Latest developments of Ismael Aviso include: MEG powers 800 Watt bulbs for 4 hours; OU Researcher Replicates Aviso's Coil-Short Cascade Effect; Intellectual Passport Bypasses Convoluted Patent Journey; Aviso's EV isn't Self-Sustaining Yet; Aviso Aims for 50 MPH Self-Charging EV Kit; Aviso Invites Dark Players to Change Sides.


Ismael Aviso positions his self-running electric car for testing at the Philippine DOE facility February 24, 2011.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

I had about a 1.5-hour chat with Ismael Aviso yesterday morning (MST, night time Philippines).  He's the Filipino inventor that has come up with an on-board power system that keeps his electric vehicle battery (only one needed) fully charged by harnessing power from the surroundings somehow, which was tested and verified by the Philippine DOE last week. (Ref.)

While most inventors merit a story every once in a while, Aviso is generating headlines at the rate of at several a day sometimes.

Yesterday's batch began in the morning with an email announcing that he had made a breakthrough with his MEG (solid state version of his technology), lighting a 100-Watt light bulb for 1.5 hours continuous, and only in the last half hour did the voltage on this battery show a small drop. There's one headline: Aviso MEG Powers 100-W Bulb for 1.5 Hours.

Once refined and scaled, this could power homes, electric vehicles, etc. Now this morning, I see that there are more email messages from him about his MEG, with more power output; and I can see that this is going to be today's task, to do a full write-up, and an interview to go along with it.  Stay tuned for that report probably tomorrow.


MEG testing result

Duration: Total of 4 hours 
Load: 800watts Resistive Bulb [estimate]
Input: 12.8V 
Battery capacity: 6,000 watt-h. 
Battery remain: 12.7V
Volts drop: After 4 hours =0.1 volts

He and his wife are grateful for the outpouring of support being shown by the donations coming in to support his considering open sourcing his technology. (Ref.) As of yesterday morning, they had received a little over $500, mostly $10-20 at a time, with a couple of larger donations. Aviso said this is the first time they've received donations. It makes them feel appreciated; and it exhibits a sacrificial support for the open source direction. (Headline: Aviso Bolstered by Donation Outpouring for Open Source Encouragement.)

While this is wonderful, it is coming at a rate that falls very short of the amount of money needed to properly do the R&D Aviso wants to do; for which investors are approaching him about amounts in the millions. I told him that I was hoping to get on Coast to Coast soon, and other major alternative media programs, when we're ready to do a money bomb, and see if we can't get a lot more for him. (Headline: Aviso Money Bomb Coming Soon.)

An amazing option that I just learned about that could make both open source and investment mutually compatible is an alternative way of protecting intellectual property, called an "Intellectual Passport CB." I was referred to the concept by Karl Palsness a gifted researcher I've known for about half a year who has been doing overunity R&D full-time, with investment funds, since 2002. Having validated a key concept mentioned in my interview with Aviso last week, he wants to work with Aviso, and is willing to fly to Manila to get started. (Headline: Long-Time OU Research Lab Eyes JV with Aviso.) (Another headline: OU Researcher Replicates Aviso's Coil-Short Cascade Effect.)

He said that you can get an intellectual passport, or technical copyright, which will provide worldwide protection, for just $15,000 (whereas world patent protection can run half a million USD) . It only takes about 6-8 weeks; and he said it is "better than a patent", costing much less, having stronger protection, and lasting longer.  I plan to write more about this later.  Stay tuned.  I talked to Martin today, who has been a key player in launching this approach.

This would enable an open source project (providing quick turn-around of the copyright filing), while still providing the ability to enforce license terms for any commercial ventures arising from the open source project. Karl has done it before, and he said there are cases where the intellectual passport has even won against something as big as U.S. military infringement. (Another headline: Intellectual Passport Bypasses Convoluted Patent Journey.)

One thing Aviso clarified for me was that in order to get to a true self-running electric vehicle, he needs to get to an efficiency of about 230%. The Philippine Department of Energy tested his system last week to be at 133% efficient. So while he could achieve a much longer trip on one charge, he isn't yet to the point of actually being able to travel continuously without having to charge it from some other source. But he hopes to be able to get to that point soon. (Headline: Aviso's EV isn't Self-Sustaining Yet.)

Here's a letter he got from one of the DOE personnel present last week.  The full report is expected later this week.

click image
for larger version.

His next objective is to get retrofit a better vehicle and to sustain 80 kilometers per hour (kph), or 50 mph. That is the version that he would then integrate into a kit which could be sold and distributed as the first product in 2-3 months from now. These kits would retail somewhere around $2,500 to $3,000 USD. (Headline: Aviso Aims for 50 MPH Self-Sustaining EV Kit.)

Aviso is toying with the idea of setting up a marketing network and offering distributorships for $100,000 per million population territory, with a $10,000 deposit into escrow. As the time comes to launch these kits, he would hold a seminar for training the installers, complete with video materials to show certain key steps. This will require that he be in production of the key components of the kit, such as the transistor that he designed.

My understanding is that as long as a person is buying more than 50% of the parts that go into an assembly, it is considered a hobby kit, and doesn't come under the same kinds of regulations as a complete unit being sold. So while the more polished production prototype is being engineered and tested and receiving its UL certifications and such (which takes 1-2 years), the distribution could be focused more on the hobby market. And some nations, especially in the third world, are not as encumbered by regulations; so completed units could go on sale there sooner. He would love to see one million installation facilities by the end of the year. (Headline: Aviso Envisions 1 Million Installation Stations by 2011 End.)

One of the best markets will be existing electric vehicles. They may be the easiest to convert, as well as the easiest to hide from bureaucrats with nothing better to do than pester people who are doing something good for themselves and the planet. Maybe they could get a better job, such as building and distributing MEGs for home power. (Headline: Aviso Invites Dark Players to Change Sides.)

Considering all the opportunities that could be associated with this process, Aviso quipped: "This is a free energy party. Everyone is invited."

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.


What You Can Do

  1. Donate to Ismael Aviso R&D while he is waiting for his funding to come in.
  2. Pass this on to your friends and favorite news sources.
  3. We at PES Network are also in a pinch right now.  Donations would be greatly appreciated; but if you have to choose one or the other, send your donation to Ismael.
  4. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay abreast of the latest, greatest developments in the free energy sector.
  5. Let professionals in the renewable energy sector know about the promise of this technology. 
  6. Help find a moral investor for this group.