James Kwok's "Hidro+" commercially available technology allows for energy to be harvested from gravity induced pressure differentials in columns of water. "Ash" from Panacea-BOCAF recently visited Hidro+, witnessed a demonstration, and performed tests. Two Australian universities have also confirmed Kwok's claims.

by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News


Photo of Hidro+.

When most people think of gravity motors they imagine rotors with weights attached, unbalanced wheels, and spinning devices. Their first thought is certainly not a column of water with alternately pressurized chambers, floating to the top and then sinking. However, this is how James Kwok's "Hidro" technology works to produce a source of abundant and clean energy. 

Recently, "Ash" from Panacea-BOCAF visited Kwok. He witnessed a demonstration of the technology in New South Wales, obtained important information about previous third party testing, and performed additional testing. The result is an additional validation of the Hidro+ technology, consistent with the results of two Australian universities (who request to be unnamed at this point), one of which is actively helping to validate, demonstrate and improve the original Hidro+ technology. (Ref.

A Hidro+ system is composed of a column of water with two mobile chambers capable of ascending or descending. One of these chambers positioned at the bottom of the column is filled with air. It will then float to the top due to buoyancy. Once reaching the top of the column air is released from the chamber and it is depressurized. It will then sink to the bottom to be filled with air, pressurized, and ascend once again. The second chamber undergoes the same process, but is always at the opposite part of the cycle as the first chamber.

Electrical energy is produced by the motion of the chambers in three ways. First, a linear electrical generator (positioned beside the column of water) produces electricity as embedded magnets pass one or more vertical coils. Secondly, a series of cables attached to a gearing mechanism convert the up and down movement of the chambers into rotary motion. This powers a flywheel based electric generator. Finally, the motion of the chambers compresses the contents of hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders. The pressurized contents can be released into a turbo generator to produce electricity.

The company conservatively claims that the input energy required to operate the system is around thirty percent less than the electrical output produced. This represents a significant gain of energy.

The question is where the anomalous energy gain comes from. One possibility could be that the system is a unique variation of a gravity motor. This could make sense, because it is claimed the energy is produced by harnessing the pressure differentials in a column of water. These pressure differentials are induced by gravity. If it were not for gravity there would be no difference in water pressure at the bottom or top of the column. 

This technology is not new. A promotional video about this technology has been posted on Youtube since December of 2008. It does a very good job of explaining how the system works. Also, it describes some of the benefits of the technology. For example, it produces more energy than it consumes, does not consume any fuel, can utilize salt water instead of fresh water, does not emit pollution, and is ready for commercialization. 

Units for Sale

Presently, three different sizes of systems are being offered: 50 kilowatt, 250 kW, and 1 MW. (Ref.)  According to their website, "Hidro+ including maintenance & capital replacement will cost approximately 1 cent/KW Hr to operate." (Ref.

At a price of approximately four dollars a watt, installed, the price may not seem too appealing at first glance, compared to solar power, for example. However, one must consider that the system produces energy continuously, day and night (regardless if the sun is out) which solar does not. When this factor is considered, it adds to the financial attractiveness of the Hidro+ system. 

The waste of electricity due to transmission line losses could also be reduced with this technology. A known fact is that most of the electricity generated in a power plant is lost as it travels through the power lines to people's homes and businesses. By placing these units at electrical sub-stations closer to end users, the transmission losses would be reduced, contributing to a reduction of electricity cost. 

Another important issue to note when considering the current pricing of these systems is that the cost will go down when the units are mass produced. This technology is only in its infancy, so power output and cost effectiveness is certain to improve as time goes on.

Importantly, potential customers can start the process of purchasing units immediately. There are no pre-assembled retail units sitting on a lot waiting to be purchased, but the build time is not expected to be more than 2-4 months. As long as you can show you have access to someone qualified to work on a power transmission system, you can start the process to obtain a unit. 

A 20 kW demonstration unit is available for interested parties to see, whether for purchase or for licensing.

Katrina, James Kwok's assistant, with Ashtweth Palise, standing in front of the working Hidro+.

Ashtweth's Validation of Hidro+

Ashtweth Glen Andrew Palise (who usually goes by the name "Ash") is the co-founder of Panacea-BOCAF. The acronym BOCAF stands for, "Building Our Children A Future." This non-profit organization has supported the advancement and implementation of exotic and free energy technologies for many years. Panacea-BOCAF has also stood up against environmentally dangerous technologies such as "gas fraking." By promoting alternative energy sources and opposing technologies that cause grave harm to the environment, Panacea has became a leader in the free energy movement. 

In a recent interview with Sterling Allan on "Free Energy Now", Ash described a recent visit to New South Wales to witness a demonstration and perform testing on a "Hidro+" device. Ash reported that Panacea's validation of the technology is complete, the technology works as claimed, is very powerful, and is ready to be utilized. He stressed repeatedly how Hidro+ represents an immediately implementable alternative to conventional energy sources. 

The results of testing by Panacea match those found by the two Australian universities. Representatives from both of those universities tested a small scale Hidro+ system and confirmed the technology works as claimed. To be specific, Panacea measured an input of 360 watts (15 amps and 24 volts) and an output of one kilowatt. This represents an efficiency of almost 300%, and is far beyond the official figures stated by the company. In addition, the system is capable of producing lots of torque. Ash was shown a steel wire (rated for 600 kilograms) that the system snapped like a twig! 

During the interview, he went on to provide many additional nuggets of information about the Hidro+ technology. The current Hidro+ system (which he called the Mark 3) is significantly different from the device seen in a 2008 video. Significant improvements and advances have been made since then. He also described the system as a "true self runner", in that it produces power without external input; and the energy it produces is enough to keep itself running, while having extra left over for practical use.

Ash described the principles of the technology as being very simple and easy to verify. They have already been verified by multiple third parties. However, he said it is far easier to understand these principles by seeing the device in action than by a verbal description. The only issue with seeing the device in action, is that due to the proprietary nature of some of the custom designed and manufactured parts (some of which are patent pending) an NDA is required. One of these custom parts is described as being a, "reverse thruster pressure equalizer." Fortunately, James Kwok is generally willing to allow qualified individuals to sign non-disclosure agreements and give them access to the device and related documentation. 

Panacea has also posted a presentation about the Hidro+ technology that can be found here. The document shows many graphs that convey Hidro+'s advantages compared to other energy technologies. 

The information provided by Ash from his visit to see Hidro+ in action is remarkable and very exciting. As he indicated during the interview with Sterling, citizens need to use the reality of the Hidro+ technology to urge their representatives to oppose gas fraking and other environmentally harmful technologies. There is now an alternative to such technologies, which can be pursued by any who truthfully care about the environment, our health, the economy, and the future of our civilization.

First Exotic Free Energy Technology to Market?

Ash reported that Hidro+ has one 50 kW plant being constructed right now. Once that is completed, it could secure Hidro+'s place in history as having achieved the first commercially ready exotic free energy technology. Though several other companies are preparing for market, none have arrived yet, that we know of, with a device producing more than a kilowatt, in the marketplace.

Hidro+'s website says their units are not yet available for purchase, generally, as they are initiating the process of screening potential licensing partners; "however, purchasing can be considered on individual merit, subjected to a large capacity requirements." (Ref.)

Special Appeal by Panacea BOCAF

Ash announced that Panacea BOCAF is starting a non-profit educational drive. They will be attempting to raise money to purchase a 50 kW Hidro+ system to apply to an agricultural open source project he's involved with; to showcase the technology in operation. The focus will be to illustrate how such a technology can provide many benefits, including allowing communities to become self sufficient. 

In such a demonstration, visitors and members of the community would see how the device is providing constant power to the selected community without being connected to the grid. Initially, the actual inner workings of the device would not be displayed. This would be in order to protect the confidentiality of several custom designed patent pending components. It is possible this will not always be the case, and eventually more details could be revealed without jeopardizing James Kwok's intellectual property.

The purchase of a Hidro+ system by Panacea would not be for a one-time demo, but for an on-going educational campaign. During the campaign the benefits of such environmentally friendly energy sources would be exclaimed, while individuals and communities would reap benefits from the power it produced. 

In the grand scheme of things, the funds required to get Panacea-BOCAF's campaign started and financed are minimal. Billions of dollars are spent each year giving subsidies to gas fraking research, so called "clean coal" (yes, I realize that is an oxymoron), and other environmentally unfriendly technologies. A tiny, miniscule fraction of that could finance this drive many times over. The money is out there. 

Do you know someone who can make a donation towards this effort? Are you considering making a donation? Please feel free to contact Panacea – BOCAF. 

Details and Full Review of Panacea's Testing

Although Ash's visit to examine the Hidro+ technology was groundbreaking and very important, my attempt to get details about the testing performed met with resistance. Ash has revealed the most basic input and output figures (which indicated an impressive gain of energy), but little more. An attempt to ask some basic questions about the setup he saw, the appearance of the device, the surroundings of the device, the measurement tools he used, the methods of testing, and other fundamental issues was rebuffed; and rightfully so.  He is under NDA (non-disclosure agreement), so he is being cautious about what to divulge; though perhaps overly so.  He also said that all that really mattered was the testing performed by the universities and their reports.

When someone claims to have tested and validated a technology, obviously there are going to be a lot of questions about how that was done; and a lot of that can be revealed without jeopardizing the NDA terms.  This includes questions both fundamental and technical. Some of these questions will be related to possible external sources of energy, the length of time the device operated, any issues that could possibly effect measurements taken, etc. 

Even if the universities who tested the technology covered all these bases, details of Panacea's testing would provide an additional layer of credibility to the technology. When it comes to claims of exotic technologies, the more parties performing tests and reporting their detailed findings the better! 

Nevertheless, I sincerely appreciate the efforts of Ash and Panacea to investigate, validate, and report on the Hidro+ technology.

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


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Source: PESN