During my meditation this morning a bright white being with wings showed up. It appeared more male than female. Now be honest. If this happened to you, wouldn’t you feel honored and excited that a “being of light” presented itself to you? Wouldn’t you accept anything it wanted to share with you?

I didn’t really know at the time what this being expected to happen, but instead of welcoming it with open arms, I sent the thought: “What do you want”? The quality of light in the space around it dimmed. I realized that the initial light it exhibited was actually reflected light rather than light from within its own being. I also noticed that there were other similar beings moving around in the background. The whole atmosphere presented a general emotional feeling of despair.

In answer to my question, the being communicated that it wanted to be free. My communication in return was that if it wanted to be free, it had to choose freedom. This ended my interaction with that being and the space it was coming from.

I thought more about my experience as I was on my morning walk with my dog in the mountain top woods, . I wondered why I had this experience, and what was its significance. I realized that the main purpose was so I could share it with you. Whether you realize it or not, you are having the same experience daily, but it just may look different. That “being of light” I was interacting with had the initial job of recruiting me to remain locked into the artificial matrix we have been playing with on this planet. It would have offered me a life of light, and love, and abundance, etc if I agreed to work with it.

If I accepted the deal I would have remained trapped in a matrix that says there are beings that are more than I am, and I could achieve status in their hierarchy, if I worshiped them. The way I am presenting the proposal does not sound to appealing. But then again, I am not appealing to your ego sense of self. I am communicating with your heart! I knew right away there was something bogus about this “being of light” because I had no heart resonance with it. The light it was reflecting was my own light.

I didn’t judge this being for trying to snare me. I have compassion for it because I realize that it was playing a role that it agreed to play for many reasons. I benefited from my interaction with it because this interaction gave me a more expanded understanding of what is happening on this planet during this consciousness shift. Even though this being agreed to  be a part of this hierarchical mind matrix, it can be freed of it simply by changing its choice. It can always choose freedom. So can you. www.grosenberg.com



