We’ve learned a little more about how Andrea Rossi intends to roll out his energy catalyzer technology recently, and it appears that a rapid incorporation of the e-cat into the existing energy infrastructure is possible.

I submitted a question to Mr. Rossi on his Journal of Nuclear Physics site this weekend and was pleased to receive a prompt response.

Q:   Thank you very much for the continuing dialogue.

I think one of the great attractions of your technology is that it seems to be mature enough to be able to fit in with the existing energy infrastructure without too much modification.

We hear so much these days about the problems that coal fired power plants present. It would seem logical that your technology could be incorporated into an existing power plant — instead of burning coal for heat, just use the E-cats to provide the heat to drive the turbines.

Do you see any problems with this approach?

Rossi’s Answer: I agree perfectly. The integration of our reactors with existing power plants is one of the easiest applications we have ready. We are working in this very promising direction.
Good question, thank you.

I was interested to learn that he brought up no reason why this approach should not work, because it seems to me that there is a path to rapid adoption of the E-cat by converting existing power stations worldwide. Technically it seems very possible. One of the things we have learned about an E-cat is that it is a relatively simple device with only a few components:

It’s really just a series of pipes with some electronics, a water inlet and steam outlet and a hydrogen inlet. There would certainly be a good deal of modification to be made to a power plant if  you were to switch the existing fuel supply over to an E-cat one, but the engineering would not be complicated and it could be done in a fairly short period of time.

If Rossi’s technology works as advertised it could mean that a revolution in energy production is on the horizon. Rossi has said that he will be charging 1 cent per kWh initially for the electricity he produces. That is approximately one tenth of the average cost of electricity in the US. If people learn that there is a cleaner and much cheaper way to produce power it will likely lead to a huge amount of pressure on utilities and governments to adopt this technology as quickly as possible.

Source: Free Energy Times