Written by David Wilcock Saturday, 26 March 2011 13:11


On Monday, March 21st, the Supreme Court gave the Federal Reserve two weeks to reveal where all the money has gone since November 2008. Was the Japan disaster an attack — to threaten the world into submission and hopefully stop the audit?





I have been deeply and permanently affected by the Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. We cannot look backward. We must keep moving forward, with the bravery and vigilance necessary to seek the truth — and use it.

In October 2003, I did a three-and-a-half-week tour of Japan to promote a limited printing run of my first book The Shift of the Ages in Japanese. I saw many beautiful places in a very short period of time. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

One of my stops was in Sendai — an incredibly magical and enchanted place. I visited sylvan Shinto shrines there, and I could feel the presence of these ancient epochs of history.

The people had allegedly been in contact with benevolent 'Gods' who came from Anemono Toribune, or "Flying Boats from the Universe." Quiet, magnificent temples were built at the exact spots where contact had apparently occurred.

No one speaks — but I was allowed to play my Native American flute. Deep. Haunting. Melodious. Honorable. Whispers of ancient promises long forgotten, but never abandoned. Those who had gathered around me were moved to tears.

It was extremely difficult for me to see images of Sendai and other Japanese cities having been so utterly destroyed. There is probably nothing left of those beautiful places where I once stood and offered my song to the ancestors of Japan.

My heart goes out to the victims of this terrible catastrophe.

All my defenses came down. I had to let myself cry.



I could not bring myself to watch most of the videos of mass destruction that were being released.

The media saturates us with images of disasters when these things happen. After 9/11, I watched the planes hitting the towers, and the towers falling down, so many times that I eventually became numb.

In this case I hardly watched anything. And I kept the sound down when I did.



Right as this horrific disaster was unfolding, all my final-final deadlines for my book with Penguin had come due.

Everything I had worked for, after all these years, had reached its critical moment — and my "child" now desperately needed my full and undivided attention.

Despite how overwhelmed I was feeling, and the hundreds of letters requesting I write something about this disaster immediately, I stayed in there and I finished the job.

If I had avoided my responsibility, critical flaws would have appeared in the final version. Flaws I had the power to prevent. Flaws I would have to live with for the rest of my life — forever questioning whether I had done the right thing.

It was a very tough call — but I decided that the greater good would be served by completing my epic work when it needed me most.

I still haven't had the opportunity to go back and appreciate the finished product with a fresh perspective — as experiencer rather than creator — but I very much look forward to it, as I have no regrets.




Looking back now, I do feel that The Source Field Investigations vastly outmatches any other video, article, lecture or book I've ever done — in terms of the scope, depth and power of the verifiable scientific material I put together.

It presents many new and unprecedented keys to unlock the mysteries of ancient science. We can create the Golden Age so many prophecies foretold… as we move through this period of great difficulty into the wonders that lie beyond.

I'm not asking you to believe that a Golden Age will happen after 2012.

I spread out the blueprints and show you exactly how we are going to get there.

The Ancients left us all the puzzle pieces we need.

Read further at: Divine Cosmos