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Bubbles – The Fountain of Youth

9 May 2011 Black Ishtar

Thought I'd share with you an amazing experience I had today. Not all my dreams are dark but they are always vivid lol. This afternoon I had an amazing experience, it had been raining for most of the morning, so I took the opportunity to climb back into bed and continue reading my novel (decadent I know – lol). I only anticipated retiring for a couple of hours.

Before too long, I felt really drowsy and consequently fell fast asleep. I remember having extremely vivid, active and detailed dreams. At one point, I was saying to myself during my slumber, 'come on, wake up this is only a dream' but it kept on going on and on – you know – one of those kind of dreams?

Now this is where it gets really weird – at one point, I swear I actually thought I had woken up. It was mid afternoon and the suns rays were streaming through my bedroom window. I was looking upwards and descending from the ceiling were the most incredibly beautiful assortment of brilliantly illuminated coloured orbs, softly and slowly floating down like soap bubbles. There were thousands of them. I can't explain the exhilaration and ecstatic bliss I felt as I held out my hands and lifted my face just to feel them. Everytime one gently touched my skin, I felt a tingle, it was like every nerve in my body was 'fizzing' and my very essence had all the effervescent bubbles of a soda pop. I felt so light and free and so totally serene, I was crying and laughing at the same time with complete happiness.

After a while of revelling in the marvel of these orbs, I suddenly felt a 'pop' around the area of my pineal gland and that's when my soul completely left my body. I was this bright pink sparkling comet, with a long irridescent tail. very much like a firework skyrocket, soaring, weaving and pelting through the universe, faster than the speed of light. All the time I could smell the delicate perfume of the Goddess (frangipani and jasmine) – I really can't convey this experience to you in mere lay terms. I was literally, in what I would call 'heaven'.

Alas – my journey came to an abrupt end – my phone rang, it was my sister asking whether she should get something for dinner on her way over. Folks – it was 6:30pm – I can't explain where all that time had gone – nearly the whole day – but this is not the face of a worried woman – nup!!! It sure felt fantastic – I feel so refreshed and invigorated so I guess it really doesn't matter – lol. Have other Lightworkers had these kind of experiences? I'd really like to hear your OBE tales.

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