Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

April 2nd, 2011 7:33 pm PT

The January 28, 2011 interdimensional UFO orb that appeared over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem has survived another attempt at debunking, this time by Marc D'Antonio, identified as "Chief Photo/Video Analyst" on the website of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

MUFON states on its website, “Founded in 1969, the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated, through its volunteers, to resolving the scientific enigma known collectively as unidentified flying objects (UFOs).”

MUFON expert launches debunking attempt with an obvious hoax video of Jerusalem UFO

MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio launches his unsuccessful debunking attempt in an article published in

Mr. D’Antonio starts his debunking attempt by focusing on a recently released “sixth” video of the January 28, 2011 Jerusalem UFO event that is itself an amateurish hoax.

The so-called “sixth” video – itself an obvious hoax – can be viewed here:

MUFON expert conflates hoaxed "sixth" video into stating genuine videos are "hoaxes"

MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio then conflates the obviously hoaxed “sixth” video into stating that the first and second videos of the Jerusalem UFO event are also hoaxes.

Mr. D’Antonio states, “For many reasons beyond what I have so far shared, this video [a sixth alleged video of the Jerusalem UFO] and the other Jerusalem UFO Videos are in my opinion hoaxes.”

MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio said, “the two original videos of the event (Video 1 & 2), are both very different from each other and each gives away the hoax by comparison to the other”.

Finally Mr. D’Antonio stated “if the Jerusalem event occurred, we would have lots of other witnesses in the city who would have come forward saying so. Where are they?"

MUFON expert fails to debunk first and second Jerusalem UFO videos

At no point does MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio address the analysis of experts that have demonstrated the first and second videos document a January 28, 2011 interdimensional UFO event over the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock that is genuine.

MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio's unsuccessful debunking of the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock UFO event appears to fall into the familiar category of would-be Jerusalem UFO debunkers. 

One expert stated about such debunkers of the Jerusalem UFO, "All I've seen are CGI videos created by the debunkers of the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video, but no proof the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is CGI.

"In point of fact, there's a blue street light shimmering to the top right of the screen in the first video of the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video throughout; its not a still picture as the debunkers who would state it is a CGI creation maintain.

"Here is the original video with the blue street light shimmering in the top right.  It shifts to bottom of the screen when the cell phone camera is panned upward.

"The lights from the city also shimmer from various locations in the original video further proving its not a photo."

As of this writing, MUFON headquarters had not returned this reporter’s call to verify that MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio had in fact given this interview.  In the article, Marc D'Antonio is quoted as stating that he “will detail his assessment in the near future on the MUFON website.”

The January 28, 2011 Dome of the Rock UFO orb event is a genuine ET or interdimensional phenomenon

The Dome of the Rock UFO orb event appears to be a genuine ET or interdimensional phenomenon, captured on video by at least 2 independent witnesses.  

According to one UFO orb specialist, the Dome of the Rock UFO orb phenomenon is similar to UFO orb phenomenon that has been documented and classified as “a Plasma Orb Light Entity/Interdimensional Angel,” which did the exact same phenomenon as one of the other contacts of the UFO orb specialist, photographed in March of 2008.

The substantive issues raised as to whether the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is a CGI artifact and hoax appear for the moment to have been successfully responded to.

That the Dome of the Rock UFO orb is a genuine interdimensional/ET phenomenon or a CGI artifact and hoax has been debated and determined with some finality with the conclusion that the video shows a genuine ET interdimensional phenomenon.  

Please see: 

Watch first & second videos of Dome of the Rock UFO orb 

To view a video with the first and second videos of the Dome of the Rock Video seen side by side, please view the embedded video above, or click this URL:

One UFO specialist in UFO orbs after viewing this video wrote the following to this reporter, “Presumably you noted the lights on the Mothership near the end of the second video.”

Watch original first video of Dome of the Rock UFO orb over Jerusalem on January 28, 2011

Original first video of Dome of the Rock UFO orb, slowed and Zoom:

Watch second video of the Dome of the Rock UFO

Questions now linger for UFO and Exopolitics experts and observers around the world

Question #1:  Is the Dome of the Rock UFO orb a genuine ET phenomenon?

Please see:

Question #1: Is the Dome of the Rock UFO orb a genuine ET phenomenon?

In order to ascertain whether this Dome of the Rock UFO was a genuine ET phenomenon, this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre engaged a UFO specialist who is an expert in the orb type of UFO exhibited at the Mount Zion, Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem UFO sighting.

This reporter asked the UFO specialist:  “Do you believe the [Dome of the Rock] UFO sighting is genuine ET?”

After review and consultation of the video of the Dome of the Rock UFO org sighting, the UFO specialist responded,

“Yes, it’s a Plasma Orb Light Entity/Interdimensional Angel, which did the exact same phenomenon [one of] my other contacts, [Name deleted], photographed in March of 2008.

 “The entire incident and photographs are contained within the first 20 photo narrative here: 

 “Specifically here:

“Description: ‘The contact then began to line up the frames of the cell phone camera to take a fifth photograph when all of a sudden the POLE shot straight up into the air "like a bullet" and disappeared into the night sky. There was absolutely no noise nor was there any air displacement whatsoever which resulted from the POLE departing the contact's roof and up into the sky.’

 "The YouTube video of these events is here:

POLE photo video narrative


Is the Dome of the Rock UFO orb a CGI Hoax?

One UFO news source reports, "Jerusalem UFO – UFO Over Temple Mount Jerusalem – A Real Deal Or CGI Hoax?

"Yesterday we have received the email according to which This morning around 01:00 AM at the promenade of Armon Hantziv in Jerusalem, I was witness(with another guy), an amazing UFO aircraft over Jerusalem old city (mount Moriah) Dome of the Rock,Temple Mount,قبة الصخرة, הר הבית.

"And now net is buzzing with speculation wither its a real or just another CGI Hoax !

"According to another video poster : Down below video footage is taken from different angle of same UFO sighting

"But we think we have find the hole in above video at least… please have look : HERE we think the whole city in the above video is just a picture and camera was moved around with voices on the background.

"And down below video try to demonstrate how easily this kind of UFO lights in first video can be created using CGI..

"Things are not stopping here interestingly while goggling on this matter. We stumble on down below daytime UFO sighting which was supposedly caught on tape, while a tourist was admiring the old Wailing Wall in Jerusalem on December 27, 2010"

"So now you guys decide if its a real deal or just a continues viral marketing to promote the tourism in the area or "GOD's Chosen People' propaganda?"

To see the full videos along with the above text analysis, please go to:

UFO expert responds to debunkers claim Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is CGI hoax

This reporter contacted a UFO expert to evaluate whether the Dome of the Rock UFO orb was a CGI hoax. The UFO expert responded,

"It is up to the debunkers to prove the individuals who filmed the Dome of the Rock UFO orb are all hoaxers.  All I've seen are CGI videos created by the debunkers of the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video, but no proof the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is CGI.

"In point of fact, there's a blue street light shimmering to the top right of the screen in the first video of the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video throughout; its not a still picture as the debunkers who would state it is a CGI creation maintain.

"Here is the original video with the blue street light shimmering in the top right.  It shifts to bottom of the screen when the cell phone camera is panned upward.

"The lights from the city also shimmer from various locations in the original video further proving its not a photo."

Evaluation of the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock UFO orb – First & Second Videos

In the opinion of this reporter, the UFO orb phenomena in the above video display remarkable similarity to the Dome of the Rock UFO orb phenomenon.

The above photographs and video appear, on reasonable review, to sustain the expert opinion of the UFO specialist that the January 28, 2011 Dome of the Rock UFO orb is “a Plasma Orb Light Entity/Interdimensional Angel, which did the exact same phenomenon [one of] my other contacts, [Name deleted], photographed in March of 2008.”

The questions raised about the possibility that the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video may be a CGI artefact and hoax appear to have been successfully responded to above.

On the basis of the above and unless other issues are raised, it would appear that the Dome of the Rock UFO orb video is – more probably than not – the record of a a genuine interdimensional ET event.

How to evaluate the significance of the MUFON expert's failed attempt to debunk the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock UFO orb event.

1.  MUFON’s contractual relations with U.S. government and intelligence agency contractors – As originally reported by this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre, MUFON entered into a functional contract to serve as a UFO/ET spotter and intelligence source for the enterprises of Robert Bigelow, who is a contractor for U.S. government and intelligence agencies on ET/UFO and outer space issues.

Please see:

Although the formal contracts between the Bigelow enterprises and MUFON no longer exist, MUFON’s Chief Photo/Video Analyst Marc D'Antonio’s debunking attempt of the January 28, 2011 Jerusalem Dome of the Rock UFO is congruent with a perspective that wishes to (1) deny the existence of any possible organized extraterrestrial plan or organization, such as a regional galactic governance council; (2) deny the reality that a UFO event would deliver a UFO/ET context communication, such as that embedded in the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock UFO event regarding the end of war between religions.

2. The UFO/ET or interdimensional intelligence behind the Dome of the Rock UFO Orb: Intentional, meaningful “context communication” to humanity – A context communication in the Dome of the Rock UFO orb event – more probably than not a genuine ET phenomenon – appears to be raising issues of significant future impact for the 3.3 billion followers of the Christian, Islam and Judaic religions.  

Context communication theory of extraterrestrial communication

The context communication theory of extraterrestrial communication, developed by Alfred Lambremont Webre in 1974, states that many UFO encounters are in fact contextual, symbolic communications by the intelligent source behind the UFO encounter itself to the UFO witnesses or to humanity at large, much in the same way that a dream is a contextual, symbolic communication from the dreamer’s subconscious mind to her or his conscious mind.

Please see:

The ET intelligence behind the UFO orb phenomenon at the Dome of the Rock may be signaling the importance to the leaders of these three religions of being alert to using peaceful non-violent conflict resolution over disputes that may arise at this site and elsewhere in the Middle East over religious issues.

If in fact the Dome of the Rock UFO orb is a CGI hoax, the danger is that this hoax may be part of a larger "Project Bluebeam" ET-hoax to destabilize human public order and set-up a false flag ET event.

As the conflicting history of the Dome of the Rock and of the specific belief systems of Christian, Islamic and Judaic followers around the symbolism of the Dome of the Rock demonstrates, a genuine ET interdimensional intelligence may be signaling that a resolution to this conflict may come about through an acknowledgement of or an intervention of extraterrestrial intelligent knowledge or civilizations.

Some Exopolitics commentators hypothesize that an ET intelligence behind the Dome of the Rock UFO orb may have a manipulatory rather than a supportive motive toward humanity.

3.  The Dome of the Rock UFO orb event and ET intervention by an organized ET regional galactic council

The January 28, 2011 Jerusalem Dome of the Rock UFO event appears to be a genuine ET phenomenon.  Two of the videos documenting this event (first & second video) are not a CGI hoax according to an expert familiar with similar interdimensional phenomena.

The Dome of the Rock UFO orb appears to relate organically to the UFO event predicted by former Canadian NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham of a regional galactic ET governance council that would raise issues about inter-faith religious perspectives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, to wit:

“The Alien ‘intervention process’ will provide a philosophical challenge to mankind as nothing else has ever done. It will challenge our most fundamental beliefs. Did Christ teach to this extraterrestrial world? Are they aware of Allah and his hatred for the heathens and infidels (which, of course, must include the aliens—they also have souls!). Do they have any religions?—or spiritualism?"
