There is a Sea Of Peace that abides
Right beneath you within each and every now…

In truth….it is you!!!
It is the truth of you and it is with you
Everywhere you go…
It simply is a choice away…

This place of peace is in truth
Your creative center…
In any circumstance….this “space of perfection”
That is your true essence
Can be stepped into ….chosen for… felt
And known again…


You as the Creator you are
Have the free will to choose for it
Within any arising…

Then….it is your choice to step into
Your creation… step into it as
The Christ….The Christ Lite
Where all power to change your reality
Is alive and well…

This day….come within and hold my hand..
Fill your beingness with the elixir of pure love
That is here waiting for you…
Take this with you wherever you walk..

Know that as you choose for Peace
You become it !!!!!
Know that as you choose to step into each
And every arising moment as your own Creation
You can choose for Love
And Love will reveal itself to you…

Precious Hearts…
I know you often wonder how love could allow
Such seeming tragedies to happen…
Love surrounds each creation and holds it in its
Heart of love like a dew drop is held
In love by the ocean that receives it…

You are witnessing a human creation…
Your world is a human creation…
Birthed from a thought that you were
Separate from all that is…

You have created a Veil that is liken to a fog
That is hiding the light of the Sun….

Yet within that very Creation
All is held within the Love that Is…
And in any moment
You can choose to make that
Your only Reality…

You have the power to dissolve the veil
That hides the truth of love…

This is how you create Heaven On Earth…

Bring your love by stepping into each arising
And claiming it as your own…
Choose for the Sea of Peace that is liken
To the arms of love
That are surrounding you in each moment…
See these arms as the wings of love
That envelop the whole of creation…

Use these wings to embrace each of your creations
Thus bringing them into a totally neutral
State of being…

Then….step into that very creation
As The Christed Light
And simply state…


Then…precious hearts…
Be patient and allow the miracle to unfold
For you…

This is the power you have within you Now…

You are powerful Creators
Who have fallen asleep and believed
Yourself to be powerless…

Precious Ones….Light up your wings of Love
By embracing all that you see
And infuse the Love you are
Into that very arising…

~watch for the miracles ~
However….dear heart…
Know that in truth there are no miracles..
What you are witnessing is your
Only True Reality…

Home is simply a thought away…
That which you are is simply
A “choice” away…

Be at peace and Know you are Loved…

~The Voice of Love ~
