Philippine Inventor Ismael Aviso is breaking down barriers as he continues to develop his ambient energy technology. He is now powering AC motors with DC current and in doing so has solved the issue of overheating in his system.  It just takes 0.8 amps at 240 Volts (~200 Watts) to run an 18.5 kW motor during start-up and under load.

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

Announcements of breakthroughs in the energy arena are always good to hear, but when they are accompanied with video, they are even better! Ismael Aviso of the Philippines recently revealed multiple significant breakthroughs in the development of his technology. 

To demonstrate one of these breakthroughs, he has posted a video of an 18.5-kilowatt AC (alternating current) motor running off DC (direct current) from a battery bank without any sort of inverter. Amazingly, even at start up the AC motor (rated at 75 amps) draws less than one amp of current. 

Previously, when using his ambient energy collecting circuit to power a DC motor, the result was tremendous heating of the coils, limiting how long he could run the circuit, to prevent melting of the insulation on the magnet wire. However, in his recent AC tests no overheating has yet occurred. In fact, using his sense of touch, he cannot detect any change in the temperature of the coils.

Here's the video:

Powering an AC Motor with DC Current

The first reason his video is a breakthrough is because it is impossible to run most alternating current motors on direct current. This is due to the fact direct current does not change polarity, but constantly remains one polarity. Alternating current motors require a constantly varying polarity. Without this they cannot function properly, if at all. However, Aviso is able to make a large 18.5 kilowatt three phase induction motor start and accelerate. 

Aviso accomplishes this by utilizing a special circuit that collects ambient energy from the environment. The system is composed of a series of capacitors, coils, a toroidal inductor, a special transistor that is resistant to high voltage spikes, and a micro-controller that is critically important. This micro-controller makes sure the various components operate in properly to allow for the ambient energy to be harvested and utilized. 

In a similar manner to Tesla, Aviso pulses his circuit thousands of times a second or more. The opening and closing of the circuit produces huge spikes of voltage potential that gathers energy from the ambient environment. Nikola Tesla would have stated it was coming from the aether. If you looked at these bursts of voltage on an oscilloscope, you would see that each time he opens or closes the circuit there are thousands of additional alternating spikes of voltage. In a sense, his circuit is not only pulsed at thousands of hertz, but due to this secondary effect, the system experiences millions of alternating spikes of voltage. This draws in even more ambient energy from the environment. 

In previous tests, Aviso has been able to use this ambient energy to power DC motors while maintaining the charge of the batteries powering them. He has shown videos of a crude electric vehicle driving around, while the single 12-volt battery that powers the 11 kilowatt DC motor stays topped off at 13 volts. That was the system that was validated by the Philippine Department of Energy. They showed that the DC motor running of mains power from the grid ran at 45%, but when it was running on Aviso's system, it ran at 133% efficiency – overunity, implying that he is indeed harnessing energy from the environment. (Ref.)

In the present setup, he is somehow directing the ambient energy directly into the AC motor. Due to some property of the ambient energy, it allows the motor to run. One possibility is that it runs due to the fact the polarity reversing voltage bouncing up and down in his circuit resembles alternating current. Perhaps along with this is the fact the ambient energy going into the motor may not have the same properties as ordinary electric current. It could be a nearly pure flow of aether in the form of longitudinal waves. Tesla used these waves to power all sorts of motors, lights, and other devices. Perhaps Aviso is doing something similar! 

Being able to power an AC motor with DC is no small feat. Many industrial processes use AC motors, but require very expensive "variable frequency drives" to control their speed. Aviso's system does not require such a drive. Additionally, if you want to power an AC motor with DC power, inverters are needed. They are expensive and can be quite large. However, they are needed in power failures when backup battery power must be used. Aviso's technology could eliminate the need for such inverters. This is potentially a game-changing breakthrough!

Always Low Current

In Aviso's video you can see a huge battery bank. This is the standard battery bank he uses for many of his tests and experiments. There is no special reason why he is using it in the video. In fact, he plans to reduce the number of batteries in upcoming tests. All together, the battery bank produces around 240 volts. This voltage powers his circuit which collects ambient energy to feed the AC motor which is rated for 75 amps. Interestingly, when he starts the motor, very little current is pulled. In fact, the current does not exceed 0.8 amperes – phenomenal.

Typically, motors utilize the most current when they start up. You can look at the specifications of commercial three phase induction motors and see how the "starting current" can be several times higher than the "rated current." This is an effect related to "back" or "counter" EMF. The fact that with Aviso's circuit the AC motor does not draw a huge current at startup is very significant. To be blunt, this is not normal at all, but recent communications from Aviso portray an even more unique situation. 

Not only does the current draw not spike at start up, but the current draw remains the same even at higher speeds. It does not seem to vary. Usually, when a load is placed on a motor the current demand will increase. However, Aviso has reported that when he asked his assistants to manually try to slow down the rotor shaft using a pony brake (which is equivalent to placing a load on it) the current remained the same! 

For some reason, it appears that his current draw is at least partially decoupled from the work being performed by the AC motor. Normally, as a motor is forced to do work, such as accelerating from a standstill at startup or powering a load, the current demand increases. This is what "balances the books" in a conventional motor. Apparently, his system bypasses this by some mechanism. This is unless of course, when the motor needs more power it is drawing it from a source other than the battery bank. Could this source perhaps be Tesla's aether?!

Batteries Slow To Drain

Aviso has reported that after allowing a similar system to run thirty hours, the batteries had barely been drained at all. In this setup, he used a twelve volt battery that actually had an initial voltage of 12.4 volts. After thirty hours the battery had only dropped to 12.1 volts, which means it was still (at least technically) fully charged. It seems that with this new system very little energy is actually used to pulse his circuit, and what powers the motor is mostly ambient energy collected from the environment. 

One future goal will be to attempt to close loop the system to keep the batteries charged. He has kept batteries charged in previous systems, but I do not think those setups were wired in exactly the same way. I think in this setup, the majority of the radiant energy collected by the capacitors is fed into the AC motor. Aviso has stated that with every pulse of his system he can absorb four hundred percent more ambient energy than he uses in the circuit. By re-directing a portion of this energy back into the battery, the system could be closed looped.

In a recent telephone call to Sterling Allan he stated, "It is now possible to have an electric vehicle with no-recharging needed." He is confident that due to these breakthroughs he will be able to proceed and build an electric vehicle with no need for recharging. In addition, he made another goal clear by saying, "My plan is to replace my DC motor with an AC motor." The reason for this change to an AC motor is made clear by yet an additional breakthrough.

No Overheating

A major challenge Aviso has faced in the past is the overheating of his system. When powering a DC motor, the coils would overheat so much that the insulation around the wires would start to melt. This created a major risk for a short circuit and/or a fire. Aviso considered this to be one of the primary issues in the way of producing an electric car that does not require recharging.

With this new AC system, the coils of his circuit do not heat up. It does not matter if the AC motor is starting up, is at high speed, or has a load applied. They stay cool at all times. In fact, when touching the coils he cannot tell a difference between when a coil has been active for an extended period of time, and when it has been turned off. 

The AC motor has not yet been tested in a vehicle, but he expects it to perform well. More tests will be performed in his lab before it is tested in a car.

What's Next

Many additional tests are planned to be performed in the near future. First of all, tests will be performed with fewer batteries. He mentions one test with five batteries and another test with only two connected together. Also, a smaller AC motor will be tested to see if it performs in a similar manner as the larger motor. At some point, higher capacity capacitors will also be utilized in the experiments.

Aviso has also mentioned that in the next few days he would like to produce a live, streaming online video of one of the motors. This would show a motor being powered by a battery for an extended period of time. Probably, such a streaming video would not show a "closed looped" system. What it would demonstrate is how little power the motor is drawing from the batteries, and how the batteries can continue for an extended period of time with little voltage drop. The obvious conclusion would be that energy is being collected from the ambient environment.

More companies are starting to take an interest in his technology. He cannot openly disclose all of the contacts he has made, but the word about his technology is starting to spread. At some point, he may travel to the United States. Aviso sincerely appreciates Sterling Allan's efforts to spread the word about his technology, and when it begins to be commercialized he would like to keep him involved. When his technology eventually hits the mainstream, he does not want to forget the contributions PES Network has made since the beginning of this saga.

Amazing Potential

By connecting his ambient-energy-collecting circuit to an AC motor, Ismael Aviso has found a way to overcome many of the challenges he has faced. The potential of this technology is staggering. In addition to powering electric cars, it could also be used to produce decentralized electrical power for homes or small businesses. Aviso also points out that one of the major applications of this technology would be in industrial settings in which his system could replace expensive and sensitive variable frequency drives (VFD).  The Aviso variable drive AC motor would be affordable, easy to maintain, and easy to scale up to mega horsepower.  He says it would greatly reduce the power consumption and remove the problem of sudden power interruption.

With unlimited and essentially "free" electricity (except for the cost of the actual units, which would be relatively cheap) our civilization could undergo a complete transformation. With cheap water desalinization, deserts could become farmland, food could be grown indoors with artificial lighting, carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced, many jobs could be created, and perhaps we could pull out of the current global economic depression. An unlimited source of energy from the aether or "ambient environment" changes everything.

As additional news and updates come along from Aviso, they will be reported here at PESN.

Please remember, if you like the work Aviso is doing consider making a donation to support his efforts. The less funding he has to get from investors, the more control he will retain, to distribute this technology according to his humanitarian motivations to help the planet, rather than with a huge profit motivation, which is what most investors want.

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


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Source: PESN