Kachina Houska

a message from Kachina Houska

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011  (posted 16 March, 2011)

On March 11th, 2011 Uranus reentered Aries, reawakening the potentials first glimpsed when Uranus briefly occupied the Aries Point (1°) during June, July and the first half of August 2010. Until March of 2019, Aries and Uranus will be working hand-in-hand to revolutionize our lives through awakening within the individual their personal capacity for ingenuity and creative uniqueness. During this period we will be encouraged to develop these qualities into forms that allow for a greater self-sufficiency hence providing us with a greater sense of our Individual Self and imbuing a healthy measure of self-empowerment within those that navigate this period responsibly.

With Uranus’s reentry into Aries we begin our approach to the square meets of revolutionary Uranus and evolutionary Pluto. Following is the timetable for the exact squares of Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn:

2012: Last week of June (9°) and last week of August (8°)

2013: 3rd week of May (12°) and 1st week of November (10°)

2014: Last week of April (14°) and 3rd week of December (13°)

2015: 3rd week of March (16°)

Though the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto is not due until June 2012, these two titans of reformation will be within a 2 degree orb by the upcoming Summer Solstice, remaining in tight orb throughout the summer months and into September. This summer will be the second season that both Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn participate in our Cardinal T-square and Crosses of 2011 which will be in full swing as the  inner planets transit early Cancer and Libra. The series of 2011 Squares/Crosses begin in mid-June with Mercury’s ingress of Cancer and culminate with Mercury’s ingress of Libra the last week of September. ***Note that Mars will participate in the 2011 configurations when he transits Cancer in early August yet shall not transit Libra until later in 2012.

While future posts will be more detail specific as we come closer in range to the 2011 Cardinal Squares and the exact squares of Uranus-Pluto for now I delved into my archives and below is a list of previous posts/tools that pertain to issues and concerns that may arise while Uranus transits Aries these next years. Enjoy!


Aries generally is imbued with a strong survival instinct yet Uranus as the deliverer of ‘awakenings’ designed to jolt us out of sedentary places and spaces can take a toll on one’s root chakra. Undoubtedly these next years as Uranus moves through Aries survival related themes will be aroused.

Developing a Healthy Root Chakra: A Necessity for Soul Purpose Manifestation

Uranus in Aries is a call for radical change through new initiatives. My view on energy and projection and how practices of an anti nature actually strengthen that which we are not desirous of:

Favor BE-ing PRO, not Anti: Taking Responsibility for the Utilization of Your Energy

Aries, co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, and now with shock and awe initiator Uranus in residence..yes, there may be some fits of anger here and there!

Anger is not a Bad Thing, How You Utilize Your Anger is what is of Importance: Tips on Utilizing Your Mars Energies for Positive Purpose

Copyright Notice: Permission is granted for circulation and usage of non-commercial purposes for any and all materials that are offered at Into The Mystic and for which Kachina Houska retains all ownership rights as the author of said materials. It is requested that the material be shared in its original format with author and site credit given. A link back to the original work is appreciated whenever possible. Thank You!


This message was originally posted here