Surprisingly, on UFO-Blogger I find these 3 video's about Libya. It's not about UFO's or ET's at all this time. This Mr. Farrakhan really can talk, by the way!



( | 03-11-2011) – Minister Farrakhan blasted Pres. Obama and Secy. Clinton for their arrogance in meddling in another sovereign nation's affairs and publicly recommending regime change. He then instructed Americans to look beneath the surface to see who stands to benefit from the unrest and warned Pres. Obama to be careful of the words coming from advisors lobbying him to move in with military forces to depose Libya leader, Col. Gadhafi. Read more @

The news about Libyan air force attacking it's own people cannot be confirmed by Russian radar operators.


It is suggested that maybe because this speech Qadhafi is being attacked now.