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Adama: Invitation to Come to Telos

Posted on Note: Usually I post things from Adama on my blog, – but today he insisted that this ( was the place to put his words, so here we go!


Blessings dear heart. I am speaking through you now because there are some important things to be said. We are anchoring energies in the region of Mt. Shasta that are meant to help build a permanent ladder of ascension into Telos. It is more a ladder of consciousness. This is figurative language meaning that we will “ascend” those who are prepared to go on the journey into Telos now. With this anchoring in the grid in Telos it is much easier and smoother a process to bring people up in vibration to go down into the earth where we physically are.

This is something I tell you at this time because we are calling out to those who are wanting to join us here in the 5th dimensional vibration, and here in Telos. There is no urgency to the call, it is a welcoming, an invitation. So if you feel called to join us for a while, simple let us know. We will call you when the time is right.

I am asking Erin to tell about this becuase she too has been called by me to go, and many others, already. Surprise! Here it is, the time is coming, for those who have been waiting for so long, you’re probably thinking “it’s about time.”

The best thing you can all do to prepare is to ask us in Telos to take you to classes in your dream state as you sleep. This is an active time for many people, as it is for us as well. We can then begin pointing you in the right directions as far as the growth that needs to happen with you on the surface in your daily lives.

So, this is the message I wish to send. We greet you from Telos warmly. We can see you already, coming. And then we will embrace because we are brothers and sisters and have known each other for so long.

Namaste, my beloved ones.

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