I AM Karen LaRue Moye.  I AM My Greater Presence today and every day.  As it is; so it is.

I'll be back on Thursday with a regular post for you.  In the meantime, I have a very exciting announcement:

I am so excited about the transformations I have undergone over the last week, and the incredibly positive impact they are having on my work.

Just a week ago, I was in the Emergency Room having an EKG and lung X-Ray to determine why I was experiencing chest tightness and pain.  I’m fine, just a touch of pleurisy, but I believe what was really going on is that my energetic heart has expanded exponentially in the last few months, and my physical body just hasn’t been keeping up.

Then, on Saturday morning, I woke up with a whole new consciousness concerning my work in the world along with a brand new, cutting-edge technique to release limiting beliefs and patterns from your thoughts, your DNA, and your entire lineage with grace and ease. It was an incredible “Ah-ha” moment!  And that Ah-ha moment is having a huge impact on what I will be offering in “The Ignite Your Light Webinar Series” which begins tomorrow (Wednesday the 13th).

I gave my Lemurian Webinar participants a taste of my new technique, which I’m tentatively calling The Personification of Completeness, on Sunday in a live call, and it works beautifully!  Many experienced “energies and heaviness just falling away” and “deep releases throughout their generational lines.”  It’s easy and effective, and it will be one of the cornerstones of how I work with groups to help clear all those limiting beliefs that hold us back from living our unique completeness.

The Ignite Your Light Webinar Series is designed to assist you to

  • Identify your light and ignite it in the world for all to see;
  • Release the masks of self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, family patterns, and negative thoughts;
  • Plant the knowledge within you that you are complete in this moment, and it is now time for you to personify/ground your completeness in your physical body;
  • Discover, own, and begin to use your unique gifts and abilities in the world;
  • And much more.

During the Series, you will experience

  • Information your greater presence wants you to know about living your light in the world;
  • Chakra and energy-body clearings to assist you in accessing and shining your light;
  • Specific energy transmissions of the highest vibration of love and light to support you at this time; and
  • The Personification of Completeness Technique which will help you release with grace and ease limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs around Self-Trust, Self-Appreciation, Self-Love, Speaking Your Truth, Allowing Your Truth to be Heard in the World, Uncovering and Living Joyously with Your Unique Gifts and Abilities, and much more.


The Series will consist of

  • Three (3) Lecture-Mode 60-Minute Calls accessible by either phone or webcast each Wednesday, April 13th, 20th, and 27th
  • Two “Bonus” Interactive Calls on Sunday, April 17th and April 24th
  • Email Support
  • A Follow-Up Q & A Call Two Weeks after the Event on Sunday, May 8th
  • Each Call will be Recorded and made Available for mp3 Download, so you don’t have to be on every call.  You can listen at your leisure and still receive all of the benefits.

All this for only



If you register by 4:30 pm Pacific Wednesday,





If you register after 4:30 pm Pacific Wednesday and before the end of the Webinar.

Once the Webinar is complete, the cost of this more than 6-hour program will increase to $111.

There is still time to sign up.  Just follow this link to register:  https://karenlaruemoye.com/Ignite_Your_Light_Series.html



I hope you’ll join me for this life-changing event.

Hugs of love and light,


If you would like to leave a comment for this post, please do.  I look forward to reading your comments!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog (http://mygreaterpresence.wordpress.com) so you are always aware of new posts.  Please share this with friends and family you feel will be interested in the posts and benefit from them.  Thank you.

If you are interested in an Empowerment Reading, a One Email Question, or an Energy Integration session with Karen, you can schedule these on-line by visiting her website at www.karenlaruemoye.com and clicking on the Appointments/Payments page.

Karen LaRue Moye claims Universal copyright for all material included in this blog.  Posts may be shared as long as credit and websites are given.

*This is not meant to take the place of any medical or professional treatment or advice.