an actual Full Moon event, but the event has be occurring in Shamballa with each ceremony that has been performed around the world. And we want to thank everyone that have been connecting with each of us during this time. All of the Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays and then the Higher Rays are all being incorporated within everyone in these moments. It is an unbelievable occasion that is happening during this Wesak. I come to you as a Spokesperson of the Many. I come to you as a Group Consciousness of all the voices within.
So, let's just take a moment in this moment. I want you to breathe deeply and allow the frequency that is coming into this space to continue through your Beingness in a different way than you ever have before.

I come as Sanat Kumara, but I come for the Many and I speak for the Many. I speak for the Spiritual Hierarchy, I speak for the event of Wesak, of Lord Buddha, myself & Lord Maitreya. I have been given the honor to speak this evening to bring forth these frequencies within you ~ to allow you to see the receiving energies that have been occurring for you deeply. As a previous member of the Planetary Logos, I am in a deep regard for each of you, for the pathway that you brought forth in each of the moments ~ that you have acquired yourself to be in this space and continuum, and to be awakened onto your birth of the New World within you individually and collectively. It is a magnificent occasion that has occurred on this Wesak in which you have been preparing yourself since the beginning of time ~ since the beginning of your birth onto this Earth in these bodies. All of you have been working with each of us. We honor you in this moment, to bring forth the remembrance of your pathways onto your physical bodies. As our dearest friend here, Fred, has spoken in great glee of his own ascension process, each of you are also going through the same element. Christine has been given her own ability to move into more actualization of her ascension process and each of you are doing the same.

Take a moment and reflect within you, what has been happening for you. What has happened to you in the last few days? Has there been more of an awareness of the elements around you? Are you realizing that the frequencies of Light are becoming stronger within you? Are you realizing that the frequencies of Darkness are fully leaving you? Has a window been opened, and when you open that window, you see things completely different than you ever thought possible? Elements are never as they seem, that there is always a higher purpose with everything that you do. There is a moment in time, in each of the moments you experience. You go about your day, you walk through this day, and you do your daily tasks. You do your meditations, your exercise, and your working world, your children, your families, your friends, but please know that when you awaken every day, there is a higher purpose for everything that you accomplish. Are you aware of this?

This is what we want to bring forth tonight. Your awareness ~to prepare you for this Wesak Moon. Some of you around the world are already experiencing the Wesak Moon, depending upon your time-frame. You have been prepared. You have been prepared in the last week. You also have prepared yourself up to this point. This year has been pivotal of the frequencies to come within each of your Beings, to prepare you for the next step of your journey. You are a Way-Shower, you are the ones to come forward. Are you allowing that to fully be within your Being, with Humility & Grace? That is the truth of a Master to be able to be on the Path and to accept all the elements that are happening within you. And have that humbleness deeply within you ~ that you are not the only one accelerating yourself in these ways ~ that each of you have a special purpose and within that purpose there are many different levels of your gifts. You are becoming a multi-dimensional Being. And as you bring forth these frequencies in your multi-dimensional status, you start to acquire the branches of the tree that is you. Your body is the tree, your body are the roots unto this Earth. But yet, you branch out your energies in many different directions. You may do energy work, you may speak, you may talk, you may share, you may heal, you may Be. You may be the frequency of a student and a teacher at the same time. But the most important aspect is to always learn from each situation and this is what this Wesak Moon is about ~ learning how to fully incorporate the energies, understanding the experiences that are happening in each moment and correlate that through your entire world. Allow those elements to flow through you, in the Divinity that you are ~ as you allow those elements to flow through you, you start to accept the challenges and the responsibilities that are necessary ~ because there are responsibilities. You cannot walk into this world and allow the magic to happen without doing the work beforehand. You need the structure and the foundation.

Some may feel that they want to leave and that is their choosing, because, the journey can be very arduous and within these journeys, they think that it is going to become easier in the world of Spirit than in the world of Body. But this is not true. What each of you is experiencing right now, with the challenges in your Physical, your Emotional, in your Mental bodies, is a direct result of what you have accumulated for eons of time. We are no longer in the space and the continuum of saying that, the frequency coming through to you is just of this lifetime. Many of you have been doing this for quite a while and, even if you have only been doing it for a few years, your acceleration is increasing tenfold because of what others have done before you. Those of you that have been on this path for a very long time, have prepared the pathways to be fully open for others to accept. We acknowledge each of you in these moments. We acknowledge the ones that have opened up the pathway and we acknowledge the ones that have chosen not to be in body any longer. And we ask you to be here in the Temple with the many souls. This is the place. There is no other Temple in the entire Cosmic Forces, of any of the frequencies, that meet like this Temple meets. And my Dearest One here, that I speak through, does not even realize this herself.

When you're given a task, it is important for you to take that task and just run with it, whatever that task may be. It may not be what you truly thought the task was, but you will understand later, when it all comes together, of why you acquired that task. Each of you are being given projects to have in your world. It may be a personal project right now because you're not ready to project yourself out into the outside world, but we are preparing you for this~ for the onset of 11:11:11. That is the frequency that is going to allow many to fully embrace their divinity within them, to assist the planet. It is not just about receiving the New World, the New Order, the New Completeness, within this Earth. It is about each of you acquiring that Christ Consciousness within you. It's not just about magic and walking on water and going through walls or teleporting yourself in different areas. It is about the responsibility that you have when you do these things. When you finally accept your responsibilities, in full capacity, that is when you will be able to accumulate the gifts in the physical world. Each of you have these gifts in the other worlds but it's about grounding it within your physical vehicle. As you start to understand these elements you will start to feel, within you, the actualization that you have acquired.
And many will come across your path that say that they are helping you, but truly they are not. They are here to stop you, because that is why they are from a different Order. It is not to be feared. That is when you become the Spiritual Warrior and this why we are helping you on these calls that Christine’s energies are bringing forth ~ to vibrate your frequency to understand all aspects that are occurring in each given moment. If you have a moment of uncomfortableness within your body, if you feel differently then you ever have before and it is a flash that comes through to you, if you start treating people differently then you were, that is not of a positive nature, look within yourself to see what has occurred. And if you need assistance, ask for someone qualified to do so and then you will become qualified to do so also. It is all a learning process.

Each of you is acknowledging the frequency. This Wesak Moon is about actualization within your Being, to be able to do the tasks and your responsibilities. And some may not be able to do so ~ we wish all will do so. This is the task to bring forth the frequency within your body for elements to accumulate in all levels of consciousness, for you to understand the Truth, to feel the Truth, to see the acceptability in others and know when it does not feel right, to let your care-taking skills to be put aside. Because it is not a matter of care-taking other individuals in your life,iIt's a matter about nurturing yourself completely and sending that love to others ~ but not allowing those frequencies to go outside of yourself, ever.

So, each of you is being tested; this Wesak Moon, is a very powerful time, and you may feel conflictions within you. You may feel the positive forces. You may feel like you cannot go on any longer. You are at the edge, and this is good. This is when you are fully allowing your accessibility of your light, of your Divine Spark, to fully come within your Being, into the full dimensional vehicle you are acquiring. This is the beauty of it all.

So let's all take a deep breath ~and within that deep breathe, I want you to just feel the Essence of who you are in this moment.

What has happened to you in the last few days? Do you feel like you're a little bit off kilter? Do you feel like you're struggling, like one foot is in and one foot is out ~that you're ready to jump but you're not quite ready to jump? Have others come into your life for a fleeting moment and made you feel a little bit unstable? Have you realized in yourself, that you weren't looking at things in the same manner that you should have been looking at things ~that your awareness has expanded ~that your tunnel vision has now expanded outwards into your peripheral vision and it goes around miles and miles and miles? This is what this Wesak Moon is about. It is a shake-up time.

I know last evening in the Cosmic Oneness, the Energies being brought forth was to bring the Eye of the Storm fully within you. This is what each of you is acknowledging in these moments, whether you may be realizing it or not. Whatever you are going through, needs to be removed, whatever you need to accept needs to happen. Relationships are going to continually change, and you're at the power point right now ~ that power house within you. The Eye of the Hurricane has occurred. Christine spoke about it as a lamb and then coming out like a lion. That lion represents your courage & your strength. It totally represents the ability to speak up when it is necessary. You are no longer the weak one within your Being. And even those that are aggressive in some manners, they are truly weak willed within themselves, because they don't know how to project themselves with love.

So let's just bring in that aspect of the Divinity that you are, of the Master that you are, already in the integration phase within your Spirit. And now it's a matter of just actualizing it within the body. To allow the body to fully relax as this full capacity of light comes fully through you. It is now your time to be the powerhouse that you are, in love, compassion, acceptance, and strength. Breathe through that, and deeply come into your Heart. Deeply come into your Thymus and deeply come into your Solar Plexus. We ask the frequencies of all the Rays to come through to you tonight. so let's just think about the Blue, the Green, the Red, the Orange, the White, the Pearlescent, the Peach, the Sea Foam Green, the Blue-Green, the Silver, the Violet Gold, the Pink gold, the Pink Violet, the Golden Yellow, the White Yellow ~ frequencies upon frequencies, sparkles of light, moving through your entire Being, into the Essence that you are.

And what are we bringing to you tonight? We are bringing your capacity to love ~ we are bringing your capacity to have patience. The incorporation of acceptance, and knowing each moment, the beautiful Essence that you are and the Power and the Strength that you incorporate. Now you can send it outwardly, outside of yourself.

Allow yourself to take this Wesak Moon ~ Allow yourself to take this Wesak energy to incorporate the Mastership of your Light, within you ~ Within you.

This is your time to accelerate yourself in a different manner, and we ask each of you not to share, with another, your frequency ~ Incorporate it. Because the more that you incorporate it on your own, through this Wesak Moon, you will feel the power within you go deeper and deeper and deeper. This is the beauty of this frequency coming fully within you. It is going to make you stronger, it is going to make you love yourself more, it is going to help you incorporate the patience, stability, the frequency, and the endurance to continue.

Let us embrace these elements in this moment. I give to you patience ~ I give to you love ~ I give to you acceptability ~ I give to you the frequency to accept your Divinity more stronger, within your Physical body, then you have ever felt. It is no longer outside of yourself, it is being incorporated.
So, as we look above in the top of the Temple, we see these sparks of light coming down from the God Force ~ Of the Creative Source & Oneness, through the Divine Mother and Father God ~ this Divine Spark, our creative energies, that are part of your Essence. Feel it coming down into your Antakarana, into your Soul Star. Your Soul Star is now spinning in a clockwise manner ~ it's bringing forth these energies all the way through your chakra column. As we incorporate within you all chakras upon chakras. We ask for each of you to feel the Essence of the 330 chakras that are available of the entire God Essence that you are. And feel these vibrancies coming to you now. Feel that acceptance of your Divinity and, as you do that, feel the wisdom and knowledge that you have been learning on inner plane levels in other lifetimes, to be fully incorporated into your brainwaves ~into your Higher Mind, into your Higher Heart ~ you feel that being assimilated.

And take the next 24 hours to just embrace these frequencies deeply within you.

It will be your time to share it with another, but allow this Wesak Moon to be the acceptance of your Mastership level as you intuit the frequency of All That Is, in a deeper level then it ever has been before. And you'll allow these frequencies to go all the way down into your Earth star. And your Earth Star and your Soul Star spin simultaneously, in a clockwise manner increasing your Light body, increasing your Love body. The quotient of the Love and the Light is now beyond the capacity of your mind. And feel those frequencies fully coming through you and the acceptability that you are. It is a new acceptability then you were before.

Breathe & feel this Essence of your Divine Spark fully within you.

Let us now look around the Temple, as we see Souls-within-Souls, and let us hold each others’ hands. Let us stand up in unison as we become the Divine Spark that we are. We are becoming Unity of the Oneness, beyond the capacity that we ever thought previously. Accept this, as we have a pathway to do together. As we come together within the Spiritual Hierarchy, within the Earth Hierarchy, within the Inner Earth Hierarchy, within the Galactic Hierarchy, as we become One Hierarchy together.

Allow yourself to expand into that thought process & the beauty that we are together. And let us send this energy to the Earth. We go as one Group Consciousness around the Earth. Around the globe and we put these energies around the globe into the Etheric level. Let it filter through the avenues of the light forces of the Earth, through Gaia and allow Her to feel that into the Core of Her Essence as it expands through her Merkabah vehicle ~ as it expands to every living Being upon the Earth ~ as each individual is aspiring to be on the path of Mastership, even if they do not even know what that means. It may not be their time, to have an aware state of what this means. You are the Way-Showers and you're going to show them the way.

We now incorporate your knowledges, your Divinity of your teachings that you have been learning for eons of time. Sit, within the next 24 hours, and reflect upon what you are receiving. And allow the Earth to feel this vibration, as we all commune with each other in Shamballa, as this full moon brings forth the frequency necessary to make the changes. Yes, it's a powerful moon that we are in right now, but it will shake up the world and this is what the world needs. This is what each of us needs. We need to re-vibrate ourselves, we need to bring forth that communication on a different level than it ever has before. Feel that expanding within your Throat now, with a Pink Violet light of the 13th Ray & Chakra within your Throat. This is the effects of the vibrancy that you fully need within you.

Let us now move ourselves back into the Temple. Feel our connection with Dearest Gaia & all Her inhabitants. Yes, each of you are members of Gaia, but each of you are members of the Hierarchy, as never before. Accept this role. It is now your time to take this responsibility and to see where you are. You may be needing to do your internalization of your own life circumstance first and foremost. So reflect upon this in the next 24 hours and see where you may stand. And remember not to jump before you are ready to do the work. All is in preparation before you can have the certificate to do the work that is necessary.

Breathe deeply into that – breathe deeply into those acceptabilities within you, as you feel the changes occurring for your life.

We now bring forth the frequencies of the many colors once again, only to re-vibrate your energies, as we are now back in the Temple. We see the sparklets of light coming from the top of the Temple through a filtering through all, of like, confetti – of Blues and Greens and Oranges and Violets and Pinks and frequencies of all colors and no colors. Allow those sparkles of light to be received within you ~ hold out your hands, and allow them to come into the palms of your hands. Then touch them to any part of your body that you feel needs to vibrate even more. Whatever color that you need, or a mixture of colors will be activated. Because this is coming deeply from the Source of all That Is. What you do need will be removed but accept those colors right now and embrace yourself fully in the Acceptance that You Are.
Congratulations of being upon this path and to allow yourself to accept these teachings in this moment, as they are your teachings, they are my teachings, they are everyone’s teachings, they are the Christ teachings, they are the God Force teachings, they are all of us as One.

It's been my Divine pleasure, as Sanat Kumara, to bring forth the overlighting energy of this Wesak Moon on this day before the onset of the frequencies. Blessings and embrace the activations that are about to go through your entire Being. You will think quite differently then you ever have before.

In the name of the Holy God of Hosts,
YHWH, We Are One, In This Frequency Of Light. So Mote It Be, In The Name Of The Christ.

We are One & I am always at your side.

Greetings this is Fred, once again, thank you so much for being here. I understand more in this moment then I ever have before of what we are experiencing together. I am honored to be able to speak through Christine and to call her my friend as I call each of you my friends. I look forward to the time when I can tell you that face-to-face. As the Spokesperson of the Temple of 911, we are honored that you are here with us and please do visit us as often as you choose to do so. Namaste