Channeler:  Snapdragon Tracy

May 10, 2011

Decisions are being made, plans forming
The earth collectively has cried out that this is enough
The alignments and energies are culminating to a point where action is becoming possible
Action like has not occurred in recorded history

Are you part of the solution or the problem?
Do you wish for the planet to evolve?
Do you wish for freedom?
Then demand it now, create it now and accept a new way of life, as it is being offered now
Look deep within your heart look up high into your higher self, you know, you feel that this is not all there is, that this is not all that life can be
You have the ability to see the illusion, to feel the repression
And you have the strength within this ability and this knowing to reject it
As you reject the illusion and repression in your own life and your own world, collectively this causes a shift
A shift to bring about the changes for those who cannot see it and know it for themselves, yet cry out for change and cry out for mercy
As well as a call to action for those of higher realms to show the way and usher in the new world by dismantling the old world control and systems of oppression
Cry out through your heart and join with one another to embrace the love and the action that will change this world and dismantle the control that has existed for far too long