Efficiency, power, durability, and performance are all important aspects of electric motors and generators. By utilizing a novel coil and magnet setup that harvests energy from both side of the coil, Millennial Research Corp brings all of these characteristics to the table with their Magnetronic™ Technology.


by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

Electric motors and generators keep our modern civilization moving. Without them, the lights would go off and the world would come to a stand still. Due to widespread use of motors and generators, any new design that offers an improvement in efficiency, power, durability, or performance is very important. Millennial Research Corporation has spent years developing a novel motor design that pushes electric motor and generator technology to a new level. They have recently revealed a 100kW electric generator that offers many advantages compared to conventional generators.

Nearly a year ago, they had a major setback when three of their key personnel were killed on July 10, Nikola Tesla's birthday. This included the president, the COO, and the CFO of their partner company, Highland, Inc. In our news last year, we linked to a story Jeane Manning wrote about that development, as well as about the capabilities of the technology.  Obviously, they have not let this stop them.

The Magnetronic™ Generator prototype can produce over 100kW of electricity in countless applications including wind power, hydrokinetic power, gas or diesel work site systems, backup power generation, and commercial power generation. Like all motors and generators utilizing Millennial's Magnetronic™ technology, it features an efficiency that is claimed to be near 100% and a high power to weight ratio, among other benefits. It will be going into field testing this month at Specialized Automation Services, LLC based in Grand Junction, CO. This specific generator is designed to go into sale via government and military channels. 

It is important to note that although the unit is rated at 100kW, that is when the rotor is spinning at 360 RPM. However, due to the broad speed range the unit can operate in, at increased RPM levels more in line with traditional generators the same unit will produce twice the power. This represents an even higher power density. A higher power density means a smaller device (weight and volume) can serve the same function as a larger one. This allows for savings in parts and materials, which can translate into a more cost effective product.

Magnetronic™ Motor/Generator Design

In multiple ways, a Magnetronic™ device dramatically differs from an electric motor or generator utilizing conventional technology. The differences start in how the device is designed. Inside of a Magnetronic™ device, a large number of stationary coils are placed between two rotating discs holding many permanent magnets. Every time a stationary coil is pulsed, it pushes two magnets and pulls two magnets. The technology seems to be taking advantage of both sides of the electromagnet. Few if any conventional motor or generator technologies do this. 

Due to the modular design of the technology, each stationary coil in a Magnetronic™ device (motor or generator) can be removed. This is a very useful feature, because it allows for quick and easy repairs. The stationary coils are "hot swappable", which means that they can be replaced without turning off a device. For example, if a coil in a windmill fails, it can be very expensive to remove the generator, make repairs, and then re-install the generator. If a Magnetronic™ generator was in a windmill, such a repair could be made on the fly without the generator having to be removed and without even turning off the generator. While the repair was made, the windmill could continue producing power. This demonstrates the "fault tolerant" aspect of the technology. In the unlikely event a coil failed, it would not stop the entire device from operating.

The coils in a Magnetronic™ device are not complex. They are simple bobbin wound coils. Such coils can be manufactured or rewound very easily. This is not the case for the coils in many motors or generators, which can be very complex. Simple coil construction makes any potential repairs cheap and fast.

All Magnetronic™ motors and generators are linked to specialized control electronics. These controllers are compact and small, so they do not add much size to the setup. In addition, they are fully programmable, modular, and upgradeable. 

Magnetronic™ Motors and Generator Advantages

Electric motors utilizing Magnetronic™ technology are claimed to produce very high levels of torque, with very lower current draw at startup compared to conventional motors. Due to their low current draw and high efficiency, they produce little heat and operate almost at room temperature. They are also regenerative, in that they can act as electrical generators. For example, when a vehicle using a Magnetronic™ Motor is braking, electricity can be generated and sent to the battery. This can increase the range of an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Many additional benefits of a Magnetronic™ Motor include….

  • The Magnetronic™ technology includes a feature that conserves energy when the field of the stator coil collapses. The energy can be harvested, and used again. In most electric motors, the energy is lost and turns into heat. In other words, it harvests back emf (BEMF).
  • Magnetronic™ Motors can be manufactured at a lower cost than many other motors, because they use lighter and less expensive materials.
  • A long service life is expected, due to being brushless and producing very little heat (the enemy of all motors).
  • These motors are scalable, up and down in size and output.
  • They produce a large amount of torque and have a high power to weight ratio. 

Basically, these motors seem to be top notch. It looks like they have many advantages over conventional motors, but no obvious drawbacks. If all of their claims are accurate, a vehicle powered by one of these motors could have a much longer range than one powered by a conventional motor. The technology could also be used in all sorts of other products. Anything that uses an electric motor or generator, could incorporate a Magnetronic™ device to reap the benefits of the technology.

Electrical generators using the Magnetronic™ technology have many of the same benefits as motors using the technology. They are claimed to be compact, have a high power to weight ratio, have extremely high efficiencies, operate at low temperatures, and utilize the same modular design. 

The Big "OU" Question

The Magnetronic™ motor and generator technology seem to be very advanced and offer many benefits. Due to all their features, it's obvious they have a position in the marketplace. However, is the technology really something exotic? It seems possible these motors and generators could be capable of overunity operation. However, the company makes no such claims on their website.

Two aspects of the technology make me think that it could be capable of producing overunity levels of performance. First, both sides of the coil are being used. In most or all conventional configurations, only one side is utilized. The magnetic field of the other side is wasted. Secondly, this technology is harnessing energy from the collapse of the stators field. As we know from other emerging technologies, the large back spikes produced from a collapsing magnetic field can produce high voltages. These high voltage impulses might be capable of harnessing energy from the ambient environment.

It's obvious there is a certain stigma attached to overunity technology. Some companies avoid mentioning the true potential of their technology, because talking about overunity could make it more difficult to acquire funding or partners. Could this be the case with this company? 

The Need for Funding

Overunity or not, this company's technology is ahead of the game. It represents a technology that has clear benefits that are not present in existing motors and generators. Presently, the company is trying to obtain additional funding to push past the launch of their electrical generator. Approximately $400,000 dollars would provide them a bridge of funding that would sustain them until sales start bringing them in the revenue needed to reach profitability.

In a world where wacky, ridiculous projects (such as bridges for snails in California) get funded, serious companies such as Millennial Research Corporation deserve support.

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 Source: PESN