This makes the Montauk chair story a bit more believable. The Montauk chair is supposedly obtained from an ET race. Humans are doing experiments on it. If you sit on the chair, your mental powers become much stronger. So strong that you could materialize anything you are visualizing. And that was exactly what the experimenters had done, until they realize that the technology would be used for evil purposes and decided that the whole project should be sabotaged. By creating a fantasy monster (taken straight out of a comic book) that would eat up and destroy the equipment they succeeded in doing so. But that's another story.


There is a strange phenomena which is often overlooked on websites dealing with the paranormal or cryptozoology – the mysterious Tulpa from Tibet.

Tibet has long been thought of as a mysterious, spiritual place where the strange is commonplace. And it is here that we find the Tulpa. The word Tulpa is from the Tibetan language and refers to any entity that attains reality solely by the act of imagination. This entity can be seen by not only the creator, but by other people as well.

There are some problems associated with creating a Tulpa if you do not know what you are doing. The biggest problem is that as the Tulpa is given enough vitality and life, it tends to free itself from its masters control, much like a child when it leaves its mother’s womb.

Tibetan mystics often tell of a Tulpa which has been sent out to do a mission, failing to return on completion of its task. Rather it chooses to go out and become a half-conscious entity capable of all kinds of drama. This can often happen if its creator dies before dissolving the entity back into the land of thought.

In some cases the entity behaves like a rebellious child and the mystics report cases of great struggles between the master and the Tulpa. Often the Tulpa seriously injures or even kills its creator.

One scary aspect of this is that sometimes a Tulpa can be created unconsciously. When this happens it is often difficult to get rid of it because the creator doesn’t know what they have done. This seems to be similar to cases of poltergeist activity and its relationship with girls going through puberty.

As a general rule the Tulpa entity disappears on the death of the creator or gradually vanishes over time as its life-giving energies are depleted. But as we have seen – sometimes this does not happen!

The creation of Tulpas are not only limited to Tibetan Lama mystics but has also been documented by certain westerners. Alexandra David-Neel is one such person.

Alexandra David-Neel, a French spiritualist, writer, and explorer, was travelling through Tibet learning different mystical techniques. She discovered the Tupla creation teachings and was fascinated and decided to learn it.

She began to study the technique, as well as learning the lore from some of the Tulpa adepts.She began by visualising a plump, benign monk and as she progressed in her contration exercises, she could see him like a ghost popping in and out of existence.

Over time as she gained greater control over her concentration and visualisation, the monk began to take on a more solid aspect rather than the ghost-like form of before. But another more sinister aspect was beginning to occur.

Alexandra noticed that the Tulpa was gaining independence. It was now appearing at times when she had not willed it to appear. It’s appearance was also changing. It was slimming down and started to look less benign.

Eventually the creation became so real that her companions, who knew nothing of her experimenting, started asking about the strange monk who kept turning up at their camp and following them when they went out on expeditions. It was clear that the creature now had a clear objective reality and had moved away from being just an imaginary being.

By now Alexandra was getting extremely worried, so she started practicing a new technique which would allow her to reabsorb the Tulpa back into her own mind. The Tulpa was really not willing to participate and seemed to relish its freedom. After an extremely exhausting few weeks, she managed to destroy her creation. But the whole exercise left Alexandra extremely exhausted and spiritually drained.

Tulpas can be in the forms of animals, mythical creatures, and also humans. There are also accounts of persons who practice this actualization, and have been able to take digital photos of themselves with their tulpas.

The belief that thought can create form is not limited to the Tibetans. Many other cultures around the world share very similar beliefs. Central and South Asia, like Bhutan, Nepal, China, India, and Mongolia all believe in this, as well as indigenous tribes of Australia, Native Americans, particularly the Cherokee believed in the ability to create forms from thought.

Followers of some western occult traditions believe that they can create an ‘egrigor’ which can be brought to life by a group meditation. These egrigor’s can be seen and photographed on both film and digital camera. Like the tulpa, the egrigor can also cut their ties to the ethereal world and live on in the physical.

A tulpa should be distinguished from a tulku, which is either the reincarnation of a saintly individual or the incarnation of a non-human entity, such as a god, demon, or fairy.

Could a tulpa explain the existence of ghosts and poltergeists? Could they merely exist because they are willed to? In some cases this certainly seems to be the case.

Take an example of a haunted house. A person who stays there reports seeing a ghost of a woman wearing a large bonnet. After this other people report seeing the same ghostly presence, yet a search into the history of the house reveals no such person could have lived there. Does this make the ghost a fake? It could possibly be just that, but what if it is now real because of tulpa being created by the unconscious minds of the ghost believers?

This could explain ghosts such as that of Chloe who can be found haunting the Myrtles Plantation inn? (You can read about that ghost right here on the Strange News Daily Blog by clicking here)

It has been pretty much proven that Chloe has never existed as a living person and all the stories about her are untrue. Yet people still report seeing her ghost wandering the inn. Is Chloe a tupla?


On the Creation of Tulpas

However interested we may feel in the other strange accomplishments with which Tibetan adepts of the secret lore are credited, the creation of thought forms seems by far the most puzzling.

Phantoms, as Tibetans describe them, and those that I have myself seen do not resemble the apparitions, which are said to occur during spiritualist séances.

As I have said, some apparitions are created on purpose either by a lengthy process resembling that described in the former chapter on the visualization of Ydam or, in the case of proficient adepts, instantaneously or almost instantaneously. In other cases, apparently the author of the phenomenon generates it unconsciously, and is not even in the least aware of the apparition being seen by others.

However, the practice is considered as fraught with danger for every one who has not reached a high mental and spiritual degree of enlightenment and is not fully aware of the nature of the psychic forces at work in the process.

Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker¹s control. This, say Tibetan occultists, happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when his body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother¹s womb. Sometimes the phantom becomes a rebellious son and one hears of uncanny struggles that have taken place between magicians and their creatures, the former being severely hurt or even killed by the latter.

Tibetan magicians also relate cases in which the tulpa is sent to fulfill a mission, but does not come back and pursues its peregrinations as a half-conscious, dangerously mischievous puppet. The same thing, it is said, may happen when the maker of the tulpa dies before having dissolved it. Yet as a rule the phantom either disappears suddenly at the death of the magician or gradually vanishes like a body that perishes for want of food. On the other hand, some tulpas are expressly intended to survive their creator and are specially formed for that purpose.

Must we credit these strange accounts of rebellious "materializations", phantoms which have become real beings, or must we reject them all as mere fantastic tales and wild products of imagination?

Perhaps the latter course is the wisest. I affirm nothing. I only relate what I have heard from people whom, in other circumstances, I had found trustworthy, but they may have deluded themselves in all sincerity.

Nevertheless, allowing for a great deal of exaggeration and sensational addition, I could hardly deny the possibility of visualizing and animating a tulpa. Besides having had few opportunities of seeing thought-forms, my habitual incredulity led me to make experiments for myself, and my efforts were attended with some success. In order to avoid being influenced by the forms of the lamaist deities, which I saw daily around me in paintings and images, I chose for my experiment a most insignificant character: a Monk, short and fat, of an innocent and jolly type.

I shut myself in tsams and proceeded to perform the prescribed concentration of thought and other rites. After a few months the phantom Monk was formed. His form grew gradually fixed and lifelike looking. He became a kind of guest, living in my apartment. I then broke my seclusion and started for a tour, with my servants and tents.

The Monk included himself in the party. Though I lived in the open, riding on horseback for miles each day, the illusion persisted. I saw the fat tulpa; now and then it was not necessary for me to think of him to make him appear. The phantom performed various actions of the kind that are natural to travelers and that I had not commanded. For instance, he walked, stopped, looked around him. The illusion was mostly visual, but sometimes I felt as if a robe was lightly rubbing against me, and once a hand seemed to touch my shoulder.

The features which I had imagined, when building my phantom, gradually underwent a change. The fat, chubby-cheeked fellow grew leaner, his face assumed a vaguely mocking, sly, malignant look. He became more troublesome and bold. In brief, he escaped my control. Once, a herdsman who brought me a present of butter saw the tulpa in my tent and took it for a living lama.

I ought to have let the phenomenon follow its course, but the presence of that unwanted companion began to prove trying to my nerves; it turned into a "day-nightmare". Moreover, I was beginning to plan my journey to Lhasa and needed a quiet brain devoid of other preoccupations, so I decided to dissolve the phantom. I succeeded, but only after six months of hard struggle. My mind-creature was tenacious of life.

There is nothing strange in the fact that I may have created my own hallucination. The interesting point is that in these cases of materialization, others see the thought-forms that have been created.

Alexandra David-Neel
Magic and Mystery in Tibet.
University Books Inc., 1965 Tulpa – Thoughtform Brought to Life

Mysterious People: A Mystic in Tibet – Alexandra David-Neel

Official Alexandra David-Néel web site

Alexandra David-Neel
Magic and Mystery in Tibet
University Books Inc., 1965

Alexandra David-Neel
Initiations and Initiates in Tibet
London, 1932.
Reprint, New Hyde Park, N.Y.
University Books, 1959.

Related Reading:

La Tulpa by Isolde Folger 28x28La Tulpa by Isolde Folger 28×28

Source: Strange News Daily Blog