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Heart Activations to All!

Circle of Light Spiritual Center offers Heart Activations to All!

The Messages from God at Circle of Light tell us that the Love pouring onto the Earth is now increasing exponentially, flooding hearts at this time of the Shift to the Heart. We at Circle of Light have been directed to offer a new service, Heart Activation, for anyone who desires to expand the opening of his/her heart more fully to receive this increasing influx of Love.

What does Heart Activation do?

Heart Activation awakens the divine spark that exists in the heart center of each of us by breaking through sometimes invisible blocks created by the mind, what God’s Messages have called “false heart’s beliefs.” Heart Activation leads a heart to the power and intimacy of pure communion with the Love that is God, our Creator. It reminds us that we are the Love of God extended into the world as each of us, the Creator’s active heart in outreach.

The ego mind is ever attempting to explain the world and to explain the spiritual path or awakening. It is not explainable in any way. It is, instead, an activation of that which is already alive within you, that which is already fully functioning.
Each heart is as the heart of God. Nothing we have ever experienced in Earth life has changed that and it cannot. The communion of the Beloved and His/Her heart is eternal, everywhere present and totally acknowledged in every electron of life that is present in the whole of God. There has merely been amnesia, a forgetting among humanity that we are the heart of God and only Love. There has been a placing of our attention elsewhere. Heart Activation accelerates the return of our focus to who we truly are.

Yael Powell has been asked to be the conduit, the heart that has been prepared through 35 years of mystical communion to be the deliverer of this Heart Activation. She has been directed to work intimately with Jeshua (Jesus) in this process. Jeshua (Jesus) is “the activator of the precious hearts of humanity who stands ready as a limitless ray of Love’s perfection, ready to immerse each heart in its truth.”

Jeshua has given additional information about this process. The person’s request “is the statement of the person’s willingness to awaken and to remember. It is required in order that each person can be a bridge to all they have experienced to every similar resonance in the world.

“Heart Activation is much more than personal. It is about being willing to be the Heart of Transformation, being willing to let the activated heart flow through the life and ego identity one has lived and lift it up once again in the Now Moment. It releases the perception of duality, and all the experiences of being a limited human and allows the heart to entrain each one and with it, every like resonance in the world.”

Heart Activation allows the fulfillment of each person’s purpose, first in the realms of Love…and then, as the expression in the world of symbols of whatever it means to that consciousness to fulfill their agreement with God.”

Who should request Heart Activation? Anyone ! Everyone ! Heart Activation does not require that the person be physically present with Yael or even present by telephone. The Activation is done through her connection with Spirit during meditation. All that is required is your sincere written request.

Heart Activation is free. There is no monetary charge.

God has asked us through the Messages to do all we can to make this available to everyone possible. Therefore, we are asking a simple exchange. We ask you to commit to sharing the information about Heart Activation with at least five people, if possible, to complete the Circle of Giving. To do this, please send the Heart Activation information directly to them.   You can also use your Facebook Friends, email lists, forums or other internet connecting links or sources to extend this Heart Activation for us. You are also welcome to donate money to Circle of Light in gratitude for the Heart Activation. It will be put to excellent use, we assure you. Use the Donation form at the bottom of, Home page.

To receive Heart Activation, please email us at We request your name, email and a few sentences about your desire for this service as well as your commitment to honoring the exchange. Please attach a picture of yourself. This represents your persona in this world at this time and is very important. We do not know and therefore will not be notifying you of the exact moment when the Heart Activation will take place but we would be delighted to hear your impressions of any changes in your life that are forthcoming.

Sending all of you our deepest Love,

~Yael, Doug and ShannaPra at Circle of Light

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