Ismael Aviso has developed multiple variations of a technology that collects free energy from the ambient environment. Due to a massive number of emails asking for more information, Aviso has posted a series of YouTube videos that provide details and a demonstration of his novel circuit.

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News


The Philippine inventor Ismael Aviso is continuing to advance his technology that collects free energy from the environment. Recent advancements have allowed him to overcome multiple challenges such as the overheating of his system, and timing issues which made close looping his system difficult. These advancements are allowing him to proceed in the development of his technology. However, he is being distracted by countless emails from individuals who want more information. Although he would like to answer all of them, he simply does not have the time to do so and continue the development of his technology. To answer many of the questions people are asking about his circuit, he has chosen to post a series of videos on YouTube.

(The videos are embedded at the end of this story.)

To review the progress Aviso has made developing a self-recharging electric car (validated by the Philippine Department of Energy), his electric generator called the MEG (Motionless Electric Generator), and Repelling Force Technology please visit to view an archive of information (forwards to our PESWiki feature page).

In the three videos posted to Youtube, Aviso describes many details of his free energy collecting circuit. In addition to showing a diagram of the circuit, he performs multiple demonstrations of a simple version of it. At one point, he starts to describe what will be happening in the next few weeks in regards to his technology. Near the end of the videos, he outlines a few critical issues he had to work out in order to make his technology work optimally. 

The circuit setup is pretty strait forward and simple. The whole setup is on a table top. A common 12 volt battery on the far left is connected to an inverter (the rectangular box with the PESWIKI.COM web address written on it), which converts the 12 volt electricity to around 313 volts of alternating current. The 313 volts of AC is then converted to DC with a diode bridge. The DC output of the diode bridge then passes through a "filtering" capacitor, and then through a device called his "ambient energy collector." The final step is when the output of the collector (previously called his black box) is discharged into a set of capacitors.

In the video, he demonstrates the circuit in two modes of operation. The first mode is when the "ambient energy collector" is disconnected from the circuit. In this case, the circuit is shorted or pulsed by simply plugging a connector into a socket. The second mode is when the "ambient energy collector" is connected to the circuit. In this case, the circuit is shorted by flipping a switch on the side of the collector box. 

First, Aviso demonstrates the circuit in the first mode of operation, without the ambient energy collector in the circuit. He measures the voltage and current at various parts of the circuit, and documents them in the video. The final result is that the capacitor at the end of the circuit is only charged to 313, volts which is approximately the same as the output voltage of the DC to AC inverter.

Next, Aviso demonstrates the circuit in the second mode of operation, with the ambient energy collector in the circuit. He performs the same measurements, and documents them. However, the final result is different. Instead of the capacitors at the end of the circuit being charged to 313 volts, they were charged to at least 1000 volts (which was the limit of his volt meter). 

This percentage of voltage increase (around 300 percent) seems to fit with the near three fold gain of efficiency (verified by the Philippine DOE) found when the 11 kilowatt DC motor used by his self recharging vehicle is powered by his circuit, rather than mains power. It would be exciting to have an oscilloscope (with math functions that can calculate total power in real time) check the ratio of total input power to output power, but the high voltage spikes produced repeatedly destroy electronic devices connected to the circuit. In addition, if we are dealing with a type of energy other than conventional electricity (for example perhaps some kind of pure aether flow) conventional measurement techniques may not be able to determine the ratio of energy in and out.

The increase in voltage is due to the contents of the ambient energy collector or "black box" (in these videos it is not black). As we have already learned, the most fundamental aspect of Aviso's technology is that you can produce a huge spike of voltage and collect energy from the ambient environment by opening or closing a circuit. This method of rapidly opening and closing a circuit is very similar to what Nikola Tesla used in his power transmitting systems, that we today call Tesla coils. When you connect a circuit quickly, the current cannot flow fast enough and a huge voltage is developed. Also, when you open a circuit quickly, the current will want to continue to flow and a huge voltage potential will develop in an attempt to force the current through the gap. Aviso takes advantage of this effect, but there is more to his technology.

In this video, Aviso opens up the box housing the ambient energy collector. He describes the contents as being a specialized mosfet (designed to handle the high spikes that destroy most transistors), a transformer, a big coil, relays, and a few other components. The electrical components appear to be mounted on a circuit board above the large coil. This specific ambient energy collector can only be made to pulse very slowly. This is probably due to it being a demonstration system for these videos. This is a drawback, because the more rapidly you pulse your system the more energy can be extracted from the ambient environment. However, other systems he has built can be pulsed hundreds of thousands of times a second. This allows for very large gains of energy to be collected, for example to power a generator or electric vehicle.

Challenges Overcome

Aviso also describes the challenges he has overcome in the process of developing the technology. Although the setup seems simple on the surface, it requires some very advanced engineering and components to function optimally. 

One issue that caused many problems is that the circuit fried almost every transistor that was used to short the coil in his circuit. Due to this, Aviso had to contact a semiconductor firm to design a very specialized, custom transistor that could survive the high voltage spikes produced by the circuit. The design and fabrication of this special transistor was very expensive, but was required for the device to function without constantly failing due to blown transistors. He describes this transistor as an IGBT. Many of these transistors in parallel can provide a low enough resistance when the circuit is closed to allow for proper shorting. Even with this special transistor, the filtering capacitor is needed to prevent harmonics from damaging it. 

Yet another issue was the overheating of his coils. This was due to many harmonic frequencies being generated in his system that would cancel each other out. The result was a huge amount of heat. As he tried to increase the frequency of his system to collect more ambient energy, the heat would increase, and potentially burn through the insulation in his coils. To resolve this issue, multiple technologies had to be incorporated into the system.

1) A "Time Division Multiplex Circuit" that stops everything from happening in the circuit at one time. It breaks down the action of the circuit into three separate actions, and prevents the harmonics from turning all of the gained energy into heat. The three separate parts are as follows. First, the capacitor is charged from energy collected from the ambient environment. Secondly, the capacitor discharges to power a load (let’s say the motor of an electric vehicle). Finally, another capacitor discharges into the battery to close the loop. Breaking up the action of the circuit into these three parts is one way of reducing the overheating and losses in the system. 

2) A "Cancellation Circuit" prevents the harmonics generated by the ambient energy collector from interfering with the DC to AC inverter.

3) A large "Air Core Transformer" in the ambient energy collector that can handle high frequencies into the megahertz range.

In addition, Aviso states a Pulse Wave Modulator (apparently to control the length of time the circuit remains open or closed) is used in addition to a Frequency Division Multiplex circuit. All of these circuits make sure the harmonics do not cancel each other out and turn the collected energy into heat. To design these circuits it cost a lot of money, because they needed a RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) engineer to help design them. The investment was worth it, because the over heating issue has been resolved.

Upcoming Events and Addition Information

During the video, Aviso made several additional statements revealing their plans for the near future. He specifically mentioned that they are still working on the solid state MEG (Magnetic Electric Generator) that would provide electricity with no moving parts. This is their ultimate goal, because he claims they could be manufactured by the millions very rapidly. In addition, they are working on a generator utilizing his repelling force technology. However, due to the added complexity, it would not be able to be manufactured as quickly. Both generators (MEG and Repelling Force) would produce 5 kilowatts of electrical power. 

Within a couple of weeks, they should have finished a new electric test vehicle. Since the overheating issue has been solved, it should be able to reach a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour instead of only the 15 kilometers per hour the previous vehicle was able to achieve. Their eventual goal is to match the performance (speed, acceleration, etc) of the Nissan Leaf. However, they expect that their vehicle would have a much longer range. With enough development, it could have an almost unlimited range. Their vehicle would also be cheaper than the Leaf, because instead of utilizing an expensive and large set of batteries, it could run off a single 12 volt battery. Eventually, they would plan to eliminate the battery all together, and just use a super capacitor. 

What makes this new test vehicle even more exciting is that it will not use a conventional electric motor. Instead, it will utilize Aviso's "repelling force" and will be able to run off AC or DC power. They are calling it the, "Universal Motor." Since it has so few moving parts, it would only cost four hundred dollars to build. This is far cheaper than the electric motor in the Nissan Leaf.

Ambient Energy Collection Made Practical

By solving the various challenges in the development of his technology, it seems Aviso has made collecting free energy from the ambient environment (aether, neutrino flux, ZPE, or dark energy) practical. Although exotic technologies such as Andrea Rossi's nickel-hydrogen Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) are enticing, nothing could be more revolutionary than a way to obtain energy from the fabric of space itself. 

The recent videos posted by Aviso gives us a good understanding of how his technology works. There are still proprietary secrets involved, but we finally have a clear understanding about the basics of how his circuit functions. We also know the challenges involved, and how they can be overcame. PES will be following the work of Aviso very closely, and will bring you the latest news and updates.

If you would like the work Aviso is doing, please consider making a donation here . He is trying to release as much information as possible without upsetting his investors. The more funding our community can provide, the more likely he is to share information and open source his technology. He has taken a big step towards open sourcing his technology with these videos, and we need to show him our gratitude! 

Here are the three videos Aviso posted to YouTube.

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This story is also posted at BeforeItsNews.


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Source: PESN