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Long-hidden Jerusalem treasures waiting to be revealed

Is this the real ark of the covenant?

Ron Wyatt was shocked when he crawled into a well-hidden chamber beneath Old Jerusalem and found the Ark of the Covenant, but when he told Israeli authorities, they ordered him to keep mum about significant aspects of his finds. They feared that information might trigger a Holy War with the Muslims, and Jewish religious leaders felt the time wasn’t right to unveil the Ark. To this day, their “official position” is to deny Wyatt’s discovery. Unable to show proof for his history-changing claim, he was maligned until his death in 1999 as a fame-seeking hoaxer.

Jonathan Gray, one of Wyatt’s critics, set out on a mission to completely expose the hoaxer. Unlike other critics, though, he planned to physically check out Wyatt’s claims – on site. When he finished, Gray was transformed and ended up writing “Ark of the Covenant” which totally validates Wyatt’s multiple archeological finds beneath Jerusalem.

We now take on the impossible and attempt to provide bare-bone essential information about Wyatt’s discoveries taken from a book that’s nearly 600 pages long and represents years of research by both Wyatt and Gray.

 Discoveries at the Crucifixion site

In ancient times, people simply built upon the ruins that came before them, so today the relics of Jesus’ time are deep below ground. When Wyatt’s team dug down, they discovered the foundation of an ancient building that was 22×40 feet. It enclosed remarkable finds: (1) four postholes, each about a foot square, carved into rock and covered with a plug-like lid, (2) a large circular stone about 13 feet in diameter and nearly two feet thick, (3) a baptismal font, (4) a trough for foot washing, and (5) what appeared to be an altar jutting out from the natural cliff face. All this was found outside the city wall where the Romans held executions.


Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant

These photos show Ron Wyatt inching himself through a narrow passageway that led him to the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant and other sanctuary objects from Solomon’s Temple. The treasures had been secreted in a 12x10x8-foot chamber and hidden beneath fist-size stones piled to within 18 inches of the chamber’s ceiling.


 Discovery of large crack above the Ark

When Wyatt looked at the ceiling above the Ark of the Covenant, he discovered a large crack with dried blood that once must have poured through it. As part of his research, he extended a metal tape measure up through the crack. A member of his team above ground grabbed the tape when it penetrated the surface. The crack measured approximately 20 feet through solid rock. More importantly, the tape appeared adjacent to one of the postholes within the ancient building foundation.


Analysis of the dried blood

Wyatt took a sample of the dried blood and had it tested. Instead of the normal 46 chromosomes, he said this blood only had 23 derived solely from the mother plus one “Y” chromosome from the father which determines a male birth. In this case the other chromosomes that normally come from the father were missing.


What does all this mean?

Wyatt believed the ancient foundation he and his team discovered was an early Christian chapel built around postholes that once held crucifixion crosses including that of Jesus. He also believed the large circular stone once covered the entrance to the nearby Garden Tomb where Jesus was buried.

Finally, Wyatt believed with all his heart and soul that God planned for the Crucifixion of Jesus to take place directly above the place where the Ark of the Covenant was hidden. With help from an earthquake at the time of the Crucifixion, which is recorded in the Bible, the blood of Jesus flowed upon the Mercy Seat, or golden cover of the Ark of the Covenant, where the blood of sacrificial lambs once was offered to God by the temple priests. This diagram from Jonathan Gray’s book shows how the blood of Jesus spilled upon the Mercy Seat 20 feet below the Crucifixion site.

As for the blood sample tests, if the data is legitimate it would support the Biblical account of Divine intervention in the birth of Jesus.


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