Very surprising developments here!


Greetings from Galactic Heart … 

This past week has been a week where I have been challenged to be centered in the "eye of the storm". 

First, last Thursday (March 17) around 7:45 pm Sheldan successfully completed his Galactic Humans 101 webinar. As he was logging off his computer, I congratulated him on his great presentation. We were headed for the kitchen to eat dinner when he suddenly grabbed me, telling me he was so dizzy~~the room was spinning~~and he couldn't stand up. We immediately got him to bed, he couldn't move an inch without feeling wretched. I had never seen Sheldan immobile like this before. This state of Being lasted a couple of days before he was graced with a visit from St. Germain.

St. Germain told Sheldan that it was time for him to prepare for the next level of his mission. Sheldan is going through a sort of initiation and has not been able to do his usual work. I expect a new, re-energized man to blossom from his experience. 


Back to my saga…On top of taking care of Sheldan's every need, our shopping cart mal-functioned. This has been a nightmare trying to find the solution to the problem. All parties are diligently working on it and we anticipate the shopping cart to be up and running again this coming week. So many of PAO's loyal supporters have been trying to register for the webinar and/or purchase our consciousness products without success. They have been writing to me looking for an answer. I've done my best to answer the increased volume of emails but time has not allowed me to answer all of them especially because I was down with a blinding headache for 3 days and unable to be on my computer. I'm glad to report I'm fine now.

I am an empath and like many of you, I have been feeling the suffering going on around our world. Global events affecting us all are increasing every day. Mother Earth is calling out for our help~~she wants us to heed her warnings and become vanguards for change.

Also, this week we experienced several rain storms knocking out our telephones and electricity a couple of times. I remind myself often…This too shall pass. After a difficult week, I can report that things seem to be on the up-swing.

I know many of you are also experiencing difficult times. St. Germain reminded us to "Lighten up" and to remember to balance work with play. We eat a pretty good vegetarian diet, but our galactic medical teams are encouraging us to stop eating wheat and increase our water intake.

Sheldan and the PAO core team want to express our gratitude for your loving support. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we solve the shopping cart problems. Truly, together we are Victorious!

Below are two messages…one from Miles, PAO's webmaster, and one from Sheldan. Please read them so you are up-to-date on PAO activities. We will continue to post updates on our website:

Blessing of Love sent to each and everyone of you….Colleen


Urgent Message to all PAO Supporters and Webinar Registrants:

For the past week, PAO has been experiencing major technical problems in processing shopping cart credit card orders and Webinar registrations. Pinpointing the cause has been difficult, but we hope to have everything back to normal by next week. For now, credit card payment transactions are receiving an error message and will not process your payment.

Just after our GH101 Webinar on March 17, Sheldan fell ill. The Galactic Federation has told him that he is being downloaded with initiation plans for the PAO by the Ascended Masters. For this reason, Sheldan has been unable to carry on with his usual work.

There will not be an update on Tuesday, March 29. 
Webinar 16, originally planned for March 27 and March 31, will be re-scheduled to early April. Those who have successfully registered will be welcome to participate in Webinar 16's new time in April. We encourage anyone who tried to sign up while our shopping cart was down to re-register, once it is fixed. Please stay tuned!

We at PAO thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sheldan would like to share the following with you: 

Dear Friends of PAO,

I am experiencing a spiritual renaissance – a rebirth of my original dedication to the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy that will free me to successfully take the PAO, its friends and family, to the next level in our preparation for first contact and the arrival of our Spiritual Hierarchies.

With this will come the great changes and prosperity to which we all have looked forward to for so long. The next milestones for PAO will mark the beginning of renewed commitments and another step forward in our consciousness awakening.

For the past week, I have been undergoing an intense spiritual, mental, emotional and physical integration that has taken its toll on my eyes and energy levels and made it virtually impossible for me to work on a computer. As a result, I have had to miss a couple of updates and reschedule my latest Webinar 16 to early April. During that Webinar, I will bring you up to date on Earth changes, such as the recent series of earthquakes and the Japanese nuclear plant catastrophe, as well as the political upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa.

First Contact is a spiritual contact – an awakening to a new consciousness. It is a time for us to see ourselves with new eyes. It is a time for us to come together in unity as one people. It is a time for us to commit ourselves to sustain and uphold each other, always.

PAO is committed to the re-dedication of our role in this unprecedented spiritual event. We can do this by re-emphasizing our inter-connection through Planetary Activation Groups (PAGs). PAGs need to become PAO's critical center. PAO seeks to encourage the formation of PAGs and their interaction within the Planetary Activation family. I will be dedicating a future Webinar to the role of PAGs and how they operate. A good information source for everyone is my book, Selamat Ja! A Guide for Galactic Humans.

I look forward to resuming the updates as soon as I can, and to serving you even more completely by means of my newly acquired understandings.

Selamat Kasi Da! Selamat Gajun! 
(Sirian for "In Loving Service~Be One!")

Sheldan Nidle 
Founder, PAO