a co-creation with love…

Now….we come forward this day
to share with you where you find yourself
to be in this moment of your journey
that in truth has been a journey that has
taken you nowhere…….you have not "moved"
an inch and yet you have expanded all that you are…

you have entered the 9th gateway..
celebrate this truth for now it is for you
to truly come to live within heaven as you
still seem to be traversing and living within
the "old" world….

heaven precious hearts is but a thought away…
and it is that "thought" that we come to expand on
this day…this moment …this now where you find
yourself to be…

you… precious hearts ….
are co creating heaven on earth
which is another way of saying
living from within your divine mind vs. your ego mind…
you are being "brought" many opportunities
to choose "with love' vs. against love…

this reality will become more and more apparent to you
as you begin as a Conscious Creator to take
responsibility for what you are creating…
within the reality you find yourself to be in now
your creations will be much more immediate…

it is for you to come now to fully embrace your creative power
and to "observe" what you are "choosing" to create…

within each arising is ~ the face of love..~
it is your focus then that will bring about
your experience…
it can come in many ways….but these arisings will come
as you move more into a state of loves reality…

more and more that which you wish to experience
will be seen as "only a choice away"…

for you see precious…precious hearts
I and the Father are One
is your only true reality…
all that the Father is…You are…
all the power of heaven and earth is within you now…
you….as a co creator………are constantly making choices…

we come this day to "state" that Now is the Time
to choose with love…
within each choice that you choose to see love
and be love
you are "creating a new reality" and within each choice
for love you add to the beauty of the
reality that is sitting right behind the old reality
that is as we speak falling away…

you….You…right where you are
within each choice for love
are adding to the radiance of creation
and bringing forth world upon world that radiate..
that mirror
loves perfect reflection…


does it not make sense to
you then that to bring
forth a world where all you see is a reflection
of the divinity of yourself that you must choose
to see that truth of what you are
within all arisings… ???

for what you "claim" will be your experience..
i know the world has arisings that appear to be
unlike love……….i am asking you to "see" with the eyes
of the real world………….that eye sees thru all arisings
and only acknowledges the divinity of that which
is the truth of all things….thus bringing to yourself
an experience of that reality….yes….precious friends..
you must choose with love….
there is no other way to experience the truth
unless you….as the creator you are…
choose to experience it…..

as a conscious creator your power is in
"your choice"….
it is not about doing anything…it is about
"being love"…

moving into the heart
simply being love….
opening the heart within and allowing its treasure
to spill forth from your being
as you "create a space' for it to enter…
as you allow each arising and create a space
of wonder
then choosing to see only the love within
the arising……..that choice will bring to you
the miracles you have sought…
yet…….they are not miracles at all…they are
the truth of reality….you have simply been
"blocking the view"…

You can experience Heaven on Earth
right here…right now

to choose with love is to allow each thought
that arises within you
that would suggest to you that you are
somehow less than this love…

that you are not a powerful creator…

to choose with love is to allow those thoughts
to simply arise and pass away…
this is one of the grandest acts of service one can give
simply to allow the thoughts unlike love
to be……….to pay them no "thought"…
to choose again with love……..

take a moment this day………….think of someone or something
that is "bothering you"………that doesn't seem to feel
like love………..whatever it is does not matter…
allow the thought to arise that something in your life
does not "seem" to be of love…

then………..make a 'conscious choice" to change your mind..
to look at this person…place or thing
and to choose again…
to say…"i do not know what this is for
but i will choose to see only love within this arising.."

then……..let it go…
then……………wait on love..
allow love to bring forth loves perfect solution….

it is in the "waiting on love" that your true power
to create with love will be known to you once again…

on this earth precious friends
your ideas of what love is are very
let me say "twisted"……….

when you live as love
you allow all things…
you know that all things are embraced in the loving
arms of all that is
and you bless the arising thus
recognizing its perfection…

it is within that recognition
that the miracles spring forth…

the action of choosing with love
is what allows the love to shine thru
each arising…

to discover this and experience it for yourself
is the purpose of this message…

to create with the heart
and live there will be very important in these
coming days and weeks…

to know the peace of god
which is in truth who You Are
is remembered once again
as you choose to think "~with god ~
~With love~
with Reality

yes………it is and always has been
"in the palm of your hands"…

with that ……we bid you adieu…

~the voice of love~


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